Les études comparatives et la micro-histoire,
liées aux développements du XXe siècle (les guerres, les épisodes de
prospérité et de dépression economique, le nationalisme, le populisme et
la révolution), ont mené à mon livre "Canne en Flammes: Communautés
sucrières, classes et formation de l'État à Cuba: 1868-1959" (2009); ils
orientent aussi mes nouvelles recherches sur le Brésil.
Sites web :
Développement social et bien-être social
Doctorat :
Université de Georgetown, 2002
Maîtrise :
Université de Georgetown, 1997
MITACS Globalink Research Internship (for May-August 2022) “Sugar Workers, Farmers, and Factory Owners in the Struggle for Power in Brazil, 1880-1965.” Intern: Patrine Oliveira, fully funded for 3 months.
Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean President’s Fund for Black, Indigenous, and EDI Research, $4,000 (PI, used to hire RA Luah Tomas)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 3-year Standard Research Grant, "Sugar and Power in the Brazilian Countryside, 1900-1964" (2009-2013)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Postdoctoral Grant, "Sugar, Populism, and Revolution in Cuba, Mexico, and Brazil, 1900-1964" (2002-2004)
voyez c.v.
The Entangled Labor Histories of Brazil and the United States (Rowman & Littlefield: Lexington, 2023), co-edited with Thomas D. Rogers, Alexandre Fortes, and Fernando Teixeira da Silva
Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868-1959 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009)
2023 “Real Labor Movements, Imagined Revolutions: The Northeastern Brazilian Sugar Zone through US Eyes, 1955-1964,” co-authored with Thomas D. Rogers, in The Entangled Labor Histories of Brazil and the United States. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield Lexington Books. pp. 203-238
2023 “Introduction: Connections, Comparisons, Inspirations—Overcoming a Dichotomous View of the History of Labor in the United States and Brazil,” co-authored with Fernando Teixeira da Silva, Alexandre Fortes, and Thomas D. Rogers, in The Entangled Labor Histories of Brazil and the United States. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield Lexington Books. pp. 1-8
2021 “Café com açúcar: homens, mulheres, e capital nas regiões canavieiras de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro,” in O rural em América Latina: perspectivas, edited by Vanderlei Vazelesk Ribeiro and Maria Verónica Secreto de Ferreras. Rio de Janeiro: Fino Traço. pp. 195-222
2020 “Classe em Formação, revolução na imaginação: Trabalhadores canavieiros no Nordeste Brasileiro em anos de tumulto, 1955-1964,” co-authored with Thomas D. Rogers, in Trabalho & Labor: Histórias compartilhadas, Brasil e Estados Unidos, Século XX, edited by Fernando Teixeira da Silva and Alexandre Fortes. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Sagga. pp. 205-239
2015 “Cuba: Depresión, imperialismo y revolución, 1920-1940,” in La Gran Depresión en América Latina, edited by Paulo Drinot and Alan Knight. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica. pp. 308-346
2014 “Cuba: Depression, Imperialism and Revolution, 1920-1940,” in The Great Depression in Latin America. Ed. Paulo Drinot and Alan Knight. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. pp. 246-275
2015 “Populism in the Circum-Caribbean, 1920-1940,” co-authored with Thomas D. Rogers, in Transformations of Populism in Europe and the Americas: History and Recent Tendencies, edited by John Abromeit, Bridget María Chesterton, Gary Marotta and York Norman. New York: Bloomsbury Academic Press. pp. 153-177
2008 “Reading Revolution from Below: Cuba, 1933 and 1959,” in Latin America from the Wars of Independence to the Drug Wars. Westport, Ct: Greenwood Publishing Group. pp. 203-234
- Voir CV
2023 Nominated and Elected Advisory Board Member for the Luso-Brazilian Review (University of Wisconsin Press, 4-year term)
2020 Nominated and Elected Chair, Brazil Section of the Conference of Latin American Historians (Secretary, 2019)
2019 Nominated and Elected Area Editor for The Americas (Cambridge University Press journal, 6-year term)
2014 Chaire Dupront, visiting professor at Sorbonne Paris IV (month of April)
2010 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Award for solo-authored monograph: Blazing Cane: Sugar Communities, Class, and State Formation in Cuba, 1868-1959. Duke University Press, 2009. 386 pp.
Selected as one of four finalists for the 2009 Canadian Historical Association’s “Wallace K. Ferguson Prize” for the outstanding scholarly book in a field of history other than Canadian.
2003 Glassman Award for Best Dissertation in the Humanities at Georgetown
1998 Winner, International Essay Contest on Peace & Security in the Americas FLACSO-Chile / Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC, US$1500
1994 Highest Achievement in Spanish, University Award, Dalhousie
voir CV