Elaine Coburn est directrice du Centre de recherche féministe (CFR) et professeure agrégée dans le département des études internationales au Collège universitaire Glendon à York University. Elle est également membre de l'exécutif du programme doctoral "Social and Political Thought". Elaine détient un doctorat de l’université de Stanford et une licence (BA) de l’université de Toronto. Avant de venir à Glendon, elle était chercheuse à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociale à Paris, France et professeure adjointe à l’université américaine de Paris. Avec Andrea Davis, elle est co-rédactrice de la revue des études canadiennes. Elle s'intéresse à la théorie politique, la philosophie politique et la pensée sociale et politique autochtone et féministe. Ses articles sont publiés dans l'International Feminist Journal of Politics, l'International Sociological Review, Philosophy Today, et Political Studies, parmi d'autre revues. Elle écrit pour la revue littéraire du Canada (the Literary Review of Canada) et elle a publié pour le grand public dans Canadian Notes and Queries, Herizons, the London School of Economics Review of Books et Philosophy Now.
théorie politique
philosophie politique
la pensée sociale et politique autochtonePhD Stanford
MA Stanford
BA University of Toronto
Accepted and Forthcoming
[Edited book] On Being Human: The Emma Larocque Reader. The U of Toronto Press.
[Article] Allard-Tremblay, Yann and Elaine Coburn. “Reviewer 2 Must be Stopped!: Settler Colonialism and Epistemic Domination in Political Science”. Appartenances et altérités. Forthcoming.
[Book chapter] Coburn, Elaine, Rita Kaur Dhamoon, Joyce Green, Genevieve Fuji Johnson, Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark, and Gina Starblanket. “Anti-racist Feminism and the Generative Power of Disruption.” Feministing in Political Science. University of Alberta press. Forthcoming 2023.
[Book Chapter] Dua, Ena and Elaine Coburn. “Land Acknowledgements in an Era of Reconciliation” in Settler Colonialism in Canada: Perspectives, Comparisons, Cases. David MacDonald and Emily Grafton, eds. University of Regina Press. Forthcoming
[Encyclopedia] Coburn, Elaine and Carl James. “Social Justice and Education.” International Encyclopedia of Education. Fourth Edition. Elsevier. In press.
[Encyclopedia]. Coburn, Elaine. "The International Monetary Fund and Gender. International Encyclopedia of Politics and Gender. Lead editor Lia Roberts. Sage Publication.
Edited Book
2015 ‘More Will Sing Their Way to Freedom’: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence. Contributions by Jennifer Adese, Kelly Aguirre, Cliff (Kam’ayaam/Chachim’muthnii) Atleo, Jeff Denis, Douglas Durst and Elaine Coburn, James (Sa’ke’j) Youngblood Henderson, Hayden King, Jarrett Martineau, Christine Walsh and Shirley Aarrestad, Rima Wilkes and Alex Wilson. Foreword by Emma LaRocque. Halifax: Fernwood Press. Pp.264.
Special Issues of Peer-Reviewed Journals
2017 [Special Issue] Defaire et refaire le sexe, le genre, la sexualité: le sujet intersexe, trans et queer. Contributions by Arnaud Alessandrin, Christophe Broqua, Janik-Bastien Charlebois, Fabian Fajnwaks, Corinne Fortier, Cynthia Kraus, Benjamin Moron-Puech, Bernard Saladin d’Anglure (interviewed by Laetitia Atlani-Duault) and Muriel Salle. Socio. Vol. 9. Pp.237
2013 [Special Issue] Transgressive Pedagogies and Research. Contributions by William K. Carroll, Aziz Choudry, George Sefa Dei, Catherine O. Fox, Margaret Kovach, Peter McLaren, and Makere Stewart-Harawira. Socialist Studies/ Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 9, No.1. Pp.206.
2012 [Special Issue] Coburn, Elaine. The Political Philosophy of GA Cohen. Contributions by Pablo Gilabert, Daniel Kofman, Kai Nielsen, Jeffrey Noonan, Alistair Macleod, Colin Macleod, David Rondel, Nicholas Vrousalis, Lea Ypi, and Duan Zhongqiao and Li Yang. Introduction by Christine Sypnowich and comment by Jan Narveson. Socialist Studies/ Etudes Socialistes. Vol.8, No.1. Pp. 320.
