Full Professor
Glendon College - York Hall 140
Health and Mental Health
Law, Justice and Crime
University of Montreal
University of Western Ontario
Professor Young has three main areas of interest. The first is on child development, and he has published development books in 2011, 2016, 2019, and 2022. The second is ethics, and he has a book on ethics in 2017, with a recent 2022 article. The third is rehabilitation, and he edits the journal Psychological Injury and Law, having written several books on the topic in 2006, 2007, and 2014, with the Handbook of Psychological Injury and Law (first co-editor) due in 2023. He publishes articles and chapters in each of the 3 areas. He focuses on theory and the theme of causality.
Young, G. (2021). Causality and neo-stages in development: Toward unifying psychology. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Young, G. (2019). Causality and development: Neo-Eriksonian perspectives. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.Young, G. (2017). Revising the American Psychological Association Ethics Code. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Young, G. (2016). Unifying causality and psychology: Being, brain and behavior. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Young, G., & Goodman-Delahunty, J. (2021, Submitted). The Daubert elegy:
Overcoming gatekeeping limitations in screening expert evidence. Psychological
Injury and Law, 14.
Young, G. (2021). The call for aid (cry for help) in psychological injury and law: Reinterpretation, mechanisms, and a call for research. Psychological Injury and Law, 14.
Giromini, L., Pignolo, C., Young, G., Drogin, E. Y., Zennaro, A., & Viglione, D. J. (2021). Comparability and validity of the online and in-person administrations of the Inventory of Problems – 29. Psychological Injury and Law, 14.
Young, G. (2021). Testing in psychological injury and law. Psychological Injury and Law, 14.
Young, G. (2020). Toward a unified health work ethics code. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health. 15, 100590.
Young, G., Foote, W. E., Kerig, P. K., Mailis, A., Brovko, J, Kohutis, E. A.., McCall, S., Hapidou, E. G., Fokas, K., F., & Goodman-Delahunty, J. (2020). Introducing psychological injury and law. Psychological Injury and Law, 13(4), 452-463.
Foote, W. E., Goodman-Delahunty, J., & Young, G. (2020). Civil forensic evaluation in psychological injury and law: Legal, professional, and ethical considerations. Psychological Injury and Law, 13(4), 327-353.
Young, G. (2020). Thirty complexities and controversies in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Persistent Postconcussion Syndrome: A roadmap for research and practice. Psychological Injury and Law, 13(4), 412-426.
Young, G. (2019). The cry for help in psychological injury and law: Concepts and review. Psychological Injury and Law, 12 (3-4), 225-237.
Young, G. (2019). Personhood across disciplines: Applications to ethical theory and mental health ethics. Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, 10, 93-101.
Young, G., Kenny, M. (In Process). Ethical and legal issues. In J. Matson (Ed.), Handbook of clinical child psychology: Theory to practice. Springer Nature.
Young, G. (2020). Discrimination in medical research sampling:
Recommendations and applications to psychology. In N. Rezaei & A.
Saghazadeh (Eds.), Integrated Science – Multidisciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity
in Health (Vol. 3, pp. XX). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Young, G. (2020). Psychology, law, ethics, telehealth,
and the global pandemic. In N. Rezaei, S. Hanaei, & A. Saghazadeh (Eds.), Integrated
Science of Global Epidemics (Vol 9, pp. XX). Cham, Switzerland: Springer
Nature Switzerland AG.
2016 - York University Research Leader
2015 - Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award. Canadian Psychological Association, Trauma Stress Section
2015 - Fellow of the American Psychological Association
2021 - Principal's Award; Outstanding Research Contributions, Glendon College