Public International
Law; International Human Rights Law; International Courts and Tribunals; International
Humanitarian Law; International Criminal Law; International Disputes Resolution;
International Trade Law; Immigration and International Refugee
Law; Public Law; the Law of International Organizations; International Peace
and Security; International Development Law; Amnesty and International Crimes,
Truth and Reconciliation in Post-Conflict Society; La Diplomatie; Géographie mondiale, Droit des affaires
Doktors der
Rechtswissenschaft, magna cum
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany
Master of Global Affairs
Munk School of Global Affairs,
University of Toronto
of Laws (LL.B./LL.M.)
North-West University in Potchefstroom – Potchefstroom, South Africa
en Droit public
Université de Yaoundé II –Yaoundé, Cameroun.
Current Research Project:
Amnesty for Crimes against Humanity under International Law Leiden-Boston, Brill, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2007), 252 pages, (ISBN 9 7890 04 16231 0).
“Noninternational Armed Conflict (“Civil War”).” Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Ed. Tony Carty. New York: Oxford University Press, 22 April 2020. www.oxfordbibliographies.com.
“Towards Ending Impunity in Darfur: the ICC Arrest Warrant of 27 April, 2007”, 69 Heidelberg Journal of International Law 1 (2009), pp. 123-154 (www.hjil.de/69_2009/vol69.cfm).
“Legal Integration in Africa: an Introduction to the African Court of Justice and Human Rights”, Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für afrikanisches Recht, Heft 2, 12. Jahrgang (2009), pp. 197-211.
“Reflections on the USA-India Nuclear Cooperation”, 13 Journal of Conflict and Security Law 2 (2008), pp. 273-286.
“The Congo/Uganda Case: A Comment on the Main Legal Issues”, 7 African Human Rights Law Journal (2007), pp. 162-190.
“Remittances as Aid Following Major Sudden-Onset Natural Disasters” (with Catherine Bragg, Glenn Gibson, Ashley Lefler, and Haleigh King; April 2017) (http://onlinelinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/disa.12229/abstract)
Contributions in Reference Collections and Encyclopaedia:
Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant & Sylvia Helena Steiner (eds.), O Tribunal Penal Internacional: Comentários ao Estatuto de Roma, Belo Horizonte, Editora Del Rey (2016):
Artigo 109. “Execução das Penas de Multa e das Medidas de Perda de Bens” in: L. Nemer Caldeira Brant & SH Steiner (eds.), O Tribunal Penal Internacional, pp. 1551-1556.
Artigo 110. “Reexame pelo Tribunal com Vistas à Redução de Pena” in: L. Nemer Caldeira Brant & SH Steiner (eds.), O Tribunal Penal Internacional, pp. 1556-1560.
Artigo 111. “Evasão” in: L. Nemer Caldeira Brant & SH Steiner (eds.), O Tribunal Penal Internacional, pp. 1560-1563.
“Non-International Armed Conflict” (with Thilo Marauhn) in: R. Wolfrum (ed.), Max-Planck Encyclopaedia of Public International Law, Volume I, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2012), p. 626 (www.mpepil.com).
Julian Fernandez & Xavier Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale : Commentaire Article par Article, Tomes I et II, Paris (2012), Édition A. Pedone
Article 40. « Indépendance des juges » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome I, pp. 1007-1012.
Article 41. « Décharge et récusation des juges » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome I, pp. 1013-1017.
Article 103. « Rôle des États dans l’exécution des peines d’emprisonnement » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1957-1965.
Article 104. « Modification de la désignation de l’État chargé de l’exécution » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1967-1969.
Article 105. « Exécution de la peine » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1971-1974.
Article 106. « Contrôle de l’exécution de la peine et conditions de détention » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1975-1979.
Article 107. « Transfèrement du condamné qui a accompli sa peine » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1981-1984.
Article 108. « Limites en matière de poursuites ou de condamnations pour d’autres infractions » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1985-1988.
