Professeure agrégée
C 214
La professeure Danielle Russell, qui a reçu le prix d’excellence du Principal pour l’enseignement, se spécialise en littérature américaine et en littérature victorienne. Elle est l’auteur du livre intitulé « Between the Angle and the Curve: Mapping Gender, Race, Space and Identity in Cather and Morrison (2009) ». Celui-ci explore le rapport entre l’identité des personnages et le cadre dans lequel se déroule l’action des romans de Cather et de Morrison respectivement. On peut trouver parmi ses publications des chapitres examinant les ouvrages suivants : The Song of the Lark de Cather ; The Color Purple d’Alice Walker ; le patrimoine critique de The Madwoman in the Attic ; Anne of the Green Gables de L.M. Montgomery ; Coraline et MirrorMask de Neil Gaiman et The Series of Unfortunate Events de Lemony Snicket.
Littérature américaine
Littérature britannique
Littérature jeunesse
Doctorat :
York Universite (2003)
Maîtrise :
York Universite (1993)
Between the Angle and the Curve: Mapping Gender, Race, Space, and Identity in Cather and Morrison. New York: Routledge, 2006. Republished in paperback edition in 2009
“Self-deprecatory Humor and the Female Comic: Self-Destruction or Comedic Construction?” thirdspace 2/1 (November 2002): 43 pars.
“‘A New Bend in the Road’: Navigating Nationhood through L. M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.” The Nation in Children’s Literature: Nations of Childhood. Eds. Kit Kelen and Bjorn Sundmark. New York: Routledge, 2012. 11-22. “Unmasking M(other)hood: Third-Wave Mothering in Gaiman’s Coraline and MirrorMask” . Feminism in the Worlds of Neil Gaiman: Essays on the Comics, Poetry, and Prose. Eds. Tara Prescott and Aaron Drucker. New York: McFarland Press, 2012. 161-176. “Immeasurable Yearnings: The Legacy of the Landscape in Cather’s The Song of the Lark.” Dialogue Literary Studies Series: Willa Cather’s The Song of the Lark. Ed. Debra Cumberland. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi Press, 2010. 67-90. “Familiarity Breeds a Following: Transcending the Formulaic in the Snicket Series.” Telling Children’s Stories: Narrative Theory and Children’s Literature. Ed. Michael Cadden. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2010. 22-43. “Homeward Bound: Transformative Spaces in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple.” Dialogue Literary Studies Series: Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. Eds. Delroy Constantine-Simms and Kheven LaGrone. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi Press, 2009. 195-207. “Revisiting the Attic: the Critical Legacy of The Madwoman in the Attic.” The Madwoman in the Attic After Thirty Years. Ed. Annette R. Federico. University of Missouri Press, 2009.127-148.
"Review of Feminist (Re)visions of the Subject: Landscapes, Ethnoscapes, and Theoryscapes.” Canadian Woman Studies 24 (2005): 204-5.