2022 Elaine Coburn, Meg Holden, Harry Glasbeek, Charles Mills and Frank Cunningham. “Ideas in Context: A Conversation with Frank Cunningham.” Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. 16(1):1-24.
2021. Cattapan, Alana and Elaine Coburn. “Remembering Ann Denis.” Canadian Review of Sociology. 58 (1). Contributions by Alana Cattapan and Angela Cameron, Leah Levac, Peruvemba Jaya, Marilyn Porter, Rhoda Reddock, and Terry Wotherspoon. Pp.118-189.
2020. Coburn, Elaine and Wesley Crichlow. “Challenging Anti-Black Racisms and Sociology for Black Liberation”. Canadian Review of Sociology. 57 (3). Symposium contributions by Carl James, Erica Lawson, Amal Madibbo, Gertrude Mianda, Philomina Okeke-Ihejirika, and Rinaldo Walcott. Pp.473-501.
---- Coburn, Elaine and Wesley Crichlow. “Black Humanity: Bearing Witness to Covid-19.” Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. Contributions by George Dei and Kathy Lewis, Emma Joseph, Tamari Kitossa, Myrna Lashley, Joseph Mensah, Gertrude Mianda and Wisdom Tetty. https://antipodeonline.org/2020/12/04/black-humanity-bearing-witness-tocovid-19/
2023. “Contradiction Set Free: Reflections on Contemporary Being-All-Together.” Philosophy Today: An International Journal of Contemporary Theory. Edited by Willi Goetschel. By invitation. 67.3 summer 2023, pp.603-614.
2023. Allard-Tremblay, Yann and Elaine Coburn. “The Flying Heads of Settler Colonialism: Recurrent Erasures of Indigenous Political Thought”. Political Studies. 71(2), 359-378. [Online first: 2021] DOI: 10.1177/00323217211018127.
2020 “Theorizing Our Place”: Indigenous Feminist Scholarship from 1985-2020”. Special issue of Social Justice Studies, edited by Soma Chatterjee and Tania Das Gupta. By Invitation. Vol.14, No.2, Pp.429-453.
2019 “Trickle-Down Gender at the International Monetary Fund: The Contradictions of Femina Economica in Global Capitalist Governance”. The International Feminist Journal of Politics. 21(5): 768-788. DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2019.1607764
2017 “Against the Grain: Sociology from the Standpoint of Roxana Ng.” Social Justice Studies. Vol. 11, No. 1. Pp.136-159.
2016 “Theorizing Colonial Capitalism and Indigenous Liberation: Contemporary Indigenous Scholarship from Lands Claimed by Canada.” Studies in Political Economy. Vol. 97, No. 3. Pp. 285-307.
2013 Coburn Elaine, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, George Sefa Dei and Makere Stewart-Harawira. “‘Unspeakable Things’: Indigenous Research and Social Science”: Socio. No. 2. Pp. 331-347.
2012 “Thinking About Class, Race, Gender: Himani Bannerji and G.A. Cohen on Capitalism and Socialism.” Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol.8, No.1, Pp.1-19.
1999 Coburn, Elaine with Robert Bright, Julie Faye, Derek Gafijczuk, Karen Hollander, Janny Jung and Helen Syrmbos.“Mainstream and Marginal Newspaper Coverage of the 1995 Quebec Referendum: An Inquiry into the Functioning of the Canadian Public Sphere” in the Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. 36:3, pp.313-330.
Book Review Essays
2021. “Sociology vs. Economics: Economic Life as Social Fact and Social Struggle.” Review essay of Mark Granovetter’s Society and Economy: Framework and Principles and Thomas Piketty’s Capital et idéologie. International Sociology. Vol. 36(5) 720–731. 5000 words. DOI: 10.1.77/0268509211057474
2020. Review essay of Darryl R. J. Leroux’s Distorted Descent: White Claims to Indigenous Identity. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. 5000 words. DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2020.1770585
2016 Review essay of Glen Coulthard’s Red Skin, White Mask: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition. Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory. Vol. 63, No. 148:72-85. 4000 words.
