Please note that overhead is not eligible and does not need to be included in the budget.


The Government of Canada COVID-19 Immunity Task Force recently released a Request for Expressions of Interest(RFEOI)for projects related to COVID-19 Hots Spots. A summary is provided below. 



This RFEOIis for population-based studies that will report novel data relating to COVID-19 infection and immunity in three types of COVID-19 “hot spots”: i) geographic areas; ii) long-term care facilities; and iii) occupation groups.   


The three “Hot Spots” for Study: 

  1. Geographic Areas:  Neighbourhoods, boroughs, and municipalities with disproportionately high rates of COVID-19 (defined as cases per thousand above a defined threshold), where there are often high concentrations of racialized populations, Indigenous populations, recent immigrants, and homeless persons. 
  2. Long-Term Care Facilities: About 25% of long-term care facilities in Canada have suffered COVID-19 outbreaks with extremely high mortality rates. Residents, front-line workers, families, visitors and personal care companions all factor into infection risk, yet 75% of facilities have not experienced outbreaks. 
  3. Occupation Groups and Populations Served: Those who are at higher risk because working from home is not an option and the nature of the work setting places them in close proximity and requires significant interactions with the population served, the general public, and/or co-workers. Priorities include: 
    • Education workers and students – i.e. teachers, support staff and students; 
    • Public service workers – fire, police, transport, security; 
    • Industrial workers – meat/fish packing, seasonal agricultural; 
    • Retail workers – grocery, restaurant, personal goods. 


Required Overhead 

Not eligible



Not stated 



12 – 18 months 


EOI and fully completed and signed ORS checklist due at ORS for required review  By 9:00am on Thursday, September 17, 2020 
EOI due at agency  Monday, September 21, 2020 
Final revised proposal due at ORS for full review  Friday, October 9, 2020 
Final revised proposal and fully completed and signed ORS checklist due at ORS for required review  By 9:00am on Thursday, October 22, 2020 
Final revised proposal due at agency (by invitation only)  Monday, October 26, 2020 


Please contact your Faculty Research Officer for information on their internal deadlines. 


ORS is accepting electronic applications – the process is outlined here: 

For more information on this funding opportunity, please visit the following link: