Kevin Reynolds


Linguistics and Language Studies


My main areas of teaching and research are Romance, historical, general, and creole linguistics, as well as Italian language and literature. Since 2001, I have taught at the University of Toronto, Concordia University, and York University, where I have taught in the Italian Studies Program in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics (LA&PS) and in the Linguistics and Language Studies Program at Glendon College. I have offered courses on syntax, semantics, linguistic theory, documentary linguistics, language policy and planning, Romance linguistics, history of the Italian language, history of the English language, varieties of English, translation, literary stylistics, Italian literature, and Italian as a second/subsequent language, inter alia.

Courses taught fall-winter 2024-25:

GL/LIN 1603 6.0 (F/W), "Introduction to Linguistics"

GL/CORE 1630 (F), "Becoming a Scholar: Glendon and You"

GL/EN 1903 3.0 (W), "English in the World; the World in English"

GL/LIN 2305 3.0 (W), "Grammatical Description"

GL/LIN 3711 3.0 (F), "Semantics"

GL/LIN 4705 3.0 (F), "Linguistic Theory"

AP/IT 2000 6.0 (F/W), "Intermediate Italian"

Courses taught summer and fall-winter 2023-24:

GL/LIN 1603 6.0 (SU & F/W), "Introduction to Linguistics"

GL/LIN 2305 3.0 (F), "Grammatical Description"

GL/LIN 4606 6.0 (F/W), "History of the English Language"

AP/LING 3510 3.0 (W), "Semantics"

Courses taught 2022-23 academic year:

GL/LIN 1603 6.0 (F/W), "Introduction to Linguistics"

GL/LIN 2305 3.0 (W), "Grammatical Description"

GL/LIN 3300 3.0 (F), "Introduction à la linguistique romane"

GL/LIN 2515 6.0 (F/W), "Italian: A Linguistic Introduction"

GL/LIN 4405 3.0 (W), "Varieties of Romance: Dialectology of the Romance Languages of Italy, Switzerland, and Dalmatia"

GL/LIN 4705 3.0 (F), "Linguistic Theory"

GL/LIN 4717 3.0 (W), "Language Policy and Language Planning"

Romance linguistics

French influence on early manifestations of Italian vernacular literature

Language variation and creoles in the English and Romance domains

Historical linguistics

Language policy and planning

Language pedagogy

Ph.D. University of Toronto

M.A. University of Toronto

B.A. Colgate University


Transitions. Prospettive di studio sulle trasformazioni letterarie e linguistiche nella cultura italiana. Ed. Kevin B. Reynolds et al. Fiesole : Edizioni Cadmo, 2004. Reviewed by Anna Laura Lepschy. Italian Studies 60.1 (Spring 2005): 106-07.

Journal Articles

Review article of A Description of Papiamentu. A Creole Language of the Caribbean Area, by Yolanda Rivera Castillo (Leiden: Brill, 2022). Journal of Portuguese Linguistics 23.1 (2024). DOI:

Review article of Sociolinguistica delle minoranze in Italia. Un’introduzione, by Ilaria Fiorentini (Roma: Carocci editore, 2022). Romanische Forschungen 136.2 (2024): 249-54. DOI:

The Manuscripts of Venice’s Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (before and) after Zanetti: Notes on the Zanetti draft, the ‘New’ Zanetti Appendices, and the Appendix to Zanetti.Quaderni veneti 11 (2022): 43-102. DOI:

Aux racines d’un fonds: les Manuscrits d’Italie de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye et les « Notices des manuscrits françois de la Bibliothèque de St.-Marc à Venise ».” Romania. Revue trimestrielle consacrée à l’étude des langues et des littératures romanes 133.1-2 (2015): 174-200.

“A New Look at the Biblioteca Marciana’s Early French Manuscripts and Their Histories.” Review article of Il fondo francese della Biblioteca Marciana di Venezia, by Sebastiano Bisson (Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2008). Olifant. A Publication of the Société Rencesvals, American-Canadian Branch 26.2 (2011): 195-229. Corrigenda, 27.1 (2012): 101-08.

 “Pio Rajna: Italy’s First Romance Philologist.” Mediaevistik. Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung 24 (2011): 167-74.

