Alison Harvey

Associate professor

   Academic CV February 2025 Alison Harvey.doc

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Alison Harvey (she/her) is an Associate Professor of Communications. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Culture from York University. Her research focuses on issues of inclusivity, justice, and accessibility in digital culture, with an emphasis on games, social media platforms, and creative work.

Game studies, internet studies, digital culture, feminist media studies, qualitative methods, political economy, critical technology studies

Postdoc, University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, 2012-2014

Ph.D., York University, Communication and Culture, 2007-2013

M.A., Concordia University, Media Studies, 2004-2007

B.A., Concordia University, Communication Studies, 2001-2004


(2019) Feminist Media Studies. Cambridge: Polity.

(2015.) Gender, Age, and Digital Games in the Domestic Context. New York: Routledge.

Journal Articles

(2024) with T.Y. Zhang. “Introduction: Feminist Media Production and Beyond.” Global Media and China, 9(2), pp. 135-139.

(2021) "Making the Grade: Feminine Lack, Inclusion, and Coping Strategies in Digital Games Higher Education.” New Media & Society, 24(9), pp. 1986-2002.

(2019) “Becoming Gamesworkers: Diversity, Higher Education, and the Future of the Game Industry.” Television and New Media, 20(8), pp. 756-766.

(2019) with M.E. Luka “Space, Place, and the Materiality of Internet Studies: An Introduction to the #AoIR18 Special Issue.” Information, Communication, and Society, 22(6), pp. 767-773.

(2018) “The Fame Game: Working your Way up the Celebrity Ladder in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.” Games and Culture, 13(7), pp. 652–670.

(2018) with Seth Giddings “Ludic Economies 101.” Games and Culture, 13(7), pp. 647–651.

(2018) with Koen Leurs. “Networked (In)Justice: An Introduction to the #AoIR17 Special Issue.” Information, Communication, and Society, 21(6), pp. 793-801.

(2016) with Tamara Shepherd. “When Passion isn’t Enough: Gender, Affect and Credibility in Digital Games Design." International Journal of Cultural Studies, 20(5), pp. 492-508.

(2016) with Stephanie Fisher. “Growing Pains: Intergenerational Feminisms in Digital Games.” Feminist Media Studies, Special Anniversary issue on Intergenerational Feminisms, 16(4), pp. 648-662. (Also included in Routledge’s An Intergenerational Feminist Media Studies published in 2018, edited by Jessalynn Keller, Jo Littler and Alison Winch).

(2015)    with M.E. Luka, Mél Hogan, Tamara Shepherd and Andrea Zeffiro. “Scholarship as cultural production in the neoliberal university: Working within and against ‘deliverables’.” Studies in Social Justice 9(2), pp. 176-196.

(2015) with Tamara Shepherd, Tim Jordan, Sam Srauy and Kate Miltner. “Histories of Hating.” Social Media & Society, 1(2), pp. 1-10.

(2015) with Stephanie Fisher. “Everyone Can Make Games!: The Post-Feminist Context of Women in Digital Game Production.” Feminist Media Studies, 15(4), pp. 576-592.

(2014) “Twine’s Revolution: Democratization, Depoliticization, and the Queering of Game Design.” GAME: The Italian Journal of Game Studies no.3, pp. 95-107. Available online. (Also included in the Routledge Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies series- Major Works Collection on Gender and Media published in 2017, edited by Kaitlynn Mendes).

(2013) with Stephanie Fisher. “Making a Name in Games: Immaterial Labour, Indie Game Design, and Gendered Social Network Markets.” Information, Communication, and Society, 16(3), pp. 362-380.

(2013) with Stephanie Fisher. “Intervention for Inclusivity: Gender Politics and Indie Game Development.” Loading…Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association, 7(11), pp. 25-40.

(2011) “Architectures of Participation in Digital Play: Social Norms, Gender, and Youth Gameplay.” Information, Communication, and Society, 14(3), pp. 303-319.

(2011) “Constituting the Player: Feminist Technoscience, Gender, and Digital Play.” International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3(1).

(2009) “Seeking the Embodied Mind in Video Game Theory: Embodiment in Cybernetics, Flow, and Rule Structures.” Loading…Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association, 3(4).

(2007) “You Mean It’s Only a Game? Rule Structures, the Magic Circle, and Player Participation in Pervasive Mobile Gaming.” Loading…Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association, 1(1).

(2007) “Games, Play, and Research: Developing Methodologies for Video Game Theory.” Pivot: An Interdisciplinary Graduate Journal of Visual Culture, 1(1), pp. 1-7.

(2006) “The Liminal Magic Circle: Boundaries, Frames, and Participants in Pervasive Mobile Games.” Wi: Journal of the Mobile Digital Commons Network, 1(1).

Book Chapters

(2024) with Kenzie Gordon, Vishal Sooknanan, Itoro Emembolu, Sean Gouglas, Johanna Weststar and Jennifer Whitson. “Building Equitable and Sustainable Game Development Education.” ADE for Games: Approaches to Anti-Racism, Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Games Research and Creation, Daniel Harley & Gerald Voorhees. Play Story Press, pp. 42-48.

(2024) "Diversity.” Routledge Resources Online: Screen Studies, Sarah Atkinson. London: Routledge.

(2024) “‘There’s Nothing Written About It’: Disciplinarity, Regionality, and the Ghosts Haunting Game Studies.” Historiographies of Game Studies: What It Has Been, What It Could Be, Alisha Karabinus, Carly A. Kocurek, Cody Mejeur & Emma Vossen. Punctum.

