365 York Hall
Omar F. Hamouda is professor of Economics at Glendon College, York University (Canada) and has research expertise in macroeconomics and monetary economics, with a particular interest in and contributions to the theories of Hicks and Keynes. He is also well versed in the history of economic thought and in economic development. His book, Money, Investment and Consumption: Keynes’s Macroeconomics Rethought (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009), is a rethinking of macroeconomics in light of Keynes’ ideas on financial crises. He is the author or co-author of numerous books, including John R. Hicks: The Economist’s Economist (Basil Blackwell, 1993), Probability in Economics (Routledge, 1996) and Verification in Economics and History: A Sequel to ‘Scientifization’ (Routledge, 2011). He has published many articles in peer-reviewed journals such as British Review of Economic Issues, Bulletin of Economic Research, Cahiers d’économie politique, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Eastern Economic Journal, Economic Journal, History of Economic Ideas, Indian Journal of Applied Economics, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Journal of Economic Literature, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Kyklos, L’Actualité Economique, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Revue d’analyse économique and the Scottish Journal of Political Economy. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Income Distribution (www.jid-online.org) and writes a blog at keynes.ca
Economic Development
Economic Studies
Financial and Monetary Systems and Theory
History of Economic Thought
Macroeconomic Theory
Poverty and Income Distribution Policies
Doctorate: McGill University
Masters: McMaster University
B.A.: Essex University
Visiting Appointments: Visiting Professor, Université de Moncton, Canada (1978)
Visiting Scholar, Cambridge University, UK (1983)
Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, USA (1989-90; 1995-96)
Research Scholar, M.I.T., USA (1993)
Research Affiliate, M.I.T., USA (1994-97)
Fellow, Universities of Bremen (1989) and Hohenheim (1997), Germany, and Université de Dijon, France (1998)
Invited guest, The Arab Planning Institute, Kuwait (1991)
Visiting Professor, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon (2004)
Just released:
- 2021. "Wealth distribution", in An Introduction to Macroeconomics, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 402-436.
- 2019. "John Richard Hicks", in The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes, Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann (eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 435-444.
- 1988, Expectations, Equilibrium and Dynamics in Economics: A History of Recent Economic Ideas and Practices, with J.C.R. Rowley, Brighton, UK: Wheatsheaf.
- 1991, Verification in Economics and History. A Sequel to ‘Scientifization’, with B.B. Price, London: Routledge.
- 1993, John R. Hicks. The Economist’s Economist, Oxford: Blackwell.
- 1996, Probability in Economics, with [J.C.] R. Rowley, London: Routledge.
- 2009, Money, Investment, and Consumption : Keynes’s Macroeconomics Rethought, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 2011, Reprint of Verification in Economics and History. A Sequel to ‘Scientifization’, with B.B. Price, London: Routledge
Edited Books
- 1986, Controversies in Political Economy: Selected Essays by G.C. Harcourt, Brighton, UK: Wheatsheaf.
- 1987, Keynes and Public Policy after Fifty Years: Volume I: Economics and Policy, Volume II: Theories and Method, with John Smithin, London: Gower.
- 1989, The Future of the International Monetary System, with Robin Rowley and Bernard Wolf, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 1993, The Evolution of Labour Markets in Canada, Special Issue of Journal of Income Distribution, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Vol. 3, No 2, Fall.
- 1994, Capitalism, Socialism and Knowledge. The Economics of F.A. Hayek, Volume II, with M. Colonna and H. Hagemann, Aldershot/Hant, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
- 1994, The Legacy of Hicks. His contributions to economic analysis, with Harald Hagemann, London: Routledge.