---- Review essay of Abigail Bakan and Enakshi Dua’s Theorizing Anti-Racism: Linkages in Marxism and Critical Race Theories. Canadian Review of Sociology. 53 (2). Pp. 253-263. 4000 words.
---- Review essay of Colin Barker, Laurence Cox, John Krinsky and Alf Gunvald Nilsen. Marxism and Social Movements. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol.11, No.1. Pp. 237-250. 4000 words.
2015 Review essay of Maggie Walter and Chris Andersen’s Indigenous Statistics: A Quantitative Research Methodology. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society. Vol. 4 (2). Pp. 123-133. 4000 words.
---- Review essay of Nancy Fraser’s Fortunes of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis. International Critical Thought. Vol.5 (4). Pp. 509-517. 4000 words.
2014 . Review essay of Achille Mbembe’s Critique de la raison nègre. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education and Society. Vol. 3, No.2. Pp. 176-186. 4000 words.
Reprinted January 28, 2015. African Studies Association. http://www.africanstudies.org/blog
2003 Review essay of Anne Hansen’s, Direct Action: Memoirs of an Urban Guerrilla and David McNally’s Another World is Possible: Globalization and Anti-Imperialism in the 21st Century. Socialist Studies Bulletin/ Bulletin d’Etudes Socialistes. No.69. Pp.35-39
2023. Coburn, Elaine. “Not So Fragile: White Power in Canada.” Reading Sociology. Fourth edition. Oxford University press.
2020. Gina Starblanket and Elaine Coburn. “This Country has Another Story”: Indigenous Women’s Scholarship and Agency on Turtle Island.” Edited by Heather Whiteside. Canadian Political Economy: Changes, Crises, Conflict. University of Toronto Press.
---- . Elaine Coburn with Emma LaRocque. “Indigenous Perspectives on Gender: A Feminist Inquiry”. Edited by Joanna Everitt and Manon Tremblay. The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Canadian Politics. Palgrave. Pp.101-119.
2019. “Taking Space and Making Space: Feminist Leadership Beyond the ‘Honorary Man’”. Edited by Araceli Alonso and Teresa Langle de Paz. The Time is Now: Feminist Leaderships in a New Era/ La hora del liderazgo feminista. Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender/ Editado por Red Global Catedras UNESCO en Género. Pp.133-141.
2017 ---- Carroll, William K. and Elaine Coburn. “Counterhegemonic and Cognitive Practice in Transnational Alternative Policy Groups”. Think Tanks: Key Spaces in the Global Production of Power. Edited by Alexandra Sallas-Porras and Georgina Murray. Palgrave Macmillan. Pp.187-217.
*This is a substantially revised version of Carroll and Coburn 2016.
2016 Coburn, Elaine and Clifford (Kam'ayaam/Chachim'multhnii) Atleo. Not Just Another Social Movement: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence. A World to Win. Edited by William K. Carroll and Kanchan Sarker. Winnipeg: Arbeiter Ring Press. Pp. 176-195.
---- . Carroll, William K. with Elaine Coburn. “Alternative Knowledge Projects and Cognitive Praxis.” Expose, Oppose Propose: Alternative Policy Groups and the Struggle for Global Justice by William. K. Carroll. Halifax: Fernwood Press.
---- “Economics as Ideology: Challenging Expert Political Power.” State of Power 2016. Amsterdam: The Transnational Institute. Pp.52-71.
Reprinted simultaneously in translation in Spanish. “La economía como ideología: desafiando el poder político de los expertos. Estado del podor 2016. Amsterdam: The Transnational Institute. Pp.1-24.
2015 “Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence: An Introduction”. More Will Sing Their Way to Freedom: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence. Edited by Elaine Coburn. Halifax: Fernwood Press. Pp.24-44.
---- Durst, Douglas and Elaine Coburn. “Who Is Ready to Listen?”: Aboriginal Persons with Disabilities.” More Will Sing Their Way to Freedom: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence. Edited by Elaine Coburn. Halifax: Fernwood Press. Pp.88-104.
