Request for proposal (RFP):

As part of the Lunar Exploration Accelerator Program (LEAP), Public Works and Government Services Canada, on behalf of the Canadian Space Agency, has launched a request for proposal (RFP) entitled “LUNAR EXPLORATION ACCELERATOR PROGRAM (LEAP) PHASE 0 SCIENCE INSTRUMENTS – RFP 9F050-200032/B”.



The objective of the Scientific Instruments Phase 0 study is to demonstrate and confirm the feasibility, value and benefits of the instruments for the LEAP, and to demonstrate the validity of the mission requirements as well as the project readiness, so as to proceed with the development of the system requirements. At the end of this Phase 0 study, the CSA should have all the scientific, technical and programmatic information necessary to assess the potential of the proposed Scientific Instrument that will contribute to the objectives of the LEAP. The primary goal as defined in this SOW is to generate the activities and the resulting information in the form of documents, meetings, reviews and other means of communication to attain the objective stated above.



Not applicable



Maximum funding of $600,000.00  (Applicable Taxes extra) for each contract.  



The expected period of the contracts for the Phase 0 initiative is from the date of contract up to nine (9) months in length.



Full proposal due at ORS for full review by 9:00 am Monday, July 27, 2020
Final proposal and fully signed ORS Checklist due at ORS for required review by 9:00 am Monday August 3, 2020
Full proposal due at agency by 14:00 EDT Monday August 10 2020


Please contact your Faculty Research Officer for information on their internal deadlines.


For further information

Sameer Ali Abbasi

Contracting Specialist, Public Works and Government Services Canada, Acquisitions Branch Space Programs and Procurement Directorate

Telephone: 873-354-4921


ORS is accepting electronic applications – the process is outlined here:


York University researchers are reminded that all applications for external research funding must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Services before they are submitted to the granting agency. For internal approval, the application must be accompanied by a completed ORS Checklist, which requires the Chair’s and the Dean’s signatures. To ensure that the approved application is ready by the agency deadline, a complete application folder must be submitted to ORS ten (10) working days prior to the final submission date.