Article 109. « Exécution des peines d’amende et de mesures de confiscation » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1989-1993.
Article 110. « Examen par la cour de la question d’une réduction de peine » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1995-1998.
Article 111. « Évasion » in: J. Fernandez & X. Pacreau (dir.), Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Tome II, pp. 1999-2001.
Course Director, York University – Glendon Campus (since June 2016)
Courses: Problèmes en Droit international; Introduction to International Law; Paix, Sécurité et Droits humains internationaux; La Diplomatie; Société internationale: Histoire, Philosophie et Théories; Human Rights and Civil Liberties in Canada; La Géographie mondiale; Introduction au droit des affaires; Canada in Global Perspective
Visiting Lecturer (Conférencier invité), Centre Thucydide, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris
II, Paris, France (March-May 2019)
Lehrbeauftragter, Justus-Liebig Universitaet Giessen, Germany (2005-2012)
Courses: Public
International Law, Human Rights Law, the Law of Armed Conflict, International Criminal
Law, International Dispute Resolution, The Law of
International Institutions, Immigration law, International Organizations.
Lecturer, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen/Northwest University of Potchefstroom (South Africa), Giessen, Germany (2008-2012)
Master of Laws (LL.M.) Program in Comparative Child Law; course: Immigration Law in a Family Perspective.
Lecturer, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)/UNITO – Turin, Italy (2007 and 2008)
LL.M. program in International Organizations, Criminal Law and Crime Prevention; course: Amnesty, Truth and Reconciliation, and International Crimes in Post-conflict Societies.
Lecturer, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany (2006-2008)
Online Master of Arts (M.A.) in International Relations; course: Introduction to International Law.
Guest Lecturer, The Gulf Research Centre – Dubai, The United Arab Emirates (March 2007)
Master of Arts (M.A.) in International Relations; course: Introduction to Public International Law.
Guest Lecturer, The University of Wisconsin in Madison – Madison, USA (Fall 2005)
J.D. Program; course: International Development Law.
Guest Lecturer, Université de Bretagne occidentale – Brest, France (March 2005)
European Union’s Erasmus Mundus Program; course: Introduction au Droit international humanitaire.
Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto – Toronto, Canada (Sept 2012-August 2013)
Theme: “Private Military and Security Companies, International Humanitarian Law and Ethnic/Tribal Conflicts”.
Project leader, European Union (Seventh Framework Program (FP7)) – Giessen, Germany (2008-2011)
Collaborative Project: “Regulating Privatization of War: The Role of the European Union in Assuring the Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights”, (Priv-War Project).
Visiting Researcher, Université de Paris II Panthéon Assas – Paris, France (August 2009)
Theme: “The Status of Mercenaries under International Law”, (Priv-War Project).
Research Assistant, Department of Public Law, University of Johannesburg, South Africa (2003-2004)
Theme: “Amnesty and International Law”.
Research Fellow, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg/Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht – Heidelberg, Germany (2001-2003)
Theme: “Crimes against Humanity and International Law”.
Research Assistant, Research Unit for Legal and Constitutional Interpretation, University of Stellenbosch/University of the Western Cape – Stellenbosch, South Africa (2000-1)
Collaborative Project: “Constitutional and Statutory Interpretation”; Scientific Coordinator: Professor Lourens du Plessis.
Consultant, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries) – Geneva, Switzerland (August-December, 2015)
Panel on Private Military and Security Companies: Regulations and National Experience
Consultant/Researcher, Lawyers Without Borders Canada – Québec, Canada (May-August 2014)
Volunteer Member of the Advisory Board, The Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention – Toronto, Canada (November 2012 – August 2013)
Research fellowship, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law – Heidelberg, Germany (2001-2003)
The German Academic Exchange Service Research Grant (DAAD), University of Heidelberg/Max-Planck Institute – Heidelberg, Germany (2001-2002)
Research Fellowship, Research Unit for Legal and Constitutional Interpretation (RULCI), University of Stellenbosch – Stellenbosch, South Africa (2000)