Research Interests or Specialties 

  • Community-based adult ESL 
  • Critical media literacies / multiliteracies in ESL
  • Language and Identity
  • Citizenship Education in English Language Teaching 
  • Trans/plurilingual pedagogies, trans-semiotics 

    Research Projects

    • Postmemory and Critical Affective Literacies (with Anwar Ahmed) 
    • Transnational Language Teacher Education (with Ian Martin, Marlon Valencia) 

    Selected Publications (from 2017)

    Corcoran, J. N., Morgan, B., Ng, J., Song, H., & Valencia, M. (2023). Trans/plurilingual Pedagogies: A Multiethnography. DELTA (Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Aplicada). In SciELO Preprints.×202356227 

    Morgan, B., & Ahmed, A. (2023). Teaching the nation(s): A duoethnography on affect and citizenship in a content-based EAP program. TESOL Quarterly [Special Issue on Teaching English in a Time of Resurgent Nationalism].

    Ahmed, A & Morgan, B. (2022). Critical Affective Literacies in/for Applied Linguistics. International Journal on Linguistics of Sumatra and Malay (IJLSM), 1(1), 01-09.

    Da Silva, K. A., Morgan, B., & Monte Mor, W. (2022). Refletindo sobre a Educação Linguística Crítica e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Revista da ABRALIN, 21 (2), 254-260.

    Morgan, B. (2022). Afterword to A. Ahmed, Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (pp. 123-128). Palgrave Macmillan.

    Morgan, B., Pennycook, A., & Kubota, R. (2021). Preface. In Y. Kanno, English learners’ access to postsecondary education: Neither college nor career ready (pp. viii-xiv). Multilingual Matters.

    Bruz, I., Moura, G., Maciel, R., Martin, I., & Morgan, B. (2021). Transglocality in English language teacher education: A transnational polyethnography of the Glendon D-TEIL experience in Cuba. In O. Barnawi & S. Anwaruddin (Eds.), TESOL teacher education in a transnational world (pp. 191-208). Routledge.

    Ahmed, A., Morgan, B., & Maciel, R. F. (2021). Feeling our Way: A Trioethnography on Critical Affective Literacy for Applied Linguistics. Calidoscópio, 19 (4), 538-552.

    Morgan, B., Rocha, C., & Maciel, R. F. (2021). Literacies in Times of Crisis: A Trioethnography on Affective and Transgressive Practices. Brazilian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 21 (2), 333-369.

    Ahmed, A., & Morgan, B. (2021). Postmemory and multilingual identities in English Language Teaching: A duoethnography. Language Learning Journal, 49 (4), 483-498. 

    Windle, J., & Morgan, B. (2020). Remix nationalism and critical language education. In K. McIntosh (Ed.), Applied linguistics and language teaching in the neo-nationalist era (pp. 267-294). Palgrave Macmillan. 

    Morgan, B. (2020). Is the juice worth the squeeze? Forward to F. Bangou, D. Fleming, & B. Waterhouse (Eds.), Deterritorializing language, teaching, and learning: Deleuzo-Guattarian perspectives on Second Language Education (pp. vii-xv). Brill Sense. 

    Norton, B., & Morgan, B. (2020). Poststructuralism. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The concise encyclopedia of applied linguistics (901-907). John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0924 

    Moura, G., & Morgan, B. (2020). Discipline of Teaching English as an International Language (D-TEIL): Perspectives for language teacher education. Série-Estudos, 25 (54), 177-192.

    Morgan, B., Martin, I., & Maciel, R. F. (2019). The Walkyria effect: Inspiring transnational language teacher education. Pensares em Revista, 15, 8-21. DOI:10.12957/pr.2019.41188

    Martin, I., & Morgan, B. (2019). A transnational approach to language teacher education: The Glendon D-TEIL experience in Cuba and Brazil. In W. M. Silva, W. R. Rodrigues, & D. M. Campos (Orgs.), Desafios da Formação de Professores na Linguística Aplicada (pp. 157-174). Campinas, SP: Pontes.

    Chun, C., & Morgan, B. (2019). Critical research in English language teaching. In A. Gao (Ed.), Springer Second Handbook of English Language Teaching. Springer Publishers.

    Morgan, B. (2019). Critical literacies in language teacher education: Constraints and opportunities. In D. Ferraz & C. J. Kawachi-Furlan (Eds.), Literacies: Critical perspectives in language education (pp. 265-282). GEEC – LE (Grupo de Estudos sobre Educação Crítica – Línguas Estrangeiras).  Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo.

