Professeure agrégée
Myra Bloom se spécialise en littérature moderne et contemporaine canadienne et québécoise. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur la littérature confessionnelle des femmes ainsi que les relations interculturelles dans la fiction québécoise.
Littérature canadienne/québécoise
L'écriture des femmes
PhD -- Littérature comparée, U de Toronto
MA -- Littérature comparée, U de Toronto
BA (Hons.) -- U de King's College
“Sources of the Self(ie): An Introduction to the Study of Autofiction in English.” English Studies in Canada 45. 1-2 (March/June 2019): 1-18.
"The Trope of the Translator: (Re)Writing history in Heather O'Neill's The Girl Who Was Saturday Night and Claire Holden Rothman's My October. Canadian Literature 233 ("Literary History," Summer 2017): 51-68.
“'At the End of Everything': Confession and Critique in Michel Tremblay's Damnée Manon, Sacrée Sandra.” ESC: English Studies in Canada 41.2-3 (2015): 43-64.
“'The Suitable Language of Love': Confessional Discourse in By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept.” Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne 39.2 (Spring 2015): 45-61.
“Paratactics: Marie-Claire Blais's Feminist Praxis in Soifs.” Québec Studies 52 (Fall 2011/Winter 2012): 123-136.
"Messy Confessions: Sheila Heti's How Should a Person Be?" Avant Canada: Poets, Prophets, Revolutionaries. Eds. Gregory Betts and Christian Bök. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2019: 173-196.
"Sometimes Baffling, Sometimes Subline: Sheila Heti's Pure Colour." The Walrus. May, 2022.
"The Writers Leading the Nonfiction Revolution." The Walrus (online). December 17, 2020
"The Darker Side of Leonard Cohen." The Walrus (online). April 9, 2018
"Marie-Claire Blais." Critical Survery of American Literature. Ed. Steven Kellman. Hackensack, NJ: Salem Press, 2016: 280-85.