November 23, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Katalin Cseh studied medicine in Budapest and health economics in the Netherlands before she started her political career at Momentum Movement, a newly established centre-progressive party. She was one of the founding members of the party and later she became a candidate for the European Parliamentary elections. After taking  up her mandate in the European Parliament, she was elected to the position of Vice-President of Renew Europe. Katalin is working actively as a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Human Rights, the Committee on Regional Development, and the Committee on Budgetary Control. She is an active member of the European Parliament’s Gender Mainstreaming Network, as well as bureau member of the Anti-Corruption Intergroup and Vice-Chair of the Climate Intergroup. Katalin is also the Chair of Renew Europe’s Working Group on Values and Democracy.