(2023) “Making Sense of Gameswork: University Marketing Materials as Games Paratexts.” [NOT] In The Game: History, Paratexts, and Games, Ed Vollans & Regina Seiwald. De Gruyter, pp. 177-194.

(2020) “Freedom from the Industry Standard: Student Working Imaginaries and Independence in Games Higher Education.” Independent Videogames: Cultures, Networks, Technics and Politics, edited by Paolo Ruffino. London: Routledge, pp. 253-267.

(2019) “Feminist Interventions for Better Futures of Digital Games.” Playing Utopia: Futures in Digital Games, edited by Benjamin Beil, Gundolf S. Freyermuth, and Hanns Christian Schmidt. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 211-234.

(2018) with Jessalynn Keller. “Kendall & Kylie: Girl Affects, Celebrity, and Digital Gaming in Millennial Girl Culture.” Appified, edited by Jeremy Morris and Sarah Murray. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 308-317.

(2018) with Koen Leurs and Tamara Shepherd. “Youth.” Posthuman Glossary, edited by Rosi Braidotti and Maria Hlavajova. London and Oxford: Bloomsbury, pp. 463-466.

(2016) with Thorsten Busch and Florence Chee. “Corporate Responsibility and Gender in Digital Games.” Gender Equality and Responsible Business: Expanding CSR Horizons, edited by Kate Grosser, Lauren McCarthy and Maureen A. Kilgour. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing, pp. 31-45.

Other Publications

Book Reviews

(2020) “Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism.” European Journal of Cultural Studies. OnlineFirst.

(2019) “On Video Games: The Visual Politics of Race, Gender and Space.” Feminist Media Studies, 19(6), pp. 906-907.

(2008) “Youth Online: Identity and Literacy in the Digital Age.” Resource Centre for Cyberculture Studies.

(2005) “Matters of Gravity: Special Effects and Supermen in the 20th Century.” Canadian Journal of Communication, 30(3), pp. 437.



(2023) Timeto, F. & Harvey, A. Studi femministi dei media: Il campo e le pratiche. Milano: Meltemi.

(2021) Vasen, E., & Harvey, A. “Por un campo de Estudios Feministas de Comunicación: Reseña de Feminist Media Studies” (Harvey, 2020). Question/Cuestión, 3(70).

Other Publications

(2019) “Tits or GTFO: The Aggressive Architecture of the Internet.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Media and Culture, 25(6).

(2019) “Doing Nothing: The Pleasure and Power of Idle Media.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Media and Culture, 25(4).

(2019) “Just Saying No: Labour, Gender, and Refusal in Twitch Streaming.” Flow: A Critical Forum on Media and Culture, 25(2).

(2018) “Feminist Approaches to Gender and Gaming.” Sociology Review, 28(1), pp. 9-11.

(2018) “Games as Education in the United Kingdom.” Journal of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, 1(1), pp. 83-92.

(2014) with Tamara Shepherd. “Tethered and Wired: Tech-based Communities.” Shameless Magazine: The Tech Issue. Issue 27, Fall.

(2014) “On Opposition, Tangibility, and Annihilation: An Interview with Hannah Leja Epstein.” Media Archeology Lab, January.

(2014) “Reflecting on the Feminist Game Salon.” Dames Making Games Toronto, January 2014.

(2013) with Tamara Shepherd. “A Moment for Hate: An Unexpected Theme at IR14.” Culture Digitally, November.

(2013) “Different Games: A Report and a Challenge for the Future.” Widget (Women In Development (Games & Everything Tech)), May.

(2013) “#1reasonwhy and #1reasonmentors: Alliance, Collaboration, and Action for Change.” Perspectives: Newsletter of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA), January.

(2007) “Repressing the Potential of the Video Game.” Le Panoptique, September.

2024 How to Care: Mentorship, Wellness, and Community-Driven Initiatives for EDI. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). SSHRC Connection Grant. Principal investigator, $21,520. Co-Applicant: Bridget Conor.

2024-2025 Visualizing Impact: Community Design for Feminist Data Visualization in Digital Games. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant. Principal investigator, $24,819. Co-Applicant: Stephanie Fisher

2023 Evaluating and Visualizing Feminist Community Organizing in Games. Mitacs. Mitacs Accelerate. Supervisor, $16,500. Student: Erika Chung. Project Partner: Stephanie Fisher.

2022-2026 The role and impact of mentorship for equity, diversity, and inclusion in tech. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). SSHRC Insight Grant. Principal investigator, $195,229. Co-Applicant: Tamara Shepherd

2022-2025 Intersectional Community Communications as Critical EDI Work. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).  SSHRC Race, Gender and Diversity Initiative, Sandra Jeppesen (Principal investigator). $448,376

2022-2025 Kids, KidTech and the Metaverse: Global childhoods in digital capitalism. Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Partnership Development Grant, Natalie Coulter (Principal investigator). $199,376

2021-2022 Assessing the Impact of Inclusivity Organizing in Digital Games. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council  (SSHRC). Partnership Engage Grant. Principal investigator ($24,553). Co-Applicant: Stephanie Fisher

2020-2025 The First Three Years. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Insight Grant, Sean Gouglas (principal investigator). $347,080

2017-2018 The Games Box: Migrant Storytelling Through Game Design. European Cultural Foundation (ECF), Research and Development Grant, principal investigator. €9,950

2015-2021 Re-figuring Innovation in Games. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Partnership Grant, Jennifer Jenson (principal investigator). $2,498,116

2015-2017 Developing Feminist Digital Research Methods. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Connection Grant, Dr Mary Elizabeth Luka (principal investigator). $49,948
