Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion (eds). À paraître à l'automne 2023. International Students from Asia in Canadian Universities: Institutional Challenges
at the Intersection of Internationalization, Inclusion and Racialization, Studies in Global Student
Mobility series, New York: Routledge
Articles dans des revues savantes
- J Ye, J Kwan & JM Montsion. 2022. Metrolingual
Multitasking and Differential Inclusion: Singapore’s Chinese Languages in Shared
Spaces. Urban Studies 59(16): 3442-3458.
- F Garon, JM Montsion & A Pyée. 2022. Toronto’s Francophone Voluntary
Sector Under Pressure: The Challenges of Immigrant Integration in a Linguistic
Minority Context. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research
13(1): 44-63.
- D Brunelle,
PV Hall, C De Fuentes, JM Montsion. 2021. Global Value Chains and Regimes of Urban Governance:
A Comparison of Four Canadian Gateway Cities. Canadian Journal of Urban Research
30(1): 1-15.
- JM
Montsion. 2020. Making Sense of One’s Feelings: The Emotional
Labour of Chinese International Students in Canadian Universities. Migration, Mobility and Displacement 5(1): 3-19. Sommaire
- D Bousfield, HL Johnson, JM Montsion. 2019. Racialized Hearts and Minds: Emotional Labour and Affective Leadership in the Teaching/Learning of IR. International Studies Perspectives 20(2): 170-87. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2018. Ethnography and International Relations: Situating Recent Trends, Debates and Limitations from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. The Journal of Chinese Sociology 5(9): 1-21. Sommaire
- JM
Montsion, A Parasram. 2018. The Little
Nyonya and Singapore’s National Self: Reflections on Aesthetics, Ethnicity
and Postcolonial State Formation. Postcolonial
Studies 21(2): 154-71. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2018. Resource
Centre or Experience Desk? Producing Spaces for Delivering Services to
Indigenous and International Students at Universities in Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Higher Education 48(1):
132-47. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2016. "Diplomacy as Self-Representation: British Columbia First Nations and China", The Hague Journal of Diplomacy 11(4): 404-25. Sommaire
- JM Montsion, SK Tan. 2016. "Smell this: Singapore's Curry Day and Visceral Citizenship", Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 37(2): 209-23. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2015. "Disrupting Canadian Sovereignty? The 'First Nations & China' Strategy Revisited", Geoforum 58: 114-21. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2015. "Patrolling Chineseness: Singapore's Kowloon Club and the Ethnic Adaptation of Hong Kongese to Singaporean Society", Asian Ethnicity 16(1): 92-109. Reprinted in Chih-yu Shih (ed). 2016. Re-producing Chineseness in Southeast Asia:
Scholarship and Identity in Comparative Perspectives, New York: Routledge. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2015. "Churchill, Manitoba and the Arctic Gateway: A Historical Contextualization", The Canadian Geographer 59(3): 304-16 Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2014. "Chinese Ethnicities in Neoliberal Singapore? State Designs and Dialect(ical) Struggles of Community Associations", Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(9): 1486-504. Sommaire
- W Vrasti, JM Montsion. 2014. "No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded: The Values/Virtues of Transnational Volunteerism in Neoliberal Capital", Global Society 28(3): 336-55. Reprinted in Anne-Marie D'Aoust (ed). 2015. Affective Economies, Neoliberalism, and Governmentality, New York: Routledge. Sommaire
- D Bousfield, JM Montsion. 2012. “Transforming an International Organization? Norm Confusion and the International Olympic Committee”, Sport in Society 15(6): 823-38. Reprinted in Ramon Spaaj and Cindy Burleson (eds). 2013. The Olympic Movement and the Sport of Peacekeeping, New York: Routledge. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2012. “When Talent Meets Mobility: Un/desirability in Singapore’s New Citizenship Project”, Citizenship Studies 16(3-4): 469-82. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2012. “A Critique of Everyday International Relations: The Case of Cultural Pluralism in Singapore and Vancouver”, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 30(5): 930-46. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2011. “Softening Canada’s Gateway to the Asia Pacific? Community Perspectives on Vancouver’s International Visage”, Canadian Journal of Urban Research 20(2): 36-55. Sommaire
- JM Montsion. 2010. “Research Im/possibilities: Reflections from Everyday International Relations”, Altérités 7(2): 79-94. Plein texte (PDF)
- JM Montsion. 2009. “Re-locating Politics at the Gateway: Everyday Life in Singapore’s Global Schoolhouse”, Pacific Affairs 82(4): 637-56 Sommaire
- JM Montsion, R Stubbs. 2007. “Le pouvoir des plus faibles: L’ANASE et le projet de coopération régionale en Asie de l’Est”, Études internationales 38(2): 167-88. Plein texte (HTML)
- AH Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion. À paraître à l'automne 2023. The Federalization of Education Migration: Redefining Success. In AH Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion (eds). International Students from Asia in Canadian Universities: Institutional Challenges at the Intersection of Internationalization, Inclusion and Racialization, pp. 1-14. New York: Routledge.
- JM Montsion & D Caneo. À paraître à l'automne 2023. Framing International Students from Asia in Ontario Universities: Provincial Priorities, Deficit-focused Services, and Economic Benefits. In AH Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion (eds). International Students from Asia in Canadian Universities: Institutional Challenges at the Intersection of Internationalization, Inclusion and Racialization, pp. 44-56. New York: Routledge.