- 1997, The Foundations of Probability, Econometrics and Economic Games, with Robin Rowley, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vol. 1, Expected Utility, Fair Games and Rational Choice
Vol. 2, Paradoxes, Ambiguity and Rationality
Vol. 3, Economic Games, Bargaining and Solution
Vol. 4, Probability Concepts, Dialogue and Belief
Vol. 5, Statistical Foundations for Econometrics
Vol. 6, Econometric Exploration and Diagnosis
Vol. 7, The Probability Approach to Simultaneous Equations
Vol. 8, Time Series Models, Causality and Exogeneity
Vol. 9, The Reappraisal of Econometrics
Vol. 10, Discrete and Continuous Systems, Cointegration and Chaos.
- 1998, Keynesianism and the Keynesian Revolution in America, with B.B. Price, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
- 1998, The Economics of John Rae, with C. Lee and D. Mair, London: Routledge.
- 2013, Reprint in paperback of The Legacy of Hicks. His contributions to economic analysis, with Harald Hagemann, London: Routledge.
- 1984, "On the Notion of Short-Run and Long-Run", British Review of Economic Issues, Vol. 6, No. 14, Spring, pp. 55-82.
- 1985, "The Evolution of Hicks' Theory of Money", Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 37, No. 2, May, pp. 131-151.
- 1986, "Beyond the IS-LM Device: Was Keynes a Hicksian?", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. XII, No. 4, Oct.-Dec., pp. 370-382.
- 1987, "Troublesome Probability and Economics" with J.C.R. Rowley, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Vol. X, No. 1, Fall, pp. 44-64.
- 1988, "Post Keynesianism: From Criticism to Coherence?" with G.C. Harcourt, Bulletin of Economic Research, Vol. 40, No 1, January, pp. 1-33.
- 1988, "Some Remarks on Uncertainty and Economic Analysis" with John Smithin, Economic Journal. Vol. 98, No 389, March, pp. 159-164.
- 1988, "Rationality, Expectations and Deficient Foresight" with John Smithin, Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. XVI, No 3, September, pp. 277-285.
- 1988, "Hypothèses et réalisme", Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 4, December. pp. 519-521.
- 1990, "Athanasios (Tom) Asimakopulos (1930-1990)", Actualité économique, Vol. 66, n.3, septembre, pp. 365-67.
- 1991, "Hicks on the European Monetary System" with H. Hagemann, Kyklos, Vol. 44, pp. 411-29.
- 1995, “Investment, Employment and Income Distribution” in Employment, Distribution and Markets, Brock Review, Winter, pp. 129-149.
- 1997, “The Justice of the Just Price” with B.B. Price, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought., Vol. 4, No. 2, Summer, pp.191-216.
- 1997, “John Rae: A Prophet Without Honour?” with D. Mair, Scottish Journal of Political Economy.
- 1998, “Hicks, A World Economist” in Indian Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 7, No. 4, October-December, pp. 15-28; rpt. 2001, in John Hicks. His Contributions to Economic Theory & Application, K. Puttaswamaiah (ed.) New Brunswick, N.J./London: Transaction Publishers.
- 2000, Editorial, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 9, Nos. 1-4, pp. 135-136.
- 2001, “The Neoclassical Classical Fallacy”, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 9, No. 2, April-June, pp. 147-169.
- 2001, «La conception de Hicks de la causalite en economie», Cahiers d’économie politique», 39, Fall, pp. 25-36.
- 2002, “The History of Economic Thought of the Last 200 Years Through Its Schools and Its Canons“, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Vol.10, No. 1, pp. 55-68.
- 2006, [review essay on] De Vroey, Michel, Involuntary Unemployment. The Elusive Quest for Theory in History of Economic Ideas, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 136-145.
- 2006, “Keynesian Theory Without Keynes: A Reply to Michel De Vroey”, History of Economic Ideas, Vol. 14, No 2, pp 133-135.
- 2008 ‘‘The’ Influence of the Study of Medicine on Clement Juglar's First Take on the Economic Cycle, 1846-1862’’, with L. Frobert, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 30, no. 2, June, pp. 173-98.
