Thursday, January 26, 2017
The new US president will be inaugurated on January 20, 2017 and the implications will be felt immediately throughout the globe. Donald Trump has already stated that he will do politics differently. He has signaled major policy shift on globalisation, international trade, immigration, security, border management, NATO, the UN and multilateralism just to mention a few. Throughout the election campaign the media played a role – good or bad. Youth participation both during the primaries and the election campaign was remarkable – along with the active social media. Moving forward, at the Glendon Global Debates the experts will discuss some of these issues but and will touch on the following:
- The U.S. elections and the global impact – Middle East in particular;
- The short/long term implications on Canada/ U.S. relations; trade, security etc.;
- The role of the media/social media – good, bad, indifferent;
- Youth participation and youth voices during and after the election campaign.
Click here to see the pictures.
Debate Summary
Joan Ablett
Consultant, Ablett Communications
Juan Alsace
U.S. Consul General in Toronto
Miloud Chennoufi
Chair of the Department of Security and International Affairs, Canadian Forces College (Toronto) and
BMO Visiting Fellow, GSPIA
Ron Pruessen
Professor, Department of History, University of Toronto
Annie Demirjian
Director, School of Public and International Affairs