Professeur agrégé
Je suis déconcerté et fasciné par l’histoire que nous sommes en train de faire. Nous vivons une crise dans nos rapports avec la nature et avec les autres. Les mouvements religieux ont défié les prédictions de sécularisation pour devenir d’importants acteurs mondiaux. Quels outils la sociologie peut-elle offrir pour comprendre ces développements ? Comment faire œuvre utile par nos recherches ?
Énergie et ressources naturelles
Multiculturalisme et transculturalisme
Organisations internationales
Pensée politique et sociale
Doctorat :
Université Western Reserve
Maîtrise :
Université Western Reserve
2005 Ed., Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives: proceedings of a conference held in association with the Middle East Environmental Futures Project. Toronto: York University Centre for International and Security Studies.
1991 Ed., Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society, Vol. II. New York: Ktav. (with Simcha Fishbane)
1983 Ed., The Changing Jewish Community. Toronto: Institute for Behavioural Research.
Forthcoming “From Diaspora to Diaspora: the Meaning of South African Jewish Immigration to Canada,” Canadian Jewish Studies. (with Joan Schoenfeld and Gail McCabe)
2007 "Environmental Justice and Peacebuilding in the Middle East," Peace Review 19:371-379 (with Ilan Alleson).
1999 “Transnational Religion, Charter Schools and the Dilemma of Public Funding For Jewish Education: The Case Of Ontario,” Jewish Political Studies Review 11(3,4):115 - 139.
1999 “Jewish Education and Jewish Continuity in the United States and Canada: a Political Culture Perspective,” Journal of Jewish Education 65(1,2):60-71.
1998 “Six Methodological Problems in Forecasting the Impact of Jewish Education on Jewish Identity.” Journal of Jewish Education 64: 87 - 101.
1997 “Bar/Bat Mitzvah In Their Social Context: Late Modernity, Identity And Jewish Education.” Journal of Jewish Education 63 (3): 11 - 16.
1995 “Recent Publications on Bar/bat mitzvah: Their Implications for Jewish Education Research and Practice,” Religious Education 89 (4): 593 - 604.
1988 "Rereading a Canadian Classic: Crestwood Heights As a Study of the Invisible Religion." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. 25(3): 456-463.
1987 "Folk Religion, Elite Religion and the Role of Bar Mitzvah in the Development of the Synagogue and Jewish School in America," Contemporary Jewry. 9: 67-85.
1983 “The Transmission of Jewish Identity in a Non-Jewish Neighbourhood", Contemporary Jewry. 6 (2): 35-44.
1978 "The Jewish Religion in North America: Canadian and American Comparisons," Canadian Journal of Sociology. 3 (2): 209-231.
In process (solicited contribution) “Shape Shifting as a Diasporic Constant: Two Thousand Years of Jewish Dispersion,” Nergis Canefe and William Safran, eds., Comparative Perspectives on Jewish Diaspora.
2007. “Retelling the Story of Water in the Middle East.” Pp. 1-29 in Clive Lipchin, Eric Pallant, Danielle Sarange and Allyson Amster eds., Integrated Water Management in the Middle East,” Springer. (with Eric Abitbol and Francesca De Chatel)
2006. “Canadian Jewry and Transnationalism: Israel, Antisemitism, and the Jewish Diaspora.” Pp. 278-295 in Lloyd Wong and Vic Satzewich, eds., Transnational Communities in Canada. University of British Columbia Press. (with William Shaffir and Morton Weinfeld)
2006. "Toronto." Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: Keter
2005 “Types of Environmental Narratives and their Utility for Understanding Israeli and Palestinian Environmentalism.” Pp. 93-113 in Stuart Schoenfeld, ed., Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives: proceedings of a conference held in association with the Middle East Environmental Futures Project. Toronto: York University Centre for International and Security Studies.
2005. “Introduction.” Pp. 1-10 in Stuart Schoenfeld, ed., Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives: proceedings of a conference held in association with the Middle East Environmental Futures Project. Toronto: York University Centre for International and Security Studies.
2005 “Can We Help Peacebuilding by Shifting Frameworks? Some Issues in Cultivating a Regional Ecological Perspective in the Middle East.” Pp. 223-231 in Ryerson Christie and Elizabeth Dauphinee, eds., The Ethics of Building Peace in International Relations. Toronto: Centre for International and Security Studies, York University.
2001 "The Religious Mosaic: A Study in Diversity." Pp. 165 - 181 in Ruth Klein and Frank Dimant, eds., From Immigration to Integration: the Canadian Jewish Experience: a millenium edition. Toronto: Malcom Lester.
2000 “Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah” in Reader’s Guide to Judaism. Chicago: Fitzroy, Dearborn Publishers.
1999 “Reluctant Cosmopolitans: The Impact of Continentalism, Multiculturalism and Globalization on Jewish Identity in Canada," Pp. 137-155 in Steven M. Cohen and Gaby Horenczyk eds., National Variation in Jewish Identity. New York: SUNY Press.
1998 “On Theory And Methods In The Study Of Jewish Identity” in Ernest Krausz and Guiti Tulea, eds. Jewish Survival - the Identification Problem at the End of the 20th Century. Transaction Books.
1993 "Some Aspects of the Social Significance of Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebrations", reprinted from Fishbane and Lightstone, 1990, in Helen Lenneman, ed., The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook. Denver: Alternatives in Religious Education.
1993 "The Sociology and Anthropology of American and Canadian Jews" in Jack Wertheimer, ed., The Modern Jewish Experience. New York: New York University Press.
