Associate Professor
166 York Hall
JM's research focuses on ethnic, urban and mobility questions as they arise in Canada's relations with various Asian societies and communities. From an everyday life perspective, he examines the impact of port and airport infrastructure projects in Canadian gateway cities like Vancouver on local communities; he documents First Nations' diplomatic efforts in China, and he analyses the migration experiences of Chinese students to Canadian universities, notably as they pertain to their racialization in various Canadian communities. He is also interested in ethnic and community politics of Singapore and utilizes Southeast Asia in a comparison to Canadian cases and realities.
JM is the Director of the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies (1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026). He is on sabbatical leave from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025
Political Science (McMaster University)
Political Science (Ottawa University)
Non-Refereed Articles and Reports
Edited Special Issues and Collections
Book Reviews
JM Montsion. 2021. Invited review of Identity and Social Networks: A Case of Chinese Graduate Students in the United States, by Cynthia Baiqing Zhang, Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 50(1): 96-97.
JM Montsion. 2020. Review of Le Canada: une culture de métissage / Transcultural Canada, by Paul D. Morris (ed), The Canadian Geographer 64(2): e15-e16.
JM Montsion. 2017. Compte-rendu de “Emotions, Community, and Citizenship: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives." Emotion, Space and Society 24(1): 42-43.