Betsey Price

Full Professor


   326 York Hall

Betsey B. Price is professor of History and Multidisciplinary Studies at Glendon College, York University (Canada) and has research expertise in medieval history of ideas, science, and technology, with a particular interest in the history of astronomy, medieval intellectuals, such as Albertus Magnus and Henry of Ghent, and the rise of disciplines in the Middle Ages. She is also well versed in organic farming and publishing.  Her book, Medieval Thought (Blackwell, 1992), is a rethinking of medieval intellectual history in light of religious and philosophical ideas of the Middle Ages. She is also the co-author of Verification in Economics and History: A Sequel to ‘Scientifization’  (Routledge, 2011).  She has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as History of Universities, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, Indian Journal of Applied EconomicsThe European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Journal for the History of Astronomy, and Renaissance and Reformation/ Renaissance et Réforme. She is the Journal Manager of the Journal of Income Distribution ( , the owner of Ad Libros Publications Inc. (Cambridge, MA), and co-owner/co-operator of P & H Farms (

Medieval Intellectual History

Medieval Science

Medieval Technology

History of Astronomy

History of Ideas

History of Economic Thought

History of Science

History of Technology

Global History

Ancient History

Income Distribution


Organic Farming

B.A.: University of Michigan

M.A.: University of Toronto

Ph.D.: University of Toronto

Other education: license ès lettres, première année, Université de Nancy

Other Appointments:  Researcher, Harvard College, Harvard University, 2003-04
                                        Visiting Scholar, Harvard College, Harvard University, 2002-03

                                        Visiting Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
                                             Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997-98

                                        Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
                                             Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992-97

                                        Member, Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University, 1992-99

                                         Researcher, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council, 1982-84

                                         Researcher, Connaught Foundation, 1978-80

                                         Researcher, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto. 1976-77

                                         Researcher, Royal Ontario Museum/University of Toronto, 1973-74

“The Production of Alcohol in the Middle Ages”, Andrew McMichael, ed. A Cultural History of Alcohol (Series: The Cultural History Series, Bloomsbury, London) forthcoming

“Does the history of technology stand on the shoulders of giants?”, Steven A. Walton, ed. Fifty Years of ‘Medieval Technology and Social Change’ (Series: AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art; Routledge: Routledge, 2020)

Research Project: "Food Waste and Gardening in Community"


Medieval Thought: an Introduction (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992; rpt. 1992), 261p. (hardcover and paperback); Introducao ao Pensamento Medieval (Portuguese translation with author’s new foreword) (Lisbon: Edicoes ASA, 1996), 352p.

Verification in Economics and History: An Essay in Methodology (with O.F. Hamouda) (London: Routledge, 1991), 208p.; Verification in Economics and History. A sequel to 'scientifization' (Routledge Revivals) (with Omar Hamouda) (London: Routledge, hardcover, 2011, paperback and e-book, 2012), 182p.


Henrici de Gandavo, Quodlibet XIV (with J.V. Brown and G. Wilson), Henrici de Gandavo. Opera Omnia Volume XVIII (Leuven: Leuven University Press, forthcoming 2020)

Keynesianism and the Keynesian Revolution in America: a Memorial Volume in honour of Lorie Tarshis (with O.F. Hamouda) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1998, e-book 1999), 214p.

Ancient Economic Thought (London: Routledge, hardcover and e-book, 1997; paperback, 2014), 271p.

Journal Articles


Review essay of Spencer E. Young (ed.), Crossing Boundaries at Medieval Universities, Volume 36: Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2011), 351pp in History of Universities, Vol. XXVIII/1 (2014), pp. 167-175

“Paired in Ceremony: Academic Inception and Trade-Guild Reception”, History of Universities, 20, 1, (May, 2005). pp. 1-37

“Samuelson the vain”, International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 9, 2, (April-June 2001), pp. 181-202

‘‘The Function of the Hicksian Economic Institution’’, Indian Journal of Applied Economics, 8, 1 (January-March 1999), 113-139

