Professeur agrégé
York Hall C231
Doctorat :
Université de Goettingen; Directeur: Manfred Denker
Maîtrise :
Université Laval; Directeur: Thomas J. Ransford
1. Noninvertible Dynamical Systems - Volume 1: Ergodic Theory - Finite and Infinite, Thermodynamic Formalism, Symbolic Dynamics and Distance Expanding Maps, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 69/1, 2021, avec Sara Munday (John Cabot University) and Mariusz Urbanski (University of North Texas).
2. Noninvertible Dynamical Systems - Volume 2: Finer Thermodynamic Formalism, Distance Expanding Maps and Countable State Subshifts of Finite Type, Conformal GDMSs, Lasota-Yorke Maps and Fractal Geometry, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 69/2, 2022, avec Sara Munday (John Cabot University) and Mariusz Urbanski (University of North Texas).
A paraitre:3. Noninvertible Dynamical Systems - Volume 3: Analytic Endomorphisms of the Riemann Sphere, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 69/3, 2023, avec Sara Munday (John Cabot University) and Mariusz Urbanski (University of North Texas).
Les plus récentes
1. The Hausdorff dimension spectrum of conformal graph directed Markov systems and applications to nearest integer continued fractions (avec Andrei Ghenciu, University of Wisconsin, et Sara Munday, John Cabot University), Journal of Number Theory, 175 (2017), 223–249.
2. Conformal graph directed Markov systems: beyond finite irreducibility (avec Andrei Ghenciu, University of Wisconsin, et Dan Mauldin, University of North Texas), Journal of Fractal Geometry, 3 (3) (2016), 217–243.
3. Bowen’s formula for shift-generated finite conformal recursive constructions (avec Andrei Ghenciu, University of Wisconsin), Real Analysis Exchange, 40 (1) (2015), 99–112.
4. Gibbs states for non-irreducible countable Markov shifts (avec Andrei Ghenciu, University of Wisconsin), Fundamenta Mathematicae, 221 (3) (2013), 231–265.
5. A new variation of Bowen’s formula for graph directed Markov systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems — Series A, 32 (7) (2012), 2533–2551.
Mon nombre d'Erdòs est 2.
Deutsch (Allemand)