Coordonnateur et professeur assistant adjoint de Théâtre et arts visuels
Gabriel Levine est écrivain, performeur, créateur, enseignant et musicien. Il est l’auteur de Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings (MIT Press 2020), et il a coédité Practice (avec Marcus Boon), dans la série Documents of Contemporary Art de Whitechapel/ MIT. Il a publié de nombreux enregistrements sur Constellation Records et d’autres maisons de disques, et ses projets de théâtre de marionnettes ont fait l’objet de tournées en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et au Moyen- Orient. Il est cocommissaire de la série de spectacles Concrete Cabaret et enseigne le théâtre et les études de performance au Glendon College, York University, Toronto.
Théâtre et performance: théorie, histoire et pratique
Marionnettes et théâtre d'objets
Écologie et les arts
PhD, York University
MA, York University
B.A., McGill University
Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings, MIT Press, 2020.
Practice, rédigé avec Marcus Boon, MIT Press/Whitechapel Gallery, 2018
“Black-light Ecologies: Punctuate! Theatre’s Bears wipes off the oil.” Performance Research 25.2 (2020), “On Dark Ecologies,” p. 44-51.
“Before the Flood: Moving with the Tide by Side Procession in Miami Beach.” Liminalities: a journal of performance studies 14:2 (2018), special issue on the Video Essay.
“Remixing Return: A Tribe Called Red’s Decolonial Bounce.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 34 (2016), special issue “The Work of Return,” p. 27-46.
“The Museum of Everyday Life: Objects and Affects of Glorious Obscurity.” Journal of Curatorial Studies 4:3 (2015), special issue “Curating and the Affective Turn,” p. 364-390.
“Pneumatic Life: On Paul Chan’s Breathers” / “La vie pneumatique: sur les Respirants de Paul Chan.” In Moving Parts: Articulated Bodies and Objects in Performance / Pièces Mobiles: Corps articulés et objets dans la performance,Montréal, QC, 2020, p. 165-190.
“Processions for Mother Earth: Scenes from a Flooded Summer.” Canadian Theatre Review 176 (2018), special issue “Choreographies of Assembly,” p. 31-36.
“On Splendour: Elements of a Procession (for Marlon Griffith).” Catalogue essay for Marlon Griffith: Symbols of Endurance. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2017, p. 7-34. Honourable mention, Art Writing Award, Ontario Association of Art Galleries.
“Speech across the barricades: the democratic art of Peter Watkins’ La Commune.” PUBLIC: Art/Culture/Ideas 37 (2008), p. 120-129.
2021 Prix de la recherche du principal de Glendon (chercheur émergent)
2020-2023 SSHRC Insight Grant (Gabriel Levine, PI). “Living Trash: Puppetry, Ecology, and More-than-human Performance,” $58,275
2020-2021 Toronto Arts Council Grant for OBJECTO: A Festival of Experimental Puppetry and Object Performance (with Concrete Cabaret collective), $13,000
2017-2019 SSHRC Insight Development Grant (Gabriel Levine PI). “Moving Splendour: The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Processional Art,” $26,858
2019-2020 SSHRC Connections Grant (Kirsty Robertson PI, Eugenia Kisin, Co-Applicant, Gabriel Levine, Collaborator). “A Museum for Future Fossils,” $33,707