“The Justice of the Just Price” (with O.F. Hamouda), The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 4, 2 (Summer 1997), 191-216

"Use of Astronomical Tables by Albertus Magnus", Journal for the History of Astronomy, xxii, (1991), 221-240

"Master by any other means", Renaissance and Reformation/ Renaissance et Réforme, New Series 13, 1, (February 1987), 115-134

Book Chapters


“Food-Not Food. Food Waste by definition” (with P. Lalonde), in Viktor Pal and Iris Borowy, eds Waste Now in Asia (preliminary title) London: Bloomsbury Academic, forthcoming 2023

“The Production of Alcohol in the Middle Ages”, Andrew McMichael, ed. A Cultural History of Alcohol (Series: The Cultural History Series, Bloomsbury, London) forthcoming

“Does the history of technology stand on the shoulders of giants?”, Steven A. Walton, ed. Fifty Years of ‘Medieval Technology and Social Change’ (Series: AVISTA Studies in the History of Medieval Technology, Science and Art; Routledge: Routledge, 2020)

“Interpreting Albertus the Great on Astronomy”, Irven M. Resnick, ed., A Companion to Albert the Great. Theology, Philosophy, and the Sciences (Boston: EJ Brill, 2013), 397-436

“Communication, Transportation and Exploration” J.M. Hackett, ed., Medieval Europe (814-1350) World Eras, Vol. 5 (New York: Macmillan Reference (Gale Group), 2002), 96-135

“Social Class System and the Economy”, J.M. Hackett, ed., Medieval Europe (814-1350) World Eras, Vol. 5 (New York: Macmillan Reference (Gale Group), 2002), 136-187

"History" in John R. Hicks: The Economist's Economist by O.F. Hamouda (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1992), 258-286

"The Physical Astronomy and Astrology of Albertus Magnus", James A. Weisheipl, ed., Albertus Magnus and the Sciences (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1980), 155-185


Medieval Science, Technology and Medicine: An Encyclopedia, "Patronage of science", (London: Brown Reference Group, 2005)

Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, “Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)” (London: Continuum, 2004)

The Handbook of Radical Political Economy, "Time" (with O.F. Hamouda) (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1994), 424-429

A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, "Lorie Tarshis (born 1911)" (with O.F. Hamouda) (Aldershot, Hants: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd., 1992), 571-578; 2nd ed. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2000), 652-659

Dictionary of Literary Biography. Medieval Philosophers, "Albertus Magnus" and "Henry of Ghent" (Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 1992) 15-23 and 236-240


“Samuelson the vain”, in K. Puttaswamaiah, ed., Paul Samuelson & the Foundations of Modern Economics (New Brunswick, N.J./London: Transaction Publishers, hardcover, 2001, paperback, 2018) 181-202, reprinted from International Journal of Applied Economics and Econometrics, 9, 2

‘‘The Function of the Hicksian Economic Institution’’, in K. Puttaswamaiah, ed., John Hicks. His Contributions to Economic Theory & Application (New Brunswick, N.J./London: Transaction Publishers, paperback, 2001, hardcover 2018) 111-137, reprinted from Indian Journal of Applied Economics, 8, 1


«Javelot, miroir, arène et bouclier» Les quatre dimensions de la technologie dans l’Echo de la fabrique”, Ludovic Frobert, ed., L’Echo de la fabrique. Naissance de la presse ouvrière à Lyon. 1831-1834 (Lyon : ENS Editions, 2010), 277-310

“Rae’s Theory of the History of Technological Change”, O. Hamouda, C. Lee, and D. Mair, eds. The Economics of John Rae (London: Routledge, 1998), 74-94

"The Effect of Patronage on the Intellectualization of Medieval Endeavours", David Wilkins, ed., The Search for a Patron in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Lewiston, N.Y.: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1996), 5-18

"Henry of Ghent and the Tensions of Economics", W. Vanhamel, ed., Henry of Ghent: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Occasion of the 700th Anniversary of his Death (1293), (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 1996), 255-278