“Il Berta e Milon e il Rolandin del Codice Marciano Francese XIII. Un’analisi del testo e il problema della nascita di Orlando.” Romanic Review 101.4 (2010): 839-55. DOI:

“A proposito di due inventari manoscritti relativi al Fondo Francese Antico della Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana di Venezia.” Romania. Revue trimestrielle consacrée à l’étude des langues et des littératures romanes 127.3-4 (2009): 221-47.

Book Chapters

“Lejeune, Rita.” The de Gruyter Handbook of Medieval Studies: Concepts, Methods, Historical Developments, and Current Trends in Medieval Studies. Vol. 3. Ed. Albrecht Classen. Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010. 2465-68. DOI:

Other Publications

Book Reviews:

Rev. of Juntos. Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish, 3rd ed., by Clorinda Donato et al. (Indianapolis: Focus, 2020). Quaderni d’Italianistica 43.1 (2022): 235-37. DOI:

Rev. of The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages. Ed. Adam Ledgeway and Martin Maiden (Oxford: OUP, 2016). Quaderni d’Italianistica 40.2 (2019): 211-14. DOI:

Rev. of The Complete Poetry, by Giacomo da Lentini. Ed. and trans. Richard Lansing (Toronto: UTP, 2018). Quaderni d’Italianistica 39.2 (2018): 155-57. DOI:

Rev. of Selected Poems and Prose, by Guittone D’Arezzo. Ed. and trans. Antonello Borra (Toronto: UTP, 2017). Quaderni d’Italianistica 38.1 (2017): 251-53. DOI:

Rev. of Women, Language and Grammar in Italy 1500-1900, by Helena Sanson (London: OUP/British Academy, 2011). Quaderni d’Italianistica 34.1 (2013): 273-75. DOI:

Rev. of Exhortations to Women and to Others if They Please, by Lucrezia Marinella. Ed. and trans. Laura Benedetti (Toronto: Iter. Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies, 2012). Quaderni d’Italianistica 33.2 (2012): 252-55. DOI:

Scholarly Translations:

Rospocher, Massimo. “Songs of War: Historical and Literary Narratives of the ‘Horrendous Italian Wars’ (1494-1559).” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds. Narrating War. Early Modern and Contemporary Perspectives. Ed. Marco Mondini and Massimo Rospocher. Bologna: il Mulino / Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2013. 79-97.

Barilli, Renato. “My Relationship with Edoardo Sanguineti.” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds. Edoardo Sanguineti. Critical Perspectives. Ed. Paolo Chirumbolo and John Picchione. London: Legenda Italian Perspectives, 2013. 194-96.

Lorenzini, Nica. “A Memory.” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds. Edoardo Sanguineti. Critical Perspectives. Ed. Paolo Chirumbolo and John Picchione. London: Legenda Italian Perspectives, 2013. 210-12.

Rospocher, Massimo. “Beyond the Public Sphere? A Historiographical Transition.” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds. Intro. Beyond the Public Sphere: Opinions, Publics, Spaces in Early Modern Europe (XVI-XVIII). Ed. Massimo Rospocher. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2012. 9-28.

Marcato, Carla. “The Linguistic Situation in Italy and Law 482/1999 Regarding Linguistic Minorities.” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds. Transitions. Prospettive di studio sulle trasformazioni letterarie e linguistiche nella cultura italiana. Fiesole: Edizioni Cadmo, 2004. 65-70. DOI:

“Charles v’s Visit to Canterbury.” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds and Konrad Eisenbichler. Kent: Diocese of Canterbury. Vol. 3. Ed. James M. Gibson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 1070-72.

“Letter from Antonio Maria di Savoia to the Bishop of Arras.” Trans. Konrad Eisenbichler and Kevin B. Reynolds. Kent: Diocese of Canterbury. Vol. 3. Ed. James M. Gibson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 1073-74.

“Summaries of Letters from the Venetian Ambassadors.” Trans. Kevin B. Reynolds and Konrad Eisenbichler. Kent: Diocese of Canterbury. Vol. 3. Ed. James M. Gibson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 1070.

Other Critical Contributions and Reviews:

Traduire « Misster E » en français : Problèmes de langage non binaire dans une langue grammaticalement genrée. Éditorial / Rendering 'Misster E' in French: Questions of Nonbinary Language in a Grammatical-Gender Language. Editor’s Introduction.” Revue YOUR Review 9 (2022): 5-12. Co-authored with Natalia Bonczek.

