On Wednesday, May 29, Alain Baudot received the annual Jean-Baptiste Rousseau Award given by the Société d’Histoire de Toronto at an evening meeting of the Alliance Française de Toronto dedicated to the launch of two new books by Paul-François Sylvestre.

Below is the text of the diploma which he received on this occasion:

“The Société d’Histoire de Toronto presents this honour to Alain Baudot,
professor, researcher, musician, publisher,
specialist in the history and sociology of Francophone literatures.

Impassioned by literature, Alain Baudot has served as President of the Salon du livre de Toronto [Toronto French-language book fair].

He was responsible for creating the Francophone Studies Research Group
(Glendon College, York University)
and Éditions du Gref, which publishes authors from all parts of the Francophone world.

A lover of music, he has been a music critic at Radio-Canada,
an educational consultant and host at TFO,
and conductor of the Glendon Symphony Orchestra.

 The Société d’Histoire de Toronto dedicated the 2013 Jean-Baptiste-Rousseau Award to him.

 We add our recognition to all the honours and titles which he has already received.”