Professeur agrégé
York Hall C216
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• Remembering, Replaying, and Rereading Henry VIII: The Courtier's Henry. Abingdon, Oxon.: Routledge, 2025.
• King John (Mis)Remembered: The Dunmow Chronicle, the Lord Admiral’s Men, and the Formation of Cultural Memory. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2015.
• Holinshed's Nation: Ideals, Memory, and Practical Policy in the Chronicles. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate, 2010.
• “‘A Picture of my Mind, my Sentiments all laid open to their View’: Lady Chudleigh’s Printed Verse, the Coterie Reader, and the Modern Editor.” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 24 (2019): 3-31.
• "'No chronicle records his fellow': Reading Perkin Warbeck in the Early Seventeenth Century." Renaissance and Reformation 40.2 (2017): 63-102.
• “W.P.: The Case for William Patten’s Contribution to Holinshed’s Chronicles (1587).” Notes and Queries 53.1 (2006): 40-43.
• “Cadenus and Vanessa: A Rhetoric of Courtship.” Swift Studies 18 (2003): 104-118.
• “Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet): From Shakespearean Tragedy to Postmodern Satyr Play.” Comparative Drama 37 (2003): 89-115.
• “The (In)Complete Quest of Sir Yorick, the Knight of Charity: A Sentimental Journey as a ‘Cervantic’ Romance.” The Shandean 14 (2003): 79-97.
• “‘The breath of kings’ and ‘the pleasure of
dying’: Political ‘Sin’ and Theatrical Redemption in Eikon Basilike.” Sin’s Multfaceted Aspects in Literary Texts. Ed. Paola Partenza. [In the series: Passages – Transitions
- Intersections, Vol. 5]. Göttingen,
Germany: V&R Unipress, 2018. 15-35.
• "Shakespeare and Medieval History." The Handbook of Holinshed's Chronicles. Ed. Paulina Kewes, Ian Archer, and Felicity Heal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. 515-30.
• “Schools of Criticism (II).” Trans. Igor Djordjevic. Interviews with Northrop Frye. Ed. Jean O'Grady. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 1079-88. Originally appeared in Republika 46.11-12 (Nov.-Dec. 1990): 48-54.
• Review of The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare’s History Plays (2002). Essays in Theatre 20 (2002): 173-76.