Presentation: “Rethinking the Visual Codes used in Addiction Media Coverage”
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November 27, 2019 @ 9:15 am – 10:30 am
Glendon Campus, room YH190
2275 Bayview Ave.
2275 Bayview Ave.
This coming Wednesday, November 27th, join us to listen a presentation by freelance photographer and journalist Laurence Butet-Roch:
▶︎ “Kicking the Habit: Rethinking the Visual Codes used in Addiction Media Coverage”.
The work of Laurence Butet-Roch has been published in Polka Magazine, The New York Times Lens Blog, TIME Lightbox, The New Yorker Photo Booth, The British Journal of Photography, and National Geographic, amongst others. Visit her official website to learn more. This presentation will take place as part of the course GL/COMS 4200 Knowledge Dissemination, in room YH 190.
This event is open to all. It is being organized and sponsored by York University’s Glendon Campus Communications Program