- JM Montsion, AH Kim & E Buckner. À paraître à l'automne 2023. Building on Success from the Bottom-up? Institutional Challenges, Racialized Experiences and Opportunities for Further Research. In AH Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion (eds). International Students from Asia in Canadian Universities: Institutional Challenges at the Intersection of Internationalization, Inclusion and Racialization, pp. 243-253. New York: Routledge.
- G Pang & JM Montsion.
2023. Chinese International Students at Two Canadian Universities: Learning from
their Emotional Labor to Re-Align Support Services. In J Boyd & M Mohamad
(eds). International Student
Support and Engagement in Higher Education: Exploring Innovative Practices in
Campus, Academic and Professional Support Services, pp. 175-187. New York: Routledge.
- JM Montsion.
2022. A Historical Perspective on the Straits of Melaka: Transport, Trade and the
Layering of Colonialisms. In M Williams (ed). The Politics of the Asia-Pacific: Triumphs, Challenges, and Threats,
pp. 46-58. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- JM Montsion. 2019. Adapting to China’s Students at the Gateway: Stories from Chinese Community Associations and their New Student Members. dans un ouvrage sous la direction de A Kim et MJ Kwak. Outward and Upward Mobilities in Canada: International Students, their Families and Structuring Institutions, pp. 139-58. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- JM Montsion. 2019. Singapore’s Quest for Foreign Talent, Chinese Migrant Workers and the Growing Citizen-Foreigner Divide, dans un ouvrage sous la direction de A Tyson. The Political Economy of Brain Drain and Talent Capture: Evidence from Malaysia and Singapore, pp. 36-58. New York: Routledge.
- J Loder, JM Montsion, R Stubbs. 2011. Comparing East Asian and European Union Regionalism, dans un ouvrage sous la direction de N Robinson, B Rosamond et A Warleigh-Lack. New Regionalism and the European Union: Dialogues, Comparisons and New Research Directions, pp. 80-96. New York: Routledge.
- JM
Montsion. 2008. (Mis)Conceptualizing Labour Repression in Southeast Asian Societies:
Manifesting (Im)Possibilities Through Social Rhythms. In JM Montsion and S Sabra
(eds). Global Tensions, Global Possibilities: Everyday Forces of Conformity and
Contestation, Working Paper Series 8(2),
Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition: 137-143.
Autres publications
Articles sans comité de lecture et rapports
- AH Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion. 2022. Introduction to Special
Issue: International Students from Asia in Canada’s Post-secondary
Institutions: Disconnections and Connections. Comparative and
International Education 51(1): 6pp.
- S Shahrokni, MO Magnan & JM Montsion. 2022. Pour une étude critique des inégalités de traitement vécues
par les « étudiant.e.s en provenance d’Asie » et des écueils des
institutions d’enseignement supérieur canadiennes les accueillant. Special
issue conclusion. Éducation comparée et internationale 51(1) :
- JM Montsion. 2020.
Research Highlights: Making Sense of One’s Feelings: The Emotional
Labour of Chinese International Students in Canadian Universities.
August 2020 Newsletter. Network for Research into Chinese Education
- JM Montsion. 2019. Innovation
Corridors and the Golden Horseshoe: Transportation Challenges and the Emergence
of a Shared Regional Vision. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Conference,
Canadian Transportation Research Forum:
- JM Montsion, C Gabel.
2015. Indigenous and International Education in Ontario Universities, with C
Gabel. Report submitted to the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, Ontario Human Capital Research and Innovation
- JM Montsion. 2015. From Ethnic Tensions to a
Citizen/Foreigner Divide in Singapore. Report submitted to the
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Canada-Asia
- JM Montsion. 2008. Virtual
and Not-So-Virtual Issues of Security, Consortium of Non-Traditional Security,
Rajaratnam School of International Studies.
- JM Montsion. 2008. Human
Capital and Canada’s Gateway to Asia Pacific: The Case of the Association of
Chinese Canadian Professionals in Vancouver, Affinity Newsletter 3(2),
Association of Chinese Canadian Professionals.
Direction de numéros spéciaux et collections spéciales
- AH Kim, E Buckner & JM Montsion (eds). 2022. International Students from Asia in Canada’s Post-Secondary Institutions: Disconnections and Connections. Special issue of Comparative and International Education 51(1): 9 articles
- JM Montsion (ed). 2020. Supporting Indigenous Language Preservation and Revitalization in Canada. Canada Watch, Summer, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies: articles.
- J Parish and JM Montsion (eds). 2018. Geographies of Care and Emotional Labour. Palgrave Communications. Special collection: 6 articles
- JM Montsion and S Sabra (eds). 2008. Global Tensions, Global Possibilities: Everyday Forces of Conformity and Contestation. Working Paper Series 8(2), Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition: 22 articles.
Compte-rendus- JM
Montsion. 2021. Invited review of Identity and Social Networks: A Case of
Chinese Graduate Students in the United States, by Cynthia Baiqing Zhang, Contemporary
Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 50(1): 96-97.
- JM
Montsion. 2020. Review of Le Canada: une culture de métissage / Transcultural
Paul D. Morris (ed), The Canadian Geographer
64(2): e15-e16.
- JM Montsion. 2017. Review of Emotions,
Community and Citizenship: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, by Rebecca
Kingston, Kiran Banerjee, James McKee, Yi-Chun Chien, Constantine Christos
Vassiliou (eds), Emotion, Space and
Society 24(1):