236 York Hall
Born in Montréal, he spent part of his professional life in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Rome, Italy. He has been at York since 1977, teaching part of his load at Glendon College since 1979. In 2000, he became a full-time member of Glendon College. He was a member of the School of Public and International Affairs of which he was the first Graduate Programme Director. He retired in 2019
Religious History
University of Ottawa, 1975
Carleton University, 1971
immigration; religion; Québec; Québec/Canada relations.
The Many Rooms of this House : Diversity in Toronto’s Places of Worship since 1840 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017), 428pp.
Ignace de Montréal, artisan d'une identité nationale (Montréal; les Éditions du Boréal, 2008)
« St-Boniface au cœur d’un catholicisme continental et pluraliste » SCHEC, Études d’histoire religieuse, 85, 1-2(2019), 23-38
« Toronto’s Italians and their Places of Worship », Oltreoceano: rivista sulle migrazioni, Numero speciale sulla dimensione religiosa dell’immigrazione nel Nuovo Mondo,14, (2018), 97-104
« Un adversaire du bilinguisme officiel à la commission Laurendeau-Dunton », Bulletin d’histoire politique, 26, 2 (hiver 2018), 114-127
"L'Église et l'édification d'une culture publique au Québec," Études d'histoire religieuse, 67, (2001), 261-270.
« Les précurseurs de la délégation apostolique du Canada face à la question nationale, 1877-1884 », Philippe Roy-Lysencourt dir., Histoire de la Délégation apostolique du Saint-Siège au Canada, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021, pp. 25-38
“The View from the Quirinal: the Holy See and Confederation,” in Marcel Martel, Adrian Shubert, Anne Krikorian, eds., Globalizing Confederation: Canada and the World in 1867, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017, pp. 97-109
« Rome, les relations internationales et la question nationale avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale » dans Martin Pâquet, Matteo Sanfilippo et Jean-Philippe Warren, dir., Le Saint-Siège, le Québec et l’Amérique Française (Québec ; Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013), 185-196
Dictionary of Canadian Biography, XV, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005), “Louis-Nazaire Bégin,” 78-84
Oxford Companion to Canadian History, Gerry Hallowell, ed., (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004), “Ignace Bourget,” 82, “Paul-Napoléon Bruchési,” 93, “Gallicanism,” 251, “Gavazzi Riots,” 254, “Albert Lacombe,” 345, “Manitoba Schools Question,” 384-5, “Alexandre-Antonin Taché,” 606, “Ultramontanism,” 628
Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Vierte Auflage. Band 6, (Tubingen; Mohr Siebeck, 2003), “Louis-Joseph Papineau”, “Joseph-Octave Plessis”
Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Vierte Auflage. Band 2, (Tubingen; Mohr Siebeck, 2000), “Catholic Action (Canada)”, “Joseph Charbonneau”, “Charles de Forbin-Janson”
Encyclopedia of Canada’s Peoples, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999),, “Themes in Immigration History,” 1258-67, RP and Harold Troper, “Immigration Policy,” 700-713
"The Immigrants' Church: The Third Force in Canadian Catholicism, 1880-1920" Canada's Ethnic Group Series Booklet #25 (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1998), 37p.
Dictionary of Canadian Biography, XIV, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998), "Adélard Langevin," 597-600
The Immigrants' Church: The Third Force in Canadian Catholicism, 1880-1920 Canada's Ethnic Group Series Booklet #25 (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1998), 37p.
The Immigrants' Church: The Third Force in Canadian Catholicism, 1880-1920 Canada's Ethnic Group Series Booklet #25 (Ottawa: Canadian Historical Association, 1998), 37p.
Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, (Freiburg, Basel, Wien: Verlag Herder, 1996),, "Kanada: Kirchengeschichte," 1165-6,, "Kanada: Allgemeine Statistik," 1175
Dictionary of Canadian Biography, XIII, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994), with Gail Comeau-Vasilopoulos, "Thomas Duhamel," 296-301
Dictionnaire biographique du Canada, XI, (Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1981), "Joseph Alexandre Baile," 45-7, "Joseph Desautels," 274-6
John W. Dafoe Foundation Book Prize, 1991, for Rome in Canada
Principal of Glendon College Research Award, Senior Category, 2016
Heritage Toronto Book Award, 2018, for The Many Rooms of This House