Philippe Theophanidis

Associate professor


   416-736-2100 #88470

[Version française]

I am associate professor of communication and media studies. I works at the intersection of philosophies of communication, media studies and visual culture. I have published articles and book chapters in French and English on a variety of topics, ranging from cinema to contemporary political issues. Some of these essays have been translated into Spanish, Turkish, Greek and Persian.

  • Philosophies and epistemologies of communication
  • Media studies
  • Visual cultures

  • Ph.D., Université de Montréal, Communication studies
  • M.A. Université de Montréal, Film studies
  • B.A. Université de Montréal, Comparative Literature and Cinema Studies
Journal Articles

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(2020) “Image as Translation: The Ideological Implication of the Camera Obscura for Media Studies.” Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies, vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2020, pp. 15-31

(2020) Sua Cuique Persona: The Ambivalent Politics of Masks.” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies 41 (2020): 33–41. (longer version).

(2018) “François Laruelle and (Non-Standard) Communication”, Moment Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, 15-30. Available online.

(2017) Co-authored with Ghislain Thibault. “Media Hysteresis. Persistence Through Change”, Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, Issue 12. Available online.

(2016) “Interregnum as a Legal and Political Concept: A Brief Contextual Survey”, Synthesis, Issue 9 (Fall 2016), pp. 109-124. Available online.

(2016). “Defiling Immundity: On Being Properly Improper”, Keep It Dirty, vol. a., “Filth”. Available online.

(2016) Co-authored with Sarah Choukah “Emergence and ontogenetetics: towards a communication without agent”,Social Science Information, Volume 56. Available online.

(2014). “We have gone bankrupt. The Greek crisis and the problem of community”, Chronos magazine, Issue 17. Available online.

(2005). “Wong Kar-Wai ou l’esthétique-fiction”, co-authored with Etienne Paquette, Cinémas: Journal of Film Studies, Vol 15, No 2-3, pp. 63- 86. Available online.

Book Chapters

(2021) Theophanidis, P. & Larochelle, M.-H. “Introduction.” In Méchancetés. Ses expressions protéiformes dans la littérature du XVIIe siècle à aujourd’hui, Quebec: Presses de l’Université Laval, pp. 1-7.

(2019) “Goodbye to Language: Godard Avant-Gaze.” In The Idea of the Avant Garde. Volume 2, edited by Marc James Léger. Bristol: Intellect Ltd, 2019, pp. 373-378.

(2018) “A Decisive Mediation: Heidegger, Media Studies, and Ethics”, We Need to Talk About Heidegger: Essays Situating Martin Heidegger in Contemporary Media Studies, J.M. Battin and G.A. Duarte (ed.), New York: Peter Lang, pp. 233-277.

(2015). “Caught in the Cloud: The Biopolitics of Tear Gas Warfare”, The Funambulist Papers 2, New York: Punctum Books. Available online.

(2006). “En son absence, devenir un autre. Enjeux de la mise en forme du sujet dans le mythe de Robinson”, Robinson à la conquête du monde: du lieu pour soi au chemin vers l’autre, ed. Charles Perraton, Étienne Paquette, Pierre Barrette, Montreal: Presses de l’Université du Québec / Cahiers du Gerse. Google Books preview.

Other Publications

(2024) Theophanidis P. & Muñoz G. “Pourquoi revenir rue Saint-Benoît ?,” Entêtement, March 28, 2024.

(2024) Theophanidis P. & Muñoz G. “¿Por qué volver a la rue Saint-Benoît? Conversación sobre un seminario,” Ficción de la razón, February 26, 2024.

(2022) Theophanidis, P. “Global Civil War” A, December 22, 2022. DOI: 10.33767/

(2022) Theophanidis, P. La Guerra Civil Global: Una introducción,” Ficción de la razón, November 28, 2022.