- 1987, Summary of "Stagflation for our Grandchildren" by Tibor Skitovsky in Keynes and Public Policy after Fifty Years, with Lorie Tarshis, London: Gower.
- 1988, "The Evolution of Hicks' Theory of Money" in Sir John R. Hicks: Critical Assessments, J.C. Wood and R.N. Woods (eds.), London: Routledge.
- 1989, "Post Keynesianism: From Criticism to Coherence?" in New Directions in Post-Keynesian Economics, John Pheby (ed.), with G.C. Harcourt, Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 1990, "Time, Choice and Dynamics in Economics" in Unknowledge and Choice in Economics, S.F. Frowen (ed.), London: Macmillan.
- 1990, "Production and Progress: Three Episodes in the History of Production Economics" with Robin Rowley in Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, D.E. Moggridge (ed.), Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 1990, "Hicks Changing Views on Economic Dynamics" in Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought, D.E. Moggridge (ed.) Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 1991, "Postkeynesianisomo: de la critica a la aceptacion" with G.C. Harcourt Hacienda Publica Espanola, 117, Madrid: Instituto de Economia y Hacienda, pp. 119-40.
- 1991, "Joan Robinson's Post Keynesianism" in The Economics of Joan Robinson I. Rima (ed.), New York: M.E. Sharpe.
- 1992, "Lorie Tarshis" with B.B. Price in Biographical Dissenting Economists, P. Arestis and M. Sawyer (eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 571-578, 2nd ed. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2000, pp. 652-659.
- 1993, “Réalisme, progrès et méthode: Friedman et l'économétrie” in Milton Friedman et son oeuvre, M. Lavoie and M. Seccarezia (eds.), Montréal: Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, pp. 169-84.
- 1993, "Globalization and the International Debt Trap" in The Political Economy of Global Restructuring, VoI. II, I. Rima (ed.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 173-82.
- 1994, “Economic Integration: Gobblelization or Partnership? The Case of Southern Europe” with B.B. Price in Economic Integration Between Unequal Partners, C. Paraskevopulos, (ed.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 186-200.
- 1994, “Time” with B. Price in The Handbook of Radical Political Economy, P. Arestis and M. Sawyer (eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 1995, “Rational Processes: Markets, Knowledge, and Uncertainty” with [J.C.] R. Rowley in Capitalism, Socialism and Information: The Economics of F.A. Hayek, Volume II, M. Colonna et al. (eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- 1996, “Ignorance and the Absence of Probabilities”, with Robin Rowley in Uncertainty in Economic Thought, C. Schmidt (ed.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 38-64.
- 1997, “The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money and Prices” in Capital Controversy, Post-Keynesian Economics, and The History of Economic Theory P. Arestis, G. Palma, and M. Sawyer, eds., Essays in honour of Geoff Harcourt 3 vols. London: Routledge, vol. 1, pp. 226-234.
- 1997, "Hicks' Trade Cycle" in Encyclopedia of Business Cycles. Panics, Crises and Depressions, D. Glasner (ed.), New York: Garland Publishing Inc., pp. 305-308.
- 1998, “On Rae’s Methodology of Economics” in The Economics of John Rae, O.F. Hamouda, C. Lee and D. Mair (eds.), London: Routledge, pp. 41-65.
- 2002, “Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946)” in An Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics, Brian Snowdon and Howard Vane (eds.), Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 401-404.
-2004, ‘’Hicks, Ursula Webb (1896-1985)’‘ in Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, D Rutherford (ed.), London: thoemmes continuum.
- 2006, “Views on long-term investment and finance: Keynes’ heterodoxy co-opted” in Post-Keynesian Principles of Economic Policy, Claude Gnos and Louis-Phillippe Rochon (eds.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 120-134.
- 2008, “Money, Prices and Credit Management” in Markets, Money and Capital. Hicksian Economics for the 21st Century, Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya K. Sen and Stefano Zamagni (eds.) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 204-224.
