Affiliation: Bogazici University
Research Interests:
Translation history, periodical studies, reception studies, retranslation, paratexts
Research Projects:
2014 – present The methodological relevance of the periodical press for translation historiography
2013 – 2016 A Descriptive and Critical Look at Retranslation: Retranslated Works in the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey (funded by the Boğaziçi University Research Fund)
Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey (ed. with Saliha Paker and John Milton), John Benjamins, 2015.
Special issue of Across Languages and Cultures “Translational and cultural exchange between two cultures pushed to global periphery” (ed. with Nike Pokorn), Vol. 14, Issue 2, 2013.
The Politics and Poetics of Translation in Turkey, 1923-1960, Rodopi Publishing, 2008.
“The Translational Anatomy of a Children’s Magazine”, TRANS: Revista de Traductologia, Special issue on Translated Children’s Literature ed. by Cecila Avstad and Ase Johnsen. No. 14, 2014.
“Does the Drina Flow? Cultural Indifference and Slovene/Yugoslav Literature in Turkish”, Across Languages and Cultures 14 (2) 183-198, 2013.
“Pseudotranslation on the Margin of Fact and Fiction” in Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter (eds.) Companion to Translation Studies, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
“Translation History”, Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, 2013.
“Scouting the Borders of Translation: Pseudotranslation, Concealed Translation and Authorship in Twentieth Century Turkey”, Translation Studies, 3 ( 2), 172-187, 2010.
“Translation, Presumed Innocent. Translation and Ideology in Turkey”, Samah Selim (ed.) The Translator (special issue on Nation and Translation in the Middle East), 15 (1), 2009.
“Chaos Before Order: Network Maps and Research Design in DTS”, Meta, Translation and Networks special issue, 52 (4), 724-743, 2007