Bruce Connell

Phonétique, Tonalité ; Langues africaines, Langues en danger et documentation des langues, Linguistique historique, Contact linguistique et changement. Langues de la région frontalière Cameroun-Nigeria, notamment les langues mambiloïdes et les langues de la Cross River.


Connell, B. & D. R. Ladd (2020). A study of Mambila. Emmi Meyer’s Mambila-Studie. Translated, edited and updated to mark the eightieth anniversary of the original publication. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.

Articles dans des revues savantes

Connell, B. (2021) Gender in Durop. STUF Language Typology and Universals (Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung) 21(2). Special Issue, Tom Güldemann and Ines Fiedler (Eds): More diversity enGENDERed by African languages: 402–425.

Connell, B, D. Zeitlyn, S. Griffiths, L. Hayward & M. Martin. (2021). Language ecology, endangerment and relict languages: Case studies from Adamawa (Cameroon-Nigeria).  Open Linguistics, 7(1): 244–300.


Connell, B. & A. Akinlabi (2019) African Linguistics in offically English-speaking West Africa. In E. Wolff (Ed.). A History of African Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp 153–177.

Akinlabi, A,  B. Connell,  A. Jakobi, A. Lusekelo, R. Meyer, M-C. Simeone-Senelle & W. C. G. Smidt. (2019) African Linguistics in North-Eastern and So-Called Anglophone Africa. In E. Wolff (Ed.). Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp 153–177.

Connell, B. (2018) Linguistic Research in the African Field. In A. Agwuele & A. Bodomo (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of African Linguistics.  London: Routledge. Pp. 55–71.

Connell, B. (2017) Tone and Intonation in Mambila. In  Laura J. Downing and Annie Rialland (Eds.). Intonation in African Tone Languages. De Gruyter Mouton. Pp. 131–166.

Connell, B. (2015) The role of colonialism in language endangerment in Africa. In J. Essegbey, B. Henderson, & F. Mc Laughlin (Eds.). Language Documentation and Endangerment in Africa. John Benjamins. Pp. 107–129.

Professeur international Francqui, Fondation Francqui, Belgique (2021-22).