2011 . .“Globalization and Women: A Marxist Feminist Introduction”. Gendered Intersections. Second Edition. Edited by Lesley Biggs, Pamela Downe and Susan Gingell. Halifax: Fernwood Press. Pp.379-384.
---- . “Resisting Neoliberal Capitalism: Insights from Political Economy.” Relations of Global Power: Neoliberal Order and Disorder. Edited by Stephen McBride and Gary Teeple. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Pp.194-226.
2007 . Coburn, David and Elaine Coburn. “Health and Health Inequalities in a Neo-Liberal Global World.” Economics and Health Equity. Edited by Gavin Mooney and Diane McIntyre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp.13-35.
Reprinted in translation in 2012. “Saúde e Desigualdades em Saúde em um Mundo Globalizado Neoliberal. Aspectos Econômicos da Equidade em Saúde. Pp.25-53. Editora Fiocruz.
---- . “Commodification or Rationalization? Yes Please! Technology Transfer Talk in the Canadian Context”. Towards a Multiversity? Universities Between Global Trends and National Traditions. Edited by Georg Krücken, Anna Kosmützky, and Marc Torka. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. Pp.235-259.
2005. . “Globalization and Women.” Gendered Intersections: A Collection of Readings for Women’s and Gender Studies. Edited by Lesley Biggs and Pamela Downe. Halifax: Fernwood Press. Pp.393-398.
2003. Carroll, William K. and Elaine Coburn. “Social Movements and Transformation.” Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Edited by Wallace Clement and Leah F. Vosko. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. Pp.79-105.
----. .“La Bataille de Seattle: Portrait d’une manifestation en mouvement.” Un autre monde est possible. Contestations, dérives et surprises dans l’altermondialisation. Edited by Michel Wieviorka. Paris: Balland Press. Pp.155-176.
Reprinted in translation in 2009. “La Batalla de Seattle”. Otro mundo…:Discrepancias, sorpresas y derives en al antimundializacion. Fundo de cultura economica. Pp.186-211.
---- “Interrogating Globalization: Emerging Contradictions and Conflicts. Global Shaping and Its Alternatives. Edited by Yildiz Atasoy and William K. Carroll. Garamond Press. Pp.111-136.
Book Reviews: Academic
2024. Patti Lenard’s “Democracy and Exclusion” (Oxford University Press, 2023). Canadian Journal of Political Science. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0008423924000052 [Online first]
2024. Review of Haydn Aarons and Evan Willis’ “The Sociological
Quest: An Introduction to the Study of Social Life.” Teaching
Sociology. 52(1), 96-99. 2500 words. https://doi.org/10.1177/0092055X23121466. [Online first: 2023]
2023. Review of Srila Roy’s “Changing the Subject: Feminist and Queer Politics in Neoliberal India”. International Feminist Journal of Politics. 1000 words. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616742.2023.229250 [Online first]
2020 Joy Amidst the Ruins: Gabriel Levine’s Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings. Theory and Event. Vol. 23 (4): 1135-38. 2000 words.
---- Review of Frances Henry, Enakshi Dua, Carl E. James, Audrey Kobayashi, Peter Li, Howard Ramos and Malinda S. Smith’s The Equity Myth: Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities. Canadian Journal of Political Science. DOI: doi:10.1017/S0008423920000116
---- . Review of Rita Kaur Dhamoon, Davina Bhandar, Renisa Mawani, and Satwinder Kaur Bains’ Unmooring the Komogata Maru: Charting Colonial Trajectories. Canadian Journal of Political Science. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0008423919001070
2019 Review of Radha D’Souza’s Social Movements, Law and Liberal Imagination. Pluto Press. Social Movement Studies. DOI: 10.1080/14742837.2019.1697666
2018 Review of Ingo Schmidt’s (editor). The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: A Global View. International Studies Review. https://doi.org/10.1093/isr/viy001
2017 Review of Paul Kellogg’s Escape from the Staples Trap: Canadian Political Economy After Left Nationalism. The Canadian Journal of Political Science. Pp.1-2.
---- Review of Helen Raptis with members of the Tsimshian Nation’, What We Learned: Two Generations Reflect on Tsimshian Education and the Day Schools. Oral History Forum d’histoire orale. Vol. 37, pp.1-5.
