Continuing Education offers a CEFR-based approach to curriculum, teaching and learning. The Common European Framework Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an internationally recognized standard for describing language ability for the purpose of teaching, learning and assessment. It comprises of six descriptor levels: basic user A1–A2; independent user B1–B2; and proficient user C1–C2. It was designed to provide a transparent, coherent and comprehensive basis for the elaboration of language syllabuses and curriculum guidelines, the design of teaching and learning materials, and the assessment of foreign language proficiency. It is used in Europe but also in other continents.
Courses Offered
Level A0 - True Beginner
This course is for students who have little or no knowledge of English. The course emphasizes listening and speaking skills, although reading and writing skills are also developed. Basic grammar, along with vocabulary development, is introduced.
Level A1- Beginner 1
General Objectives: Understand and use everyday expressions and basic phrases. Recognize and use familiar words and simple phrases for concrete purposes. Introduce themselves or someone else. Ask and answer basic questions, and use sentences to describe details about their personal life. Interact in a simple way, provided the other person talks slowly and clearly.
Listening: Recognize familiar words and very basic phrases about themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.
Reading: Understand familiar names, words, and phrases.
Level A2- Beginner 2
General Objectives: Understand sentences and common expressions related to basic personal or family information. Communicate in simple and routine tasks and describe in simple terms aspects of their background and communicate immediate needs.
Listening: Understand phrases and highest frequency vocabulary related to catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements.
Reading: Read very short, simple texts. They will be able to find specific, predictable information in simple everyday material.
Level B1- Intermediate 1
General Objectives: Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar subjects in work, school, leisure or activities. Manage in most situations likely to come up while travelling in a region where the language is spoken. Produce simple connected texts on familiar or of personal interest topics.
Listening: Understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encouraged in work, school, leisure. They will be able to understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current affairs or personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.
Reading: Understand texts that consist mainly of high-frequency every day or job-related language.
Level B2- Intermediate 2
General Objectives: Understand the main ideas of concrete or abstract topics in a complex text, including technical discussions in the users’ area of expertise. Communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency during a conversation with a native speaker, in a way that is comfortable for everyone. Speak in a clear, detailed way on a number of subjects; express an opinion on current affairs, giving the advantages and disadvantages of the various options.
Listening: Understand extended speech and lectures and follow complex arguments provided the topic is familiar. They will be able to understand most TV news and current affairs programs as well as films in the standard language.
Reading: Read articles and reports on contemporary problems and understand contemporary literary prose.
Level C1- Advanced 1
General objectives: Understand a wide range of long and complex text, including and sub-textual or stylistic nuances. Can express themselves freely and fluidly, without obviously fumbling for words. Can use the language effectively and fluently in a social, professional, or academic context. Can speak in a clear, organized way about complex subjects, developing a well-structured argument.
Level C2- Advanced 2
General objectives: Effortlessly understand almost everything they read or hear. Capable of a coherent summary of events or arguments from oral or written sources. Can express themselves precisely in a spontaneous, fluent, precise way, conveying the finer shades of meaning in speech or text.
Do you want to improve or practice your English but are too busy to take the time out of your schedule to attend classes?
Do you have a specific goal you’re working towards, like a professional exam or certification, and want specialised instructors who can help you get there?
Try an English private lesson with one of our qualified and experienced instructors!
We will:
- Determine your needs
- Adapt lessons to meet your needs
- Arrange times that fit your schedule
Schedules and Fees
- September 21 to November 30
- Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
- No class on October 12 for Thanksgiving
Winter 2025:
- January 11 to March 22
- Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
- No class on February 15 for Family Day
- April 5 to June 21
- Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 12:30
- No class on April 19 for Easter and May 17 for Victoria Day
- $425 (CAD) per session (fall, winter, or spring).
- 10% off Glendon-York staff, current students, and alumni.
- Email to attain the discount code.
Arrange times that fit your schedule:
- 10 weeks/1 hour or
- 5 weeks/2 hours
- $675 (CAD) per session (fall, winter, or spring).
- 10% off Glendon-York staff, current students, and alumni.
- Email to attain the discount code.
Registration for each course closes a week before the start date. We reserve the right to change or cancel our program and course offerings in the case of mitigating circumstances. In the event we are no longer able to offer the program or course or you are no longer able to participate as a result of changes in the offerings, a full refund will be issued.
Learning at Glendon Continuing Education
Participants will have access to our online placement test. Expert-authored and based on the CEFR, this test will evaluate your grammar, listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Placement tests are arranged upon registration.
There is no testing required for English Level A0.
Participants will have access to York University’s professor-authored and quality-assured teaching, learning and curricular framework and resources aligned to the CEFR (and customized to each learner/learner level).
Participants will receive a customized progress report and/or a CEFR certificate of completion and/or transcripts.
We have qualified York University Continuing Education bilingual instructors with graduate degrees, subject-matter specific professional credentials and current industry expertise
All courses are available at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels, as private/semi-private or group sessions. Instruction features a theoretical, practical and customized approach.