Professeure agrégée, Départment de Sociologie
École d'Affaires publiques et internationales
C120 York Hall
Mes recherches portent sur les mouvements sociaux, la modialisation, l’environnement, les changements climatique, le travail, la sociologie urbaine et l’inégalité. Mes présentes recherches portent sur l’économie verte et la justice climatique à travers les normes du travail et l’environnement aux États-Unis et au Canada et le mouvement écologiste au Canada.
Changement climatique
Emploi, travail et formation professionnelle
Mouvements sociaux
PhD, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of California Berkeley
mouvements sociaux; changements climatiques; l'environnement; le travail; l’inégalité; la mondialisation.
Tienhaara, Kyla and Joanna Robinson (eds.). 2022. Routledge Handbook on the Green New Deal. New York: Routledge.
Robinson, Joanna. 2013. Contested Water: The Struggle against Water Privatization in the United States and Canada. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press Maison d'édition
Graham, Nicholas and Joanna Robinson. 2024. “Building a new environmentalism: News media access and framing in Canada’s environmental movement.” Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 1–20.
Allan, Kori and Joanna Robinson. 2022. “Working Towards a Green Job? Autoworkers, Climate Change and the Role of Collective Identity in Union Renewal." Journal of Industrial Relations 64(4).Robinson, Joanna. 2020. “Building a Green Economy: Advancing Climate Justice through Labour-Environmental Alliances.” Mobilization 25(2): 245-264.
Tindall, David, Robinson, Joanna and Mark Stoddart. 2018. “Lessons from Clayoquot Sound for the Trans Mountain Protest.” The Conversation August 27.
Tindall, David and Joanna L. Robinson. 2017. “Environmentalist Social Networks and Collective Action to Save the Ancient Temperate Rainforests of British Columbia: The Case of Clayoquot Sound.” Ecology and Society 22(1).
Robinson, Joanna, David Tindall, Erin Seldat and Gabriella Pechlaner. 2007. “Support for First Nations’ Land Claims Amongst Wilderness Preservation Movement Participants: The Potential for an Environmental Justice Movement in British Columbia”. Local Environment 12(6): 579-598.
Robinson, Joanna. 2022. “Jobs, Justice and the Green New Deal.” in Kyla Tienhaara and Joanna Robinson (eds.). Routledge Handbook on the Green New Deal. New York: Routledge.
Robinson, Joanna. 2016. “Contested Water: Risk, Resilience and the Politics of Conservation” in Beth Schaefer Caniglia, Beatrice F. Frank and Manuel Vallee (eds.). Resilience, Environmental Justice and the City. New York: Routledge. 157-176.Tindall, David and Joanna Robinson. 2015. “The Concept of Social Movement Revisited.” In Protest and Politics: The Promise of Social Movement Societies, edited by Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers. Vancouver: UBC Press: 208-232.
Tindall, D.B., Joanna L. Robinson, Mark C.J. Stoddart. 2015. “A View from Sociology: Environmental Movement Mobilization Over Old Growth Temperate Rainforests in British Columbia.” In Conflicts in Conservation: Navigating Towards Solutions, edited by Stephen Redpath, Ralph Gutierrez, Kenvi Wood, and Juliette Young. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Tindall, D.B., Joanna L Robinson, and Mark C.J. Stoddart. 2014. “Social Network Centrality, Movement Identification, and the Participation of Individuals In a Social Movement: The Case of the Canadian Environmental Movement.” In Quantitative Graph Theory: Mathematical Foundations and Applications, edited by Matthias Dehmer and Frank Emmert-Streib. Oxford, UK: Chapman and Hall/CRC. 407-424.
Christmas, Candice and Joanna Robinson. 2015. “Towards a Green Economy in Canada” Work in a Warming World Working Paper 2015-02. 47 pages.