York Hall 125
416-736-2100 x 88358
Systèmes de croyance
Psychothérapie Doctorat : McMaster University
B.Sc. McGill University
Articles arbitrés | |||
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Ladowsky-Brooks, R. & Alcock, J.E. (2007). Semantic-episodic interactions in the neuropsychology of disbelief. Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 12, 97-111. | ||
• | Antoniazzi,M., Celinski, M. & Alcock, J.E. (2002).Self-responsibility andcoping with pain: Disparate attitudes towards psychosocial issues inrecovery from workplace injury. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24(18), 948-953. Van der Tempel J. & Alcock J. E. (2015). Relationships between conspiracy mentality, hyperactive agency detection, and schizotypy: supernatural forces at work? Personality and Individual Differences, 82, 136–141. 10.1016/j.paid.2015.03.010 . Alcock, J.E. (2018). Book Review, Kate. Oatley K. Oatley (2018), “Our Minds, Our Selves: A Brief History of Psychology”. American Journal of Psychology, 132(1), 119-122. Reber, A.S. & Alcock, J.E. (2020). Searching for the impossible: Parapsychology’s elusive quest. American Psychologist , 75(3), 391–399. Alcock, J.E. (2020). Parapsychology: The search science left behind .Physics in Canada, 76(1) |
Alcock, J.E. (1981). Psychology and near-death experiences. In K. Frazier (Ed.), Paranormal Borderlands of Science (pp. 153-169). Buffalo: Prometheus Books. [Reprint of Alcock, 1979)]
Alcock, J.E. (1985) Parapsychology as a "spiritual science". In P. Kurtz (Ed.), A skeptic's handbook of parapsychology (pp. 537-565) Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
Alcock, J.E. (1986). Parapsychology's past eight years: a lack-of-progress report. In K. Frazier (Ed.), Science confronts the paranormal. (pp.20-27). Buffalo: Prometheus Books. [Reprint of Alcock, (1984)]
Alcock, J.E. (1992). Religion and rationality. In J. Schumaker (Ed.), Religion and mental health (pp. 122-131). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Alcock, J.E. (1994) An analysis of psychic sleuths' claims. In J. Nickell (Ed.), The psychic sleuths (pp. 172-190). Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
Alcock, J.E. (1996). The propensity to believe. In N. Levitt. et al (Eds.), The flight from reason. New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
Alcock, J.E. (1997). Social psychology and mental health. In Sadava, S. et al (Eds.) Applied social psychology. New York: Prentice-Hall.
Alcock, J.E. (1998).The belief engine. In K. Frazier (Ed.), (1998). Encounters with the paranormal. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books. [Reprint of Alcock, 1985]
Alcock, J.E. (2000). Alternative medicine and the psychology of belief. In W. Sampson and L. Vaughn (Eds.), Science meets alternative medicine: What the evidence says about unconventional treatments. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books.
Alcock, J.E. (2001). Science versus pseudoscience, non-science, and nonsense. In P. Kurtz (Ed.) Skeptical Odysseys. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Press.
Alcock, J.E. (2003). Give the null hypothesis a chance. Reasons to remain doubtful about the existence of psi. In Alcock, J.E., Burns, J. & Freeman, A.. (Eds.) Psi Wars. London: Imprint Academic. [Translated into Swedish:Alcock, J.E. (2005) Parapsykologins problem. In J. Jeskert & S.O. Hansson (Eds.), Vetenskap eller villfarelse (pp 197-220). Sweden: Leopard Forlag].
Alcock, J.E. (2006). The social psychology of sustainability. In E. Laszlo & Peter Siedel (Eds)., Global survival : the challenge and its implications for thinking and acting. New York: Select Books.