---- Review of Amelia Sa’ar’s Economic citizenship: neoliberal paradoxes of empowerment. Journal of Gender Studies. Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.476-477.
2013 Review of Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s L’avenir de l’économie: Sortir de l’économystification. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 9, No.2. Pp.204-208.
2009 Review of Fuyuki Kurasawa’s The Work of Global Justice: Human Rights as Practices. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 5, No.2, Pp. 154-156.
2008 Review of Richard Sandbrook et al’s Social Democracy in the Global Periphery: Origins, Challenges, Prospects. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol.4, No.2. Pp.93-96.
2006 Review of William K. Carroll and R.S. Ratner (editors), Challenges and Perils: Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol.2, No.1. pp.129-131.
2005 Review of Henry Giroux’s The Terror of Neoliberalism: Authoritarianism and the Eclipse of Democracy. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 1, No.2, Pp.109-111.
2004 Review of William K. Carroll’s Corporate Power in a Globalizing World: A Study in Elite Social Organization. Socialist Studies Bulletin/ Bulletin d’Etudes Socialistes. No. 73, Pp.52-55.
Book Reviews: Literary Magazines
2024. Review of Judith Butler’s “Who’s Afraid of Gender?” London School of Economics Review of Books. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/lsereviewofbooks/2024/04/16/book-review-whos-afraid-of-gender-judith-butler/ 1000 words.
2023. Review of Peter Balint and Patti Lenard’s “Debating Multiculturalism: Should There be Minority Rights?” Philosophy Now. Issue 159. December 2023/January 2024. Pp.52-53. Also online: https://philosophynow.org/issues/159/Debating_Multiculturalism_Should_There_Be_Minority_Rights_by_Peter_Balint_and_Patti_Tamara_Lenard. 1500 words.
2023. “Galvanized: Tales of a Woman Welder”. Review of Hilary Peach’s Thick Skin: Fields Notes of a Sister in the Brotherhood. Literary Review of Canada. Pp.18-19. July-August. 1900 words.
2023. “From Place to Place to Place: Experiences of South Asian Immigrants.” Review of Tania Das Gupta’s Twice Migrated, Twice Displaced: Indian and Pakistani Transnational Households in Canada. Literary Review of Canada. January. P.34. 1000 words.
2022. Review of Funké Aladejebi’s Schooling the System: A History of Black Women Teachers. Herizons. Autumn 2022. Pp.37-38. 350 words
2022. “Heroic and Imperfect Efforts: The Battle to be Heard.” Review of Bonnie Robichaud’s It Should be Easy to Fix and Stacey Hannem and Christopher J. Schneider’s Defining Sexual Misconduct: Power, Media and #MeToo. Literary Review of Canada. September. pp.10-11. 2000 words.
----Review of Jacinthe Michaud’s Frontiers of Feminism: Movements and Influences in Québec and Italy, 1960–80. Herizons. Summer. p.37. 350 words
---- Review of Andrea A. Davis’ Horizon, Sea, Sound: Caribbean and African Women’s Cultural Critiques of Nation. Canadian Notes and Queries. Issue 111. Spring/Summer. p.60. 800 words.
----“A Neglected Pledge: Moving Beyond Apologies.” Review of Bruce McIvor’s Standoff: Why Reconciliation Fails Indigenous Peoples and How to Fix It. Literary Review of Canada. May. p.13 1000 words.
2021. "Polyphonic Symphony: Hearing the Voices of Yesterday." Review of Joan Sangster's Demanding Equality: One Hundred Years of Canadian Feminism. Literary Review of Canada. Pp.28-29. October. 2000 words.
---- Review of Frances J. Latchford’s Steeped in Blood: Adoption, Identity and the Meaning of Family. Herizons. 34:4. Winter. P.33
---- “But Blind They Were: Fallacy of an Empty Continent.” Review of Donald B. Smith’s Seen but Not Seen: Influential Canadians and the First Nations from the 1840s to Today. Literary Review of Canada. June. P.10-11. 2000 words.
---- “Northern Memories: A Story of Forced Relocation.” Review of Larry Audlaluk’s What I Remember, What I Know. Literary Review of Canada. May. P.26. 1000 words.
