Calling all Glendon leaders: win a FREE TRIP to the Canadian Conference on Student Leadership
Glendon Campus is hosting a competition where you will have the chance to attend the CCSL in Vancouver from November 23-25.
The Canadian Conference on Student Leadership (CCSL) brings together post-secondary student leaders from across the country and the world to share ideas, become inspired, and leave determined to make a difference on their campuses and in their communities. More information about the conference program, travel information and schedule can be found here.
Sponsorship details
What is covered by the sponsorship?
- The Conference registration fee
- Flight to and from Vancouver from November 23 – 25 inclusive
- Accommodations from November 23 – 25 inclusive
What you (the student) will be covering:
- Meals
- Any other expenses (including but not limited to social activities, shopping, personal expenses, etc.)
- Must be enrolled as a registered and active current Glendon student
- Must be available to attend the conference in Vancouver from November 23 – 25 inclusive
- Must apply between now and October 31, 2017 at 4:59 pm
- Apply for the full sponsorship coverage: send an email to with your answers by 4:59pm on Tuesday, October 31 2017
- The candidates will be reviewed by the office of Student Affairs, and ONE winner will be contacted by 11:59pm on October 31st, 2017
- Then, the winner must register to attend the conference
Please send an email to by Tuesday, October 31st at 4:59pm answering the following questions, in a few words:
Student number
Are you enrolled as a registered and active current Glendon student? Y/N
Are you available to attend the conference in Vancouver from November 23 – 25 inclusive? Y/N
What does leadership mean to you / how do you act as a leader in your everyday life?
How will you apply what you take away from CCSL when you come back to Glendon?