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Mark Jurdjevic studies early modern Europe, specializing in the Italian Renaissance. He focuses on Florentine political and intellectual history. His research has been funded by Fulbright, SSHRC, the Institute for Advanced Study, and the Harvard Centre for Renaissance Studies. He is writing a book on Machiavelli's epistolary network as a collective inquiry into the origins of the Italian wars
Politics and Government
Social and Political Thought
Northwestern University, 2002
University of Toronto, 1996
• A Great and Wretched City: Promise and Failure in Machiavelli's Florentine Political Thought. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2014. Publisher's Site
• Guardians of Republicanism: The Valori Family in the Florentine Renaissance. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008. Publisher's Site
• “Virtue, Fortune, and Blame in Machiavelli’s Life and The Prince,” Social Research: An International Quarterly (Spring, 2014).
• "Machiavelli's Hybrid Republicanism," English Historical Review 122 (2007): 1228-1257.
• "Hedgehogs and Foxes: The Present and Future of Italian Renaissance Intellectual History," Past and Present 195 (2007): 241-268.
• "Trust in Renaissance Electoral Politics," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 4 (2004): 601-614.
• "Prophets and Politicians: Marsilio Ficino, Savonarola, and the Valori Family," Past and Present 183 (2004): 41-77.
• (co-authored with Caitlin Tillman), "E. C. Noble in Toronto, June 1921 and His Account of the Discovery of Insulin,” The Bulletin for the History of Medicine Winter 78 (2004): 864-875.
• "Machiavelli's Sketches of Francesco Valori and the Reconstruction of Florentine History," Journal of the History of Ideas 2 (2002): 185-206.
• "Virtue, Commerce, and the Enduring Florentine Republican Moment: Re-Integrating Italy into the Atlantic Republican Debate," Journal of the History of Ideas 4 (2001): 721-743.
• "Civic Humanism and the Rise of the Medici," Renaissance Quarterly 52 (1999): 994-1020.
• "Political Thought," in Cambridge Companion to the Italian Renaissance, ed. Michael Wyatt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
• "Writing History in a Ruined World: Machiavelli, Vettori, and Guicciardini on History and Republicanism," in After Civic Humanism: Learning and Politics in Renaissance Italy, 1300-1600, eds. Nicholas Baker & Brian Maxson. Toronto: CRRS, forthcoming.
• “Le renouveau du pouvoir, 1480-1520,” in Histoire comparée des Littératures de langues européenes. Vol. 2: La nouvelle culture, ed. Eva Kushner. Amsterdam: Benjamins, forthcoming.
• "Voluntary Associations Reconsidered: Arti and Compagnie in Florentine Politics," in Sociability and Its Discontents, eds. Nicholas Terpstra & Nicholas Eckstein. Turnhout: Brepols, 2009.
• "The Guicciardinian Moment: the Discorsi Palleschi, Humanism, and Aristocratic Republicanism in Sixteenth-Century Florence," in Humanism and Creativity in the Renaissance: Essays in Honor of Ronald G. Witt, eds. Christopher Celenza & Kenneth Gouwens. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2006.
• “Political Thought,” Oxford Bibliographies in “Renaissance and Reformation”, ed. Margaret King. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. Publisher's Site