Alcock, J.E. (2009). The psychology of chronic pain. In R. Oatley & J. McLeish (Eds.), Oatley McLeish Guide to Anatomy and Impairment, Toronto: LexisNexis Canada
Alcock, J.E. (2009). The parapsychologist’s lament. In S. Krippner & H. Friedman (Eds), Mysterious Minds: The Neurobiology of Psychics, Mediums and other Extraordinary People, Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood (Pp. 35-44)
Alcock, J.E. (2010). Attributions about impossible things. In In S. Krippner & H. Friedman(Eds), Debating Psychic Experiences. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger (Pp. 29-42).
Alcock, J. E. (2016). Forward. In T. Witkowski, Psychology led astray. (PP. ix-x). Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press
Alcock, J. E. (2017).
Afterward-Bear in mind. In K. Stollznow (Ed.), Would you believe it? (Pp.239-246).
Alcock, J.E. (2021). Belief and the cognitive unconscious. In A.S. Reber & R. Allen (Eds.), The cognitive unconscious: The first half-century. (pp. ??-??). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Alcock, J.E. (In Pres). ESP and PK. In S. Hupp & R. Wiseman (Eds.), Investigating Pop Psychology Pseudoscience. Routledge
Member, Joint Designation Committee, Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards/ National Register. 1991- 1997. Chairperson, 1993-95
Member of Council, Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology. 1986-1988
Member, Ontario Board of Examiners in Psychology, 1985-1990. Secretary-Treasurer, 1986-87. Chair, 1987-88
Member, Task Force on Legislation, Ontario Board of Examiners in Psychology 1990-91
Member, Search Committee for Registrar, Ontario Board of Examiners in Psychology, 1991.
Examiner, Oral Examination Committee, Ontario Board of Examiners in Psychology, 1982, 1983
Chair of Examination Team, Oral Examination Committee, Ontario Board of Examiners in Psychology, 1990-99
Co-Editor, Special Issue, Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2002
Programme Evaluator, Psychology Programme, University of Ottawa, 1996
Chair, Section on Social Psychology, Canadian Psychological Association, 1984-86.
Member, Editorial Board, Canadian Psychology, 1984-1987.
Member, Mental Health Management Review Committee, National Health Research and Development Program, Health and Welfare Canada, Ottawa, 1989.
Member, Working Group (Evaluation of parapsychology). Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States. Washington D.C., September 29-30, 1988.
Member, Selection Committee for Leave and Postdoctoral Fellowships, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Ottawa, 1981.
BBS Associate - (Behavioral and Brain Sciences)
Member, Editorial Board, The Skeptical Inquirer.
Member, Executive Council, Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.
Series Editor, Psychology Series. Prometheus Books. 1986-89.
Consulting Editor, Zetetic Scholar.
Consulting Editor, The Journal of Near-death Studies.
Psychological Consultant, International Primate Protection League,
Secretary-treasurer, Ontario Congress of Academic Psychologists, 1975-77.
Member, Board of Directors, Interest Group for the Teaching of Psychology, 1973-74.
Scientific Advisor, Forces Beyond Productions 1994
Consulting Editor, The Dictionary of Psychology (R.J. Corsini). Philadelphia, PA: Brunner/Mazel. 1999
Member, Council for Scientific Medicine
Member, Editorial Board, The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine
Member, Commission for Scientific Medicine and Mental Health
Member, Advisory Board, American Council on Science and Health
Occasional Reviewer:
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Canadian Psychology
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Journal of Educational Psychology
American Psychologist
Psychological Reports
Perceptual and Motor Skills
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly
Journal of Parapsychology
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
National Health and Welfare Research Development
Alberta Mental Health Research Fund
Parapsychology Association (1994 conference)
Animal Behavior
Imagination, Cognition and Personality
Perspectives on Psychological Science
Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice
Columbia University Press
Palgrave Press
Member, Board of Directors, North American Chronic Pain Association of Canada, 1987-90. Honorary Member, 1990 - present.
Psychological Consultant, Department of Psychology, Workers' Compensation Board Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Downsview, Ontario, 1974-1987.
Member, Definition of Blindness Committee, Canadian National Institute for the Blind, 1983.
Member, Child Sexual Abuse Collaborative Treatment Protocol Development Committee. Region of Peel, 1985.