

 Events (by topics)


Nota Bene:  Three major events were cancelled due to the covid-19 crisis:

  • The 11th annual Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies
  • Two full day conferences – rescheduled for Oct. 2020 (see Objectives for upcoming year).


Language ecology


  • National Colloquium: Canada’s Indigenous Languages Policy and Bill C-91 (December 6-8) (P.I. investigator Ian Martin, Glendon Linguistics Program and CRLCC member)


Presenters and participants from across Canada voiced current best practices, but also additional needs in their communities. Presentations were live-streamed, recorded and made accessible to participants on CRLCC’s website.

The event was registered with UNESCO as one of Canada’s responses to the UN Year of Indigenous Languages.

“Brown Bag Lunch” talks

  • “Language, Identity, and Heritage Preservation in Singapore and Vancouver, by Justin Kwan and Jean Michel Montsion from the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and YCAR (January 15) – Presentation was made accessible on our Website and a follow-up is planned for next year

 “A Multilingual Dictionary for Mambila, a Minority Language from West-Central Africa”, by Bruce Connell, Linguistics Program and CRLCC member (March 4). Attendants discussed a possible conference on African Languages next year.



Translation, interpreting, and knowledge exchange

CRLCC sponsored two (2) public lectures organized by the Research Group on Translation and Transcultural Contact (associated with one of CRLCC’s clusters) on September 26, International Translation Day:

  • “Translation and Indigenous Languages”,

by elder Shirley Williams (Trent University, York University alum)    






  • “Poetry and Translation: On the Translation of Seymour Mayne’s Wind and Wood into French, Portuguese and Spanish”, by María Laura Spoturno (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina), organized by Maria-Constanza Guzman.


  • “Brown Bag Lunch” talks:  
  • Lyse Hébert (School of Translation, CRLCC) discussed her “(re)(de)-colonizing” translation into French and Spanish of the poem “History Lesson” by Indigenous writer Jeanette Armstrong (February 12).


  • Jennifer Hartog (Independent researcher, CRLCC) conducted a discourse analysis of an interaction between doctors and patients speaking different languages and requiring the help of an interpreter (February 26).


Second or multiple language acquisition

  • Public lecture on Brazilian Literacy Policy organized by Brian Morgan, CRLCC member, and Coordinator Glendon ESL:

“Language Education in Contemporary Brazilian Educational Policies: Teachers between Conflicting Epistemologies by Ana Paula Dubuc (Faculty of Education University of Sao Paulo) (November 14)

Dr. Vinicio de Macedo, Vice Dean of USP’s Faculty of Education, attended and met with Glendon Associate Principal Research in the context of the Internationalization/Partnership Development between Glendon College/York University and Brazil.


Workshop on podcasts and FSL teaching organized by Marie-Elaine Lebel (FSL, CRLCC):

“Le balado (podcast) comme dispositif et objet d’enseignement du français langue seconde”, by Francis Langevin, UBC (Okanagan) (November 12)

Plurilingual scholarly writing

  • James Corcoran (new CRLCC member, ESL and Applied Linguistics /York) presented his research (books) and writing workshops:

“Plurilingual Scholarly Writing for Publication: Politics, Practices, and Pedagogies” (Brown Bag Lunch talk: November 1)
The talk led to discussions with FGS on (credited?) workshops for Glendon International Graduate students.  (See also Let’s talk sessions below.)



Other events hosted collaboratively with other Glendon research bodies


  • Public talk, co-sponsored by the Groupe de Recherches en Études francophones, francophiles et en français,


“Histoires d’Oka”, by Isabelle St Amand, Queen’s University National Scholar (organized by S. Rosienski-Pellerin, February 10).

The Oka standoff was examined in relation to film and literary narratives, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous.



  • One of CRLCC’s “Brown Bag Lunches” hosted a talk organized by Glendon Linguistics program and Department of Multidisciplinary Studies:

“Autour de Convenit, Il convient, Conviene, et de leurs cousins en grec ancien et en anglais – ou comment relativiser la nécessité”, by Philippe Bourdin (Linguistics Program, Glendon)


Knowledge mobilization – On line book launch


CRLCC, in collaboration with the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, is organizing an online book launch on May 21 (originally planned on site for April 16):

Gabriel Levine’s Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings (MIT Press)

with special guest Cheryl L’hirondelle (métis, and interdisciplinary artist) and visuals by Annie Katsura Rollins. 

Levine (CRLCC, Drama Studies) examines collective projects that reclaim and reinvent tradition in contemporary North America, both within and beyond the frames of art.  


Facilitating graduate students’ research


  • Let’s talk sessions

Following J. Corcoran’s talk (above), Glendon international graduate students expressed the need for more guidance regarding research and plurilingual scholarly writing. CRLCC organized 4 (bi)weekly workshops (“Let’s talk”) around the following topics: Do you understand the research expectations of your program/university? Do you feel your cultural and linguistic backgrounds influence your approach to research?


  • Graduate student Aleksandar Golijanin (Faculty of Education) shared the results of his research with Glendon undergraduate students in French Studies (4th year):

“Apprentissage des langues secondes et feedback : Différences attitudinales entre les apprenants et les enseignants de cultures nord-américaine, européenne et asiatique (March 10)