    Morgan, B. (2019). Afterword: Fostering teacher agency and ideological awareness. In S. Anwaruddin (Ed.), Knowledge mobilization in TESOL: Connecting research and practice (pp. 189-195). Brill Sense.

    Morgan, B., Pennycook, A., & Kubota, R. (2018). Preface. In S. Vandrick, Growing up with God and empire: A postcolonial analysis of ‘missionary kid’ memoirs (pp. xi-xvii). Multilingual Matters.

    Morgan, B. (2018). Religious faith and the language learning context: Exploring the “interface”. In M. Wong & A. Mahboob (Eds.), Spirituality & language teaching: Religious explorations of teacher identity, pedagogy, context, and content (pp. 195-206). Multilingual Matters.

    Morgan, B., Pennycook, A., & Kubota, R. (2017). Preface. In B. Johnston, Coming into the word: Ethnography of an Evangelical Christian language school in Poland (pp. vii-xi). Multilingual Matters.

    Morgan, B. (2017). Language teacher identity as critical social practice. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity research (pp. 203-209). New York: Routledge

    [See also]

    Invited Presentations (from 2017) 

    30th International Conference on Learning, São Paulo, Brazil, July 13, 2023. Colloquium: Personal Encounters, Decolonial Complexities: Insights from Editing Beaver, Bison, Horse (R. Grace Morgan, University of Regina Press, 2020). 

    Research Festival, Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact, Glendon College, April 4th, 2023. Presentation: Curve of the Earth: Album Reflections, Pedagogical Connections.

    University of Bristol Conversations in Education Research Seminar Series, Nov. 23, 2022. Affective Literacies: Reconceptualizing the Text through Duoethnography (with Anwar Ahmed).

    4th International Interdisciplinary Conference on Language Affairs: Emotion in Multidisciplinary Studies, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, October 18th, 2022. Invited Keynote: Critical Affective Literacies in/for Applied Linguistics (with Anwar Ahmed). 

    PUC-Campinas, Brasil, October 10, 2022. Translanguaging, trans-semiotization and the affective turn in Language Studies. Lecture with Ruberval Maciel.

    GECAL/Universidade de Brasília (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Language), Brazil. June 17, 2022. New Challenges and Opportunities for Critical Language Work:  Exploring Affect, Postmemory, Duoethnography. Available on Profformação YouTube channel.

    UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil, June 14th, 2022. Roundtable with Prof. Ruberval Maciel (Interviewer: Prof. Petrilson Pinheiro): Multiliteracies, criticality and translanguaging as practices of resistance.

    Education and Social Justice Across Borders: Celebrating 100 Years of Paulo Freire, University of South Australia, December 7, 2021: Round table presentation on critical literacies across borders.

    GEELLE – Grupo de Estudos sobre Educação Linguística em Línguas Estrangeiras, University of São Paulo, August 7, 2020: Lecture with Lynn Mario Menezes de Souza & Daniel Ferraz.

    Inaugural Lecture for the Graduate Program in Academic and Professional Literacies. State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil, April 9th, 2019. Teaching volunteering: Critical citizenship and language teaching in post-democratic times.

    IV Encontro do Projeto Nacional de Letramentos, University of São Paulo, April 1-4, 2019. Round Table: Brazil /world views on literacies, education, applied linguistics studies and intercultural relations: A transnational debate.

    Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, DC. Panel on Language, Culture and Education: Implications for Second Language Learners, March 28th, 2019. Paper: The Role of Identity and Agency in the Preparation of Second Language & Education Teachers.

    VII CLAFPL – Latin-American Congress on Language Teacher Education, Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Belém, Brazil, September 11-13, 2018. Plenary (with Ian Martin): A Transnational Approach to Language Teacher Education: The Glendon D-TEIL Experience.

    International Society for Language Studies Conference, Waterloo, ON. June 27th, 2018. Opening Panel: Socially Engaged Language Studies in Canada through Activism and Participation.

    Federal University of Ouro Preto, Humanities and Social Sciences Institute, Mariana, Brazil, August 4th, 2017. Invited Lecture: Critical Practices in Language Teacher Identity Work: The Issues Analysis Project.

    6th International Colloquium on Literacy and Writing Culture, July 30th, 2017. Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Opening Round Table on Literacy and Power Relations.

    University of Massachusetts, Boston, Department of Applied Linguistics, April 20th, 2017. Invited Lecture: EAP Citizenship: Articulated Pedagogies for Post-Democratic Times.

    2017 TESOL International Convention, Seattle, WA, March 24th. Second Language Writing/Language Teacher Education Intersectional Colloquium: Teaching Teachers to Write: Assignments and Approaches in Pre-service Programs.