1993 "Folk Religion, Elite Religion and the Role of Bar Mitzvah in the Development of the Synagogue and Jewish School in America," reprinted from Contemporary Jewry. 9: 67-85, in Helen Lenneman, ed., The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Handbook. Denver: Alternatives in Religious Education.
1992 "Ritual and Role Transition: Adult Bat Mitzvah as a Successful Rite of Passage", pp. 349-376, in Jack Wertheimer, ed., The Uses of Tradition: Jewish Continuity Since Emancipation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
1992. "Interpreting Adult Bar Mitzvah: The Limits and Potential of Feminism in a Congregational Setting", pp. 205-219, in Menachem Mor, ed., Jewish Sects, Movements and Parties. Omaha: Creighton University Press.
1991 "Introduction," in Simcha Fishbane and Stuart Schoenfeld, eds. Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society, Vol. II. New York: Ktav.
1990 "Some Aspects of the Social Significance of Bar/Bat Mitzvah Celebrations", pp. 277-304, in Simcha Fishbane and Jack Lightstone, eds., Essays in the Social Scientific Study of Judaism and Jewish Society. Montreal: Department of Religion, Concordia University.
1989 "Jewish Identity in a Multicultural Canada: The Implications for Assimilation and Intermarriage." Pg. 92-98 in E.Y. Lipsitz, ed., Canadian Jewry Today: Who's Who in Canadian Jewry. Toronto: JESL.
1989 "Wandering Jews and Local Jews: Migration and Jewish Community Structure." Pp. 86-91, E.Y. Lipsitz, ed., Canadian Jewry Today: Who's Who in Canadian Jewry. Toronto: JESL.
1988 "Integration into the Group and Sacred Uniqueness: An Analysis of Adult Bat Mitzvah", pp. 117-135, in Walter P. Zenner, ed., Persistence and Flexibility: Anthropological Studies of American Jewish Identity and Institutions. Albany: State University of New York Press.
1986 "The Sociology of Religion". Pp. 235-275 in Michael Rosenberg et. al. An Introduction to Sociology, 2nd edition. Toronto, Methuen.
1981 "Canadian Judaism Today". Pp. 129-149 in William Shaffir, Morton Weinfeld and Irvin Cotler, eds. The Canadian Jewish Mosaic. Toronto: John Wiley
2006. “Toronto.” Encyclopedia Judaica. Jerusalem: Keter. (with Harold Troper)
1997 “Jews” in The Canadian Encyclopedia. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. As of October 2001, the encyclopedia has been published on the internet by histori-ca. Full Text (HTML)
1997 “Judaism” in The Canadian Encyclopedia. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart. CD-Rom and book. As of October 2001, the encyclopedia has been published on the internet by histori-ca. Full Text (HTML)
2004 Centre de recherches pour le développement international subvention de conférence "Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives"
2004 CRSH Subvention de conférence "Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives"
2004 Halbert Exchange Program, Université de Toronto, subvention de conférence "Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives"
2005 Subvention de recherche de Glendon, "Middle East Environment Listserve"
2004 Subvention John Holmes, Affaires Étrangères Canada. Subvention de conférence "Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives"
2004 Stephen R. Bronfman Foundation subvention de conférence "Palestinian and Israeli ENvironmental Narratives"
2004 Vice-President for Research and Innovation, subvention de conférence, "Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives"
2003 Université York subvention d'encouragement, planification, "Environmental Futures in the Middle East: Scenarios and Narratives"
2001 CRSH subvention de York, "Environmental Cooperation in a Conflict Situation: a case study"
2004 Centre for Jewish Studies, subvention de conférence, "Palestinian and Israeli Environmental Narratives"
2003 Centre de recherches pour le développement international, Subvention de déplacement pour la participation canadienne à l'atelier Middle East Environmental Futures Project
2000 CRSH subvention de York, déplacement pour une conférence
2000 Subvention de recherche de Glendon
2000-2001 (avec Alex Pomson) contrat de recherche, "Conservative Congregational Schools." United Synagogue, Ontario Region
1998 CRSH subvention de York, déplacement pour une conférence
1998 Subvention de recherche de Glendon
1998 Subvention de déplacement de Glendon
1998 Centre for Jewish Studies, Université York. Étude des immigrants Sud-Africain juifs à Toronto.
1996 subvention de recherche spécifique d'Université York
1996 Subvention de recherche de Glendon
1996 CRSH subvention de recherche de York
1992 "Best Practices Project-Bet Sefer Solel." Best Practices in Jewish Education: Supplementary Schools. New York: Council for Initiatives in Jewish Education
1991 CRSH Subvention de conférence "Canadian Jewry in the 21st Century: Setting the Research Agenda"
1991 Multiculturalisme Canada, subvention d'études ethniques "Canadian Jewry in the 21st Century: Setting the Research Agenda"
1990 Race Relations Directorate, Governement de l'Ontario contrat de recherche "Hate Groups and Hate Propaganda: Review of the Literature and a Series of Case Studies"
1990 CRSH "The Second Canada-Israel Conference on Social Scientific Approaches to the Study of Judaism"
1985-1986 CRSH Subvention de recherche "Bar Mitzvah: Ritual, Identity and Cultural Change"
1989 subvention Multiculturalisme Canada "The Adaptation of Jewish Immigrants from South Africa to Canada"
1987 Ontario Region, Canadian Jewish Congress contrat de recherche, "Assimilation, Intermarriage and Jewish Identity"
1981 Secrétaire d'état (multiculturalisme), subvention pour la publication d'un volume basé sur la conférance "The Changing Jewish Community"