"Precedenti antichi e medievali del moderno razzismo europeo?" ["Ancient and Medieval Antecedents of Modern European Racism"] Girolamo Imbruglia, ed., Il razzismo e le sua storie (Naples, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1992), 81-98


ICON 2021

Speculum 1998

The Economic Journal 1998

Technology and Culture 1997

HOPE [History Of Political Economy] 1997

Canadian Book Review Annual 1997

History of European Ideas 1994, 1993

Revue d’intégration européenne / Journal of European Integration 1992


“Defining Food (and Food Waste)”, (with P. Lalonde), Waste Now! Histories and Contemporalities of Discards Workshop, Shanghai University and University of Helsinki, Helsinki, 2021

« Javelot, Miroir, Arene, Bouclier. Les quatre faces de la technologie dans l’Echo de la Fabrique 1831-1834 », Journées d’études, L’ENS, Lyons, 2007

“Love-Hate Relationships of the Medieval University: Spurs to Innovation”, Commission internationale pour l’histoire des Universités au Centre interuniversitaire sur la Science et la Technologie, Université du Québec à Montreal, 2006

“Interpreting Latin Astronomical Texts in the Middle Ages (ca. 500 - ca. 1500)”, Fifth International Congress on Medieval Latin Studies, York University and the University of Toronto, Toronto, 2006

"Economic Ideas in the Quodlibeta of Henry of Ghent: a reflection of late thirteenth-century medieval society?" History of Economics Seminar, Sophia University, Tokyo, 2006

“Images of Medieval Astronomy”, 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 2003

‘‘Hicks on History and Theory of History / Hicks: historien et théoréticien de l’histoire’’, Journées d’étude ‘J.R. Hicks’, Université Paris I, 1997

“Philosophy as the organizing principle of Scottish Enlightenment Political Economy”, Roundtable Presentation, Centennial Conference, Scottish Economics Society, University of Stirling, Scotland, 1997

"Quodlibet XIV of Henry of Ghent: When Is a Bad Manuscript Good?” (with Jerome V. Brown), Twenty-First International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, 1996

“Time as one function of change in economic theories” (with O.F. Hamouda), Le temps dans la pensée économique / Time in Economic Thought, Colloque de l’Association Charles Gide pour l’Etude de la Pensée Economique, Toronto, 1996

“Rae’s History of Technology”, John Rae 1796-1872, Bi-centenary Conference, Aberdeen University, Scotland, 1996

“Henry of Ghent: Philosophy and Economics”, The Boston Colloquium in Medieval Philosophy, Boston College, Newton, Massachusetts, 1996

“The State of Astronomy according to Roger Bacon”, 14th Annual Conference of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Social Thought, Institute of Global Cultural Studies, Binghamton University, SUNY, 1995

“Does the History of Technology Stand on the Shoulders of Giants?”, Science, Technology and Society Colloquium Series, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, 1995

“The Economic Ideas of Henry of Ghent”, European Conferences on the History of Economics, Tinbergen Institute and Faculty of Philosophy Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Holland, 1995

“Economics - A Methodological Propedeutic to Science Studies” (with O.F. Hamouda), 4S Annual Meeting, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1993.

"Henry of Ghent and the Tensions of Economics", International Colloquium on the Occasion of the 700th Anniversary of the Death of Henry of Ghent, Leuven [Louvain], Belgium, 1993

"The Justice of the Just Price", Twentieth Annual Meeting of the History of Economics Society, Temple University, Philadelphia, 1993

“The medieval exegete: a mediator between science and religion”, Fourth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, "Science, Technology, and Religious Ideas", Kentucky State University, Frankfort, 1993

"Not Just the Just Price", Ninth Annual Congress of the Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale, Ottawa, Ontario, 1992

"The Effect of Patronage on the Intellectualization of Medieval Endeavours", Patronage of Artists, Writers, and Scientists in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, The Fifth Pennsylvania Symposium on Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Pittsburgh, 1991

"Medieval Antecedents of Modern European Racism", Il razzismo e le sua storie, Associazione Sigismondo Malatesta, Rocca di Sant'Arcangelo, Italy, 1991

