Professeur agrégé
363 pavillon York
416-736-2100 x88591
Économie du Travail Immigration, économie de la population, économétrie appliquée.
Doctorat :
Économie, Université York
Maîtrise :
Économie, Université York
Diop-Christensen, A., Hildebrand, V. A., & Diop, L. E. (2024). Institutional diversity and the immigrant wage gap? A comparison between the German and British experience with statutory minimum wages. Policy Studies, 1–23.
Aigul Alieva, Vincent A. Hildebrand, Philippe Van Kerm, (2024).The progression of achievement gap between immigrant and native-born students from primary to secondary education. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 92, Vahid Shahidi, Odmaa Sod-Erdene, Chantel Ramraj, Vincent Hildebrand, Arjumand Siddiqi (2019),"The impact of social assistance programs on population health: a systematic review of research in high-income countries." BMC Public Health, Publisher's Site
Faraz Vahid Shahidi, Odmaa Sod-Erdene, Chantel Ramraj, Vincent Hildebrand, Arjumand Siddiqi (2018), "Government social assistance programmes are failing to protect the health of low-income populations: evidence from the USA and Canada (2003–2014)." Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Publisher's Site
Arjumand Siddiqi, Faraz Vahid Shahidi, Vincent Hildebrand, Anthony Hong, Sanjay Basu (2018), "Illustrating a ‘Consequential’ Shift in the Study of Health Inequalities: A Decomposition of Racial Differences in the Distribution of Body Mass", Annals of Epidemiology. 28(4) , 236-241. Publisher's Site
Can Erutku and Vincent Hildebrand (2018), "Carbon Tax at the Pump in British Columbia and Quebec", Canadian Public Policy. 44(2), 126-133. Publisher's SiteV. Hildebrand, M.N. Pi Alperin and P. Van Kerm (2017). "Measuring and accounting for the deprivation gap of Portuguese immigrants in Luxembourg," Review of Income and Wealth, 63(2), pp 288-309. Publisher's Site
Andrietti, V., and V. Hildebrand (2016). "Evaluating Pension Portability Reforms. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 as a Natural Experiment", Economic Inquiry, 54(3), 1402–1424
Publisher's Site
Brennenstuhl, S; Worts, D; Hildebrand, V; Arjumand Siddiqi, and Peggy McDonough, (2015). ``Who has the Mother Lode of Health? A Comparative Study of Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health among Mothers of Young Children''. Canadian Public Policy, 41(S2), pp S80-S88. Publisher's Site
V. Hildebrand, M.N. Pi Alperin and P. Van Kerm (2015). "Measuring and accounting for the deprivation gap of Portuguese immigrants in Luxembourg," Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming, article first published online: 26 Aug. 2015 Maison d'édition
Bauer, T., Cobb-Clark, D., Hildebrand, V., and M. Shinning (2011). "A Comparative Analysis of the Nativity Wealth Gap," Economic Inquiry, 49(4), 989-1007. Maison d'édition
Cobb-Clark, D. and Vincent Hildebrand, (2011)."Portfolio Allocation in the Face of a Means-Tested Public Pension," Review of Income and Wealth, 57(3), 536-560. Maison d'édition
Erutku, C. and V. Hildebrand, (2010). "Conspiracy at the Pump," Journal of Law and Economics, 53(1), 223-237, Maison d'édition
Cobb-Clark, D. and V. Hildebrand, (2010). “The Asset Portfolios of Older Australian Households,” Australian Social Policy Journal, 9, pp 1-39. Plein texte (HTML)
Cobb-Clark, D. and V. Hildebrand (2009). “The Asset Portfolios of Native Born and Foreign-Born Australian Households,” Economic Record, 8-258, pp. 46-56. Maison d'édition
Hildebrand, V. and P. Van Kerm, (2009). “Income Inequality and Self-Rated Health Status: Evidence from the European Community Household Panel,” Demography, 46(4), pp 805-825. Maison d'édition
de Vanssay., Z. Spindler, V. Hildebrand. (2008). “Using Economic Freedom Indexes As Policy Indicators: An Intercontinental Example,” Public Organization Review, 8, 195-214.
Cobb-Clark, D. and V. Hildebrand, (2006). "The Wealth of Mexican Americans", Journal of Human Resources, 41(4), 841-873. Maison d'édition
Cobb-Clark, D., and V. Hildebrand, (2006). "Differences in Wealth and Asset Holdings Among U.S. and Foreign-Born Households: Evidence from the SIPP Data", Review of Income and Wealth, 52(1), 17-42. Maison d'édition
Cobb-Clark, D. and V. Hildebrand, (2006). "The Wealth of Hispanics", Social Science Quarterly, 87(5), 1344-1362. Maison d'édition
de Vanssay X., V. Hildebrand, Z. Spindler, (2005). "Constitutional Foundations of Economic Freedom: A Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis", Constitutional Political Economy, 16, 327-346. Maison d'édition
Heinrich G., and V. Hilderand, (2005). "Returns to Education in the European Union: A re-assessement from comparative data", European Journal of Education, 40(1), 13-34. Maison d'édition Hildebrand, V.A., and C. Plourde, (2001). "A Model of Competing Jurisdictions with Locally Polluting Environment and Mobile Populations", Environmental and Resource Economics, 18(2), 219-231. Maison d'édition
Frenette, M., V. Hildebrand, J.T. McDonald and C. Worswick (2003). "Job and Occupational Mobility of Immigrants in Australia, Canada and the United States". in C. Beach, A. Green and J. Reitz (eds.) Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century, John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada.
Siddiqi A, Sod-Erdene O, Shahidi FV, Ramraj C, Hildebrand V. (2018). Do
Government Social Assistance Programs Protect the Health of Society’s
Most Income-Insecure? An examination of Ontario and Comparable
Jurisdictions in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Converge3: Toronto, Canada.
V. Hildebrand and P. Van Kerm (2010), "Body size and wages in Europe: A semi-parametric analysis", CEPS Working Paper Series 2010-09. Document de Travail (PDF)
Alessie, R., T. Crossley and V. Hildebrand, (2006). Estimating a Collective, Household Model with Survey Data on Financial Satisfaction. Institute for, Fiscal Studies working paper, W06/19, 48 pages.
Hildebrand, V., and D. Williams, (2003). Self-employment and Time Spent, Caring for Children: Evidence from Europe. IRISS working paper 2003-06, 26, pages.
Andrietti, V. and V. Hildebrand, (2001). Pension Portability and Labour, Mobility in the United States. New Evidence from SIPP Data. SEDAP, working paper # 42, 47 pages.
Hildebebrand, V., (2001). Wealth Accumulation of US Households: What Do, We Learn from the SIPP Data? SEDAP working paper # 41, 55 pages
Hildebrand, V. and T. Crossley, (2001). Estimating Error-Components Models, on Repeated Short Panels, with an Application to Age-Wealth Profiles. York, University Mimeo, 34 pages.
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