- 2012, “The General Theory: seventy-five years later” in Keynes’s General Theory. Seventy-Five Years Later, Thomas Cate, (ed.) Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 267-292.
- 2015, “Bretton Woods Regime” in The Encyclopedia of Central Banking, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 56-58.
- 2016, "Wealth Distribution” in An Introduction to Macroeconomics. A Heterodox Approach to Economic Analysis, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.233-258.
- 2017. "Rethinking income distribution," in A Modern Guide to Rethinking Economics, Louis-Philippe Rochon and Sergio Rossi (eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 153-168.
Editor-in-Chief: - 2003 – present, Journal of Income Distribution
Past Editorial Board Member:
- Review of Political Economy
- International Papers in Political Economy
- Cahiers d’economie politique
Referee for :
- Economic Journal
- Journal of Post Keynesian Economics
- Cambridge Journal of Economics
- Journal of Income Distribution
- Wheatsheaf Books Ltd., Brighton, UK
- Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht, The Netherlands
- Manchester University Press. Manchester, UK
- Routledge Press, UK
- HBJ-Holt Canada
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
- 2002, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 11, Nos. 1-2, pp. 4-6
- 2003, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 11, Nos. 3-4, pp. 3-5
- 2003, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 12, Nos. 1-2, pp. 3-5
- 2003, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 12, Nos. 3-4
- 2004, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 13, Nos. 1-2, pp. 3-5.
- 2006, “Acknowledgement and Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 15, Index Issue, pp. 4-8.
- 2007, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 16, No. 1. pp. 3-7.
- 2007, “Communication”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 3-5
- 2008, “Editorial”, Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 2-4
Book Reviews:
- 1981, J.E. Denis et al. (eds.), Principes de gestion nord-américains - Application aux pays socialistes en vie de développement, (P.A. 1980), in Intervention, No 6, hiver.
- 1989, Alvaro Cencini, Money, Income and Time, (London: Pinter, 1988), in Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. XV, No. 4, July-September.
- 1989, G.K. Shaw, Keynesian Economics: The Permanent Revolution, (Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1988), in The Economic Journal, September.
- 1990, A.M. Carabelli, On Keynes's Method, (Cambridge: C.U.P., 1988), in Journal of Economic Literature, March.
- 1992, W.W. Rostow, Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present with a Perspective on the Next Century, in History of Political Economy, Vol. 24, issue 4.
- 1992, H.D. Gibson and E. Tsakalos (eds.), Economic Integration and Financial Liberalization: Prospect for Southern Europe, in Journal of European Integration/Revue d'Intégration Européenne, Vol. XV, No 2-3, pp. 243-5.
- 1995, D.J. Savoie and I. Brecher (eds.), Equity and Efficiency in Economic Development, in Journal of European Integration/Revue d'Intégration Européenne.
- 1996, Robert W. Wright, Economics, Enlightenment, and Canadian Nationalism (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1993), in Canadian Review of Books.
- 1996, M. Zouboulakis, La science economique a la recherche de ses fondements: La tradition epistemologique ricardienne 1826-1891, in Economics and Philosophy, vol. 12, no. 2, Oct., pp. 234-240.
- 1996, F. Targetti, Nicholas Kaldor: The Economics and Politics of Capitalism as a Dynamic System, in HOPE, vol. 28, no. 4, Winter.
- 2002, P. Dockes et al., Les traditions économiques françaises 1848-1939, in Cahiers d’économie politique, no 42, pp. 165-168.
- 2002, Earl, Peter-E., Economics as an art of thought: Essays in memory of G.L.S. Shackle, in Journal of Economic Literature, 40(3), September, pp. 921-22.
- 2005, Boland, Lawrence A., The Foundations of Economic Method. A Popperian Perspective on EH.Net, April 5.
- 2016, Thirlwall, A.P., Essays on Keynesian and Kaldorian Economics in Review of Keynesian Economics, 4(1), January, pp. 116-119.