Rev. of “‘Jeo ai esté a Nubie’: Boeve de Haumtone in the Medieval Mediterranean,” by Heather Blurton (Neophilologus 103.4 [2019]: 465-77). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 52 (2020).

Rev. of “The Lunatic, Lover, and Poet in Orlando Furioso and As You Like It,” by Giulia Andreoni (Modern Language Notes 135.1 [2020]: 103-24). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 52 (2020).

Rev. of The Enemy in Italian Renaissance Epic: Images of Hostility from Dante to Tasso, by Andrea Moudarres (Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 2019). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 51 (2019).

Rev. of Come finisce (e come finiva) l’Orlando furioso,” by Ricardo Bruscagli (Modern Language Notes 134.1 [2019]: 84-102). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 51 (2019).

Rev. of “Treason: Legal, Ethical, and Political Issues in the Middle Ages with an Emphasis on Medieval Heroic Poetry,” by Albrecht Classen (Journal of Philosophy and Ethics 1.4 [2019]: 13-29). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 51 (2019). 

Rev. of “An Aethiopian Sodomite, Aesop, and Ovid: The Undoing of Dynastic Epic in Ariosto’s Orlando furioso,” by Heather James (Modern Philology 117.2 [2019]: 163-193). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 51 (2019).

Rev. of Teaching the Italian Renaissance Romance Epic. Ed. Jo Ann Cavallo (New York: MLA, 2018). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 50 (2018).

Rev. of The Chivalric Folk Tradition in Sicily. A History of Storytelling, Puppetry, Painted Carts and Other Arts, by Marcella Croce (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2014). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 50 (2018).

Rev. of “A Contextual Analysis of Two Huon d’Auvergne Manuscripts,” by Stephen P. McCormick (Digital Philology 5.2 [2016]: 208-27). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 48 (2016). 

Rev. of “Medieval Epic Re-Imagined in the Eighteenth Century: A New Lesson from Roland’s Youth in Pier Jacopo Martello’s Carlo Magno,” by Leslie Zarker Morgan. The Epic Imagination in Medieval Literature (University, MS: University of Mississippi Press, 2016. 192-229). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 48 (2016).

Rev. of “Una nuova ipotesi sull’autore della seconda parte della Canzone della Crociata albigese,” by Francesco Zambon (Romance Philology 70 [2016]: 267-81). Bulletin bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals 48 (2016).

L’Apprentissage expérientiel et la Revue YOUR Review: Éditorial / Revue YOUR Review and Experiential Learning: Editor’s Introduction.” Revue YOUR Review 2 (2015): 5-10.

Executive Committee Member, Linguistics and Language Studies Program, Collège universitaire Glendon, York University.

Co-Editor, Revue York Online Undergraduate Research (YOUR) Review.

Bibliographer, American-Canadian Branch, Bulletin Bibliographique de la Société Rencesvals, Société Rencesvals pour l’étude des épopées romanes.

Peer reviewer, Quaderni d’Italianistica and Olifant. Publication of the Société Rencesvals, American-Canadian Branch.

Secretary, Board of Directors, Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre at York University.

Examiner, Bi-/Trilingual Excellence Certificate, Collège universitaire Glendon, 2017-18.

Subtitle Translation Director, Hosting Socio-Eco Innovations films, 2017. 

Steering Committee Member, York University Undergraduate Research Fair, 2012-16.

Subtitle Translation Coordinator, Art Monastery Short Film Festival, Labro (RI), Italy, 2011-12.

Italian Language Program Coordinator, Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Concordia University, 2006-08.

Professional and Institutional Affiliations

American Association for Italian Studies

American Association of Teachers of Italian

Canadian Association for Italian Studies

Centre for Research on Language and Culture Contact

Linguistic Society of America

Société de linguistique romane

Société Rencesvals (American-Canadian Branch)


Principal's Award for Research (Contract Faculty), Glendon College, York University, 2023

Visiting Scholar, Pontifical Institute for Mediaeval Studies, 2016-17

Nominee, Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, LA&PS, York University, 2015-16

Nominee, Ian Greene Award for Teaching Excellence, York University, 2010-11, 2014-15


The Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Venetian Research Program Grant, 2024

Teaching Development Grant, York University, 2017-18, 2023-24

Minor Research Grant, York University, 2023

Research Leave, York University, 2016-17