2021. Davis, Andrea and Elaine Coburn. “Editorial Statement.” Journal of Canadian Studies. 55 (2): 231-233.
--- “Remembering Ann Denis: A Feminist Sociologist.” Canadian Review of Sociology. 58 (1): 118-121.
2020. Coburn, Elaine and Wesley Crichlow. “‘In the Midst of All This Terrible…’: White Supremacy and the Story of Race during the Pandemic” in Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. Pp.1-11. https://antipodeonline.org/2020/12/04/black-humanity-bearing-witness-to-covid-19/
--- Coburn, Elaine and Wesley Crichlow. “Challenging Anti-Black Racisms and Sociology for Black Liberation”. Canadian Review of Sociology. 57 (3): 473-479.
2017 « Defaire et refaire le sexe, le genre, la sexualité: le sujet intersexe, trans et queer. » Socio. Vol. 9, pp.9-31.
2014 “Nothing Human is Alien to Me”: Rethinking Historical Materialism and Socialism. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol.10, No.1. Pp.1-30.
2011 “Special Section on Rosa Luxemburg’s Political Economy: Contributions to Contemporary Political Theory and Practice. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol.6, No.2. Pp.38-42.
---- “I Class Struggle: French Exceptionalism and Challenges for Socialist Studies. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 6, No.2. Pp.1-8.
2009 “What is Socialism? What is Socialist Studies?” Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes.Vol.5, No.2 Pp.1-16.
Research Notes
2020 Crichlow, Wesley, Elaine Coburn and Emma Joseph. “The “She-session” and Black Womanhood during the Pandemic” in the symposium, “Black Humanity: Bearing Witness to Covid-19" Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography. Pp.1-6. https://antipodeonline.org/2020/12/04/black-humanity-bearing-witness-to-covid-19/
2017 “Résilience, résistence et solidarités”. Nouveaux cahiers du socialisme: autochtones et société québécoise – combattre ensemble. No. 18. Pp.40-45.
2016“New Canadian Political Economy and the Relations of Ruling: A Comment on C. Hurl and B. Christensen”. Studies in Political Economy. Vol. 97, No. 3. Pp.206-215.
2013 “Indigenous Research as Resistance”. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 9, No.1. Pp.52-63.
2017 “I Was Born Asking: Interview with Emma LaRocque”. Canadian Journal of Native Studies. Vol.37, no.2. Pp.159-178.
2010 “‘Pulling the Monster Down’: Interview with William K. Carroll”. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes. Vol. 6, No.1. Pp.65-92.
Non-Governmental Organization Publications
2019 “Taking Space and Making Space: Feminist Leadership Beyond the ‘Honorary Man’”. Edited by Araceli Alonso and Teresa Langle de Paz. The Time is Now: Feminist Leaderships in a New Era/ La hora del liderazgo feminista. Global Network of UNESCO Chairs on Gender/ Editado por Red Global Catedras UNESCO en Género. Pp.133-141.
2016 “Economics as Ideology: Challenging Expert Political Power.” State of Power 2016. Amsterdam: The Transnational Institute. Pp.52-71.
Reprinted simultaneously in translation in Spanish. “La economía como ideología: desafiando el poder político de los expertos. Estado del podor 2016. Amsterdam: The Transnational Institute. Pp.1-24.
Encyclopedia Entries
2012 “Class” (3000 words), “Inequality” (3000 words), “Intellectual Property” (2000 words), “Transnational Justice Movements” (2000 words) Encyclopaedia of Global Studies. Edited by Mark Juergensmeyer and Helmut Anheier. Sage Publications.
2011 . “Social Stratification”. (1000 words) Encyclopaedia of Social Networks. Edited by George A. Barnett, Geoffrey J. Golson. Sage Publications.
2011 Alain Touraine’s “Sociology Upside Down: From Systems to Subjects”. New Cultural Frontiers. Vol.1, No.1. Pp.4-15.
Conference Proceeding
1998 The Ontario Labour Split: The Role of the State in Shaping Labour Struggle in an Era of Globalization”. Work Difference and Social Change: New Perspectives on Work and Workers Two Decades after Braverman’s Labour and Monopoly Capital.