Course Director
YH 262
487 6724
Herold Glendon Web CV -- rev Oct 2015.pdf
Early medieval history, early medieval law, medieval recordkeeping, medieval archives, diplomatics (medieval), palaeography (Latin), runology, codicology, medieval letter collections, medieval literacy and literate culture.
University of Toronto, Centre for Medieval Studies, 2008
University of Toronto, Centre for Medieval Studies, 2000
• | "'Kick Ass and Take Names:' Presenting the York Cycle's 'Christ before Pilate' as a Meditation on Power and Authority." Early Theatre, vol. 3 (2000), 229 - 33. Publisher's Site |
“Preserving Records and Writing History in Worcester’s Conquest-era Archives.” In Constructing History across the Norman Conquest: Worcester, c. 1050 – c. 1150. Francesca Tinti and D. A. Woodman, eds. Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2022.
• | Entry for "Augustine of Canterbury and the Conversion of the Anglo-Saxons (c. 595)”, in Great Events in Religion: an Encyclopedia of Pivotal Events in Religious History. Andrew Holt and Florin Curta, eds. 3 vols. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, in preparation. Maison d'édition | ||
• | Review of Practice in Learning: the Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages (edited by Rolf H. Bremmer and Kees Dekker. Storehouses of Wholesome Learning II / Mediaevalia Groningana, new series 16. Paris/Leuven/Walpole, MA: Peeters, 2010), for The Journal of Medieval Latin 23 (2013) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 6 - 9. Maison d'édition | ||
• | Review of Zilmer, Kristel and Judith Jesch. Epigraphic Literacy and Christian Identity: Modes of Written Discourse in the Newly Christian European North (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 4. Turnhout: Brepols, 2012) for The Medieval Review (Bloomington, IN: Medieval Studies Institute and the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University) . Maison d'édition | ||
• | Review of Bouchard, Constance Brittain, ed. Three Cartularies from Thirteenth-Century Auxerre. (Medieval Academy Books, No. 113; Toronto, Canada / Buffalo, NY / London, UK: University of Toronto Press, 2012) for The Journal of Medieval Latin 24 (2014) (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), 285 - 88. Maison d'édition | ||
• | Review of Along the Oral-Written Continuum: Types of Texts, Relations and their Implications (edited by Slavica Ranković, Leidulf Melve and Else Mundal. Turnhout: Brepols, 2010), for The Medieval Review (Bloomington, IN: Medieval Studies Institute and the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University) Maison d'édition | ||
• | Review of Strategies of Writing: Studies on Text and Trust in the Middle Ages (edited by Petra Schulte, Marco Mostert and Irene van Renewoude. Turnhout: Brepols, 2008), for The Medieval Review (Bloomington, IN: Medieval Studies Institute and the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University) Maison d'édition | ||
• | Review of English Episcopal Acta 33, Worcester 1062 –1185 (edited by M. Cheney, David Smith, Christopher Brooke and Philippa Hoskin. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2007), for The Medieval Review (Bloomington, IN: Medieval Studies Institute and the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University) Maison d'édition | ||
• | Entries for "Domesday Book", "Hwicce", "Mercia", "Worcester", and "Wulfstan II, Bishop of Worcester and Saint" in The Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: an Encyclopedia. Dr. Chris Snyder, General Editor. Oxford: Greenwood International, 2008. Maison d'édition |
German, French (reading)
Medieval Latin, Old English, Old Norse (research)