Professeur agrégé
C116 York Hall
Femmes et féminisme
Pensée politique et sociale
Doctorat :
Université York
Maîtrise :
Université de Toronto
Montesquieu and the Discovery of Society, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Society, Theory and the French Revolution. Studies in the Revolutionary Imaginary. London: Macmillans Press/St. Martin's Press, 1986.
With Lorna Weir, “Sovereignty, Governance and the Political,” Thesis Eleven, No. 94 (August 2008)
With Lorna Weir, “Politics and Sovereign Power: Considerations on Foucault,” European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 9, No. 4 (2006)
“Thinking the ‘Social’ with Claude Lefort,” Thesis Eleven, No. 87 (November 2006)
"Montesquieu, Adam Smith and the Discovery of the Social," Journal of Classical Sociology, Vol.4, No.1 (March 2004).
"Intellectuals and Democracy: The Three Figures of Knowledge and Power," CTHEORY, <> Article: A147 (12/1/2004).
"Méditations pascaliennes. The Skholè and Democracy," European Journal of Social Theory, Vol.2, No.3 (August 1999).
"Habermas et l'idéologie: Requiem (et plaidoyer) pour un concept," Carrefours. Revue de réflexion interdisciplinaire, 20 -1, 1998.
"Cultural versus Contractual Nations: Rethinking their Opposition," History and Theory, Vol. 35, No. 3, 1996
"État-nation: essai sur un trait d'union," Société, No. 14, hiver, 1995.
"The 'Heidegger Affair.' Philosophy, Politics and the 'Political'." Theory and Society, Vol. 22, No 4, August 1993.
"Société, théorie et Révolution française: étude de l'imaginaire révolutionnaire." Société, No. 10, été 1992.
"Baudrillard's Seduction." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Thought, Vol. XV, Nos. 1-2 & 3,1991
"Violence in the French Revolution: Forms of Ingestion/Forms of Expulsion." Social Research, Vol. 56, No. 1, 1989
Étienne de la Boétie and the Discourse on Voluntary Servitude." Telos, No. 34, 1980.
"The Later Castoriadis: Institution under Interrogation." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1980.
"The Early Castoriadis: Socialism, Barbarism and the Bureaucratic Thread." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1979.
"Democracy Beyond the Political: Reconsidering the Social," Claude Lefort: Thinker of the Political, ed. by Martin Plot, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
"Claude Levi-Strauss," Politics and the Human Sciences, 1940-68. History of Continental Philosophy, Vol. 5, ed. by David Ingram, Stocksfield Hall: Acumen
“Montesquieu on Power: Beyond Checks and Balances,” Montesquieu and his Legacy, ed. Rebecca Kingston, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2008
“Tocqueville in America: Citizenship without the Polis,” Mediating Acts of Citizenship, edited by Engin Isin and Greg M. Nielsen, Zed Books, 2008
Entries on "Montesquieu" and "Rousseau" in The Encyclopedia of Social Theory, 2 volumes, ed. George Ritzer, Thousand Oaks, Cal.: Sage Publications, 2005.
"Baudrillard's Seduction." Ideology and Power in the Age of Lenin in Ruins, edited by Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Montreal: New World Perspectives/St. Martin's Press, 1991
"Violence in the French Revolution: Forms of Ingestion/Forms of Expulsion." The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity, ed. by Ferenc Feher, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
Introduction for Special Issue on Claude Lefort, Thesis Eleven, No. 87 (November, 2006).
"Societies Against the State: An Introduction to the Political Anthropology of Pierre Clastres." Occasional Papers of the Center of Humanistic Studies at the University of Minnesota, 1986, no. 6.
Introduction to and translation of Michel Freitag, "The Dissolution of Society in the Social," European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 5, No. 2 (May 2002).
Translation: Claude Lévi-Strauss, Look, Listen Read. New York: Basic Books, 1997 [Regarder, Écouter, Lire. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1993].
Translation: François Furet, "The Mutations of Revolutionary Historiography," in The French Revolution and the Birth of Modernity. Edited by Ferenc Feher. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.
Translation: Jean Baudrillard, Seduction. Montreal: New World Perspectives/St.Martin's Press/Macmillans Press, 1990. [De la séduction. Paris: Éditions Galilée, 1979].
Introduction to and translation of Cornelius Castoriadis, "The Imaginary Institution of Society." In The Structural Allegory. Reconstructive Encounters with the New French Thought. Edited by John Fekete. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.