
Shaudin Melgar-Foraster

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Shaudin Melgar-Foraster is a published writer who was born in Barcelona in Catalonia. She now lives in Toronto, Canada, where she is a professor at Glendon College, York University.
Saudin Melgar-Foraster
Shaudin Melgar-Foraster wrote her first short stories when she was six years old and her first novel at the age of twelve. In addition, while in Catalonia, she studied dance and archaeology, as well as teaching dance. After moving to Canada, she obtained a B.A., a Masters and a Ph.D, at the University of Toronto, where she specialized in Hispanic literature, literary criticism and theory.

Dr. Melgar-Foraster began teaching Catalan language and culture at the University of Toronto in 1995. In 2003 she joined the Department of Hispanic Studies at Glendon College where she has been in charge of teaching all the Catalan courses –thanks to the support of the Institut Ramon Llull–, as well as teaching courses in Spanish language and literature.

Shaudin Melgar-Foraster has combined her career as a professor with her biggest passion: writing. During her years at Canadian universities, first as a student and then as a professor, she has written numerous short stories –some for publication and others to be read at various conferences of literature at Canadian universities. In 1991 she won the award for short stories at the Symposium of Hispanic-Canadian Women Writers.

Then, in 2005, she undertook the creation of a major work, divided into several novels, written in Catalan and addressed mainly to younger readers. The first of these books, Més enllà del somni, was published in 2008. The English version –translated by Canadian author Caroline Roe– was released in 2009 as Beyond the Dream. At present Shaudin Melgar-Foraster is finishing Perduts a l’altre món, the second book.

Glendon News article from February 9, 2010:
Catalan Professor Shaudin Melgar-Foraster Takes Readers Beyond the Dream