"Medieval Biblical Exegesis: an usher of science into religion", 24th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, 1989

"A master by any other means", Ritual and Recreation in Renaissance Confraternities, Conference of the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium, Toronto, 1989

"The Physical Astronomy and Astrology of Albertus Magnus", Ninth International Conference on Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, 1984

"Albertus Magnus' understanding of astronomy seen through the use of models", Fifth Medieval Science Colloquium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 1981

"Albertus Magnus, could this man be the author of the Speculum astronomiae?", Workshop on Astronomy in the Middle Ages, University of Aarhus, Denmark, 1980


“The City in the Western World”, Living and Learning Series, York University, Toronto, 2003

“Is it possible to do good economics? - in the aftermath of criticism”, York University Seminar in the History of Economic Thought, Toronto, 1994

“Obituary: Lorie Tarshis, 1911-1993” (with O.F. Hamouda), Canadian Journal of Economics, XXVII, 3, (August 1994), 758-759

"`Computing in the Humanities'- is it a discipline?" The Dynamic Text, The combined 16th International ALLC Conference & 9th International Conference on Computers and the Humanities, University of Toronto, 1989

"Documents and instruments in Toronto available for the study of history of medieval science and technology", Sources and Archives: A Series of Informal Talks, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto, 1980



On-site coordinator; Member, Comité de programme, Colloque de l’Association Charles Gide pour l’Etude de la Pensée Economique, Toronto, 1996

Session organizer, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 1994

Conference co-organizer, Ancient and Medieval Economic Thought, M.I.T. 1994

Conference co-organizer, The First Annual HERMES Conference, Toronto, 1993

Member, Organizing committee, Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, Toronto, 1987

Member, Organizing committee, International Conference on Medieval Coronations (in memory of John Brückmann), Toronto, 1985


Co-creator, HERMES (History and Economics), Toronto

Co-editor, BULLETIN HERMES, 1993-1995

History of Science Society

New York State Association of European Historians

Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale

Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy

Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium


Editor: The Invisible College of Researchers in Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance History of Economic Thought

Series Editor: History of Medieval Science – Editions, Translations, and Studies. Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies (P.I.M.S.) Publications

General Journal Manager, Editorial Office: Journal of Income Distribution 2006-present Print ISSN: 0926-6437; Electronic ISSN: 1874-6322

Editorial Consultant: Ad Libros Publications Inc.

                                     Basil Blackwell Publishers (until 2007)


Referee/Evaluator: Sociology and Anthrology

                                  European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

Grant Applications Evaluator: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Submissions Referee: History of Universities, Historica Mathematica, Yale University Press

Book-length Manuscript Evaluator: Marquette University Press, "Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation" series

Translator: Waterloo Music Co, Ltd. (English-French)

                     P. Leiner and Sons, Ltd. (German-English)

Experiential Education

The less than obvious part of my career is that I transitioned from part-time co-farm-owner/-operator in Northumberland County from 1996 to `full-time` co-farm-owner/-operator since 2006. In 2009, with organic certification for our over 200 acres established with ProCert for P & H Farms, my partner and I began selling organic produce at Farmers` Markets, first locally in Port Hope and then in Toronto at the Toronto Evergreen Brickworks Market, which we followed through its Saturday, into its Sunday market expansion and retraction, and even into its Winter Container Ice Rink flanking market. We were the initial Farmer to launch the Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG) Farmers` Market, rendered defunct after running for over 6 years, and three years ago we were present at 7 Toronto Farmers` Markets a week. Our organic production has been monitored and guided by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMFRA) at many steps of the way, including Todd Leuty`s invaluable detective work in finding devastating borers among our hazelnut plantation of 600 trees. The expansion of the farming efforts into animal husbandry has led to our having a mixed dairy goat herd of 35.

This addendum to my CV is simply to allow readers to know that buried, usually in a few last lines evoking agricultural/horticultural experience, are the credentials I am bringing to the newly established Glendon Garden, to experiential education in the field of gardening for York, and to my current research project on food waste and gardening in community.


