Igor Djordjevic

Associate Professor


   York Hall C216
   416-736-2100 x 88161

Professor Djordjevic specializes in English Renaissance dramatic and non-dramatic literature, including Shakespeare.  Author of three books--Holinshed’s Nation: Ideals, Memory, and Practical Policy in the Chronicles (2010); King John [Mis]remembered: the Dunmow Chronicle, the Lord Admiral’s Men, and the Formation of Cultural Memory (2015); Remembering, Replaying, and Rereading Henry VIII: The Courtier's Henry (2025)--as well as book chapters and articles in Renaissance and Eighteenth-Century studies, his research interests are in the history of reading and the relationship between English cultural memory and historical writing

English Early Modern (Renaissance) Literature
Early Modern English Drama including Shakespeare
Early Modern Historiography and Historical Thought

Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature 

PhD: University of Toronto (2005)

MA: University of Toronto (2001)

BA summa cum laude: Binghamton University (1994)

Early modern historical writing and cultural memory; Rhetoric in 16th-17th century nationalist discourse; Early modern readers and reading practices; Renaissance drama; Shakespeare.


•     Remembering, Replaying, and Rereading Henry VIII: The Courtier's Henry. Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, 2025.  

  •    King John (Mis)Remembered: The Dunmow Chronicle, the Lord Admiral’s Men, and the Formation of Cultural Memory. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2015.  
     •    Holinshed's Nation: Ideals, Memory, and Practical Policy in the Chronicles. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2010.

Journal Articles

•    “Thomas, Lord Cromwell Recontextualized: An Economic Fable in Response to The Merchant of Venice.” Comparative Drama 56 (2022): 389-413.

 •    “The Possible Origins of Edmund’s 
BirtherismThomas, Lord Cromwell by ‘W.S.’” Notes and Queries 266:1 (2021): 113-15.

  •    “‘A Picture of my Mind, my Sentiments all laid open to their View’: Lady Chudleigh’s Printed Verse, the Coterie Reader, and the Modern Editor.” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 24 (2019): 3-31.

    •    "'No chronicle records his fellow': Reading Perkin Warbeck in the Early Seventeenth Century." Renaissance and Reformation 40.2 (2017): 63-102.

     •    “W.P.: The Case for William Patten’s Contribution to Holinshed’s Chronicles (1587).” Notes and Queries 53.1 (2006): 40-43.   
     •    “Cadenus and Vanessa: A Rhetoric of Courtship.” Swift Studies 18 (2003): 104-118.   
     •    “Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet): From Shakespearean Tragedy to Postmodern Satyr Play.” Comparative Drama 37 (2003): 89-115.   
     •    “The (In)Complete Quest of Sir Yorick, the Knight of Charity: A Sentimental Journey as a ‘Cervantic’ Romance.” The Shandean 14 (2003): 79-97.   

Book Chapters

     •    “‘The breath of kings’ and ‘the pleasure of dying’: Political ‘Sin’ and Theatrical Redemption in Eikon Basilike.Sin’s Multfaceted Aspects in Literary Texts. Ed. Paola Partenza. [In the series: Passages – Transitions - Intersections, Vol. 5]. Göttingen, Germany: V&R Unipress, 2018. 15-35.  

     •    "Shakespeare and Medieval History." The Handbook of Holinshed's Chronicles. Ed. Paulina Kewes, Ian Archer, and Felicity Heal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 515-30.

Other Publications

    •    “Schools of Criticism (II).” Trans. Igor Djordjevic. Interviews with Northrop Frye. Ed. Jean O'Grady. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 1079-88. Originally appeared in Republika 46.11-12 (Nov.-Dec. 1990): 48-54.    
     •    Review of The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare’s History Plays (2002). Essays in Theatre 20 (2002): 173-76.   

Glendon Principal's Teaching Excellence Award 2008-2009

Glendon Principal's Teaching Excellence Award 2016-2017