(2022) Theophanidis, P. “Communismus der Geister: Sources, Translations, Discussions,”, August 21, 2022. Online. [8,500 words]

(2022) Theophanidis, P. “Dionys Mascolo: An Annotated Bibliography,”, March 10, 2022. [11,700 words]

(2020). “In The Distance,” Covid-19 Essays, TOPIA Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, March 23, 2020.

(2017). “Adieu au langage: communication de l’incommunicabilité”, Hors Champ, March/April 2017.

(2015 – translation) “The Weight of Our History” by Jean-Luc Nancy, Critical Legal Thinking, December 14.

(2015). “Χρεοκοπήσαμε: Η ελληνική κρίση και το πρόβλημα της κοινότητας”LastTapes, Issue 6, November.

(2015). “State of Exception City”, interviewed by Leopold Lambert, The Funambulist Magazine, Volume 1, September, pp. 38-41. 

(2014). “The Gaze of Interruption. On Jean-Luc Godard’s film Adieu au langageBerfrois, November 21.

(2014). “The world is a business: the messianic capitalism of Arthur Jensen”, Persian translation “جهان یک تجارت است: سرمایه‌داریِ مسیحائیِ آرتور جِنسِن”Zamaneh Tribune, October 7th. 

(2013). “Boston Marathon Bombings: the Emergency Declaration as a State of Exception”Critical Legal Thinking.

(2008). “Violence et éthique du joueur. Le cas des jeux vidéo: essai de reproblématisation”, co-authored with Maude Bonenfant, Observatoire des Mondes Numériques en Sciences Humaines.

 — Teaching Graduate Level (York University)

(Fall 2022) The Memory, The Medium, The Message (Directed Reading), CMCT 7011 (3.00 cr.), TMU & York Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture

(Fall 2022, 2021, 2020) Communication and Culture: An Interdisciplinary Approach CMCT 6004 EN (3.00 cr.), TMU & York Joint Graduate Program in Communication & Culture 

(Winter 2019) Translation and Philosophy TRAS 5195 EN (3.00 cr.), Master in Translation Studies 

(Fall 2017) Translation and Communication TRAS 5500 EN (3.00 cr.), Master in Translation Studies

— Teaching Undergraduate Level (York University)

(Summer 2023, 2022, 2021, Fall 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019) Mediations and Conflicts COMS 4201 EN (3.00 cr.)

(Fall 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019) Emergent Ideas in Communications 1 COMS 3208 EN (3.00 cr.)

(Winter 2021) Individual Studies COMS 4100 EN (3.00 cr.)

(Winter 2021) Emergent Ideas in Communications 2 COMS 3209 EN (3.00 cr.)

(Summer 2020) Professional Internship COMS 3900 EN (3.00 cr.) 1 students

(Year 2019-2020) Introduction to Communication Studies COMS 1910 EN (6.00 cr.)

(Year 2019-2020) Individual Studies COMS 4100 FR (6.00 cr.) 1 student

(Summer 2019) Professional Internship COMS 4900 EN (3.00 cr.) 5 students

(year 2018-2019) Contemporary Theories in Communication COMS 3207 EN (6.00 cr.)

(Summer 2018) Individual Studies SOSC 4100 EN (3.00 cr.) 1 student

(Year 2017-2018) Introduction to Communication Studies COMS 1000 EN (6.00 cr.)

(Winter 2017) Les médias sociaux, la publicité et le marketing TRAN 2000 FR (3.00 cr.)

(Year 2016-2017) Introduction aux études en communication TRAN 1000 FR (6.00 cr.)

— Service

(2023-2025) Co-Chair, Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement, York University Faculty Association

(2024-2026) Co-Chair, Joint Financial Information Subcommittee, York University Faculty Association

(2020-2026) Member (YUFA appointed), Joint Health & Safety Committee, Glendon Campus.

(2023) Member, Joint Financial Information Subcommittee, York University Faculty Association

(2023) Chief Steward (interim), York University Faculty Association

(2022-2023) Member at Large, Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement, York University Faculty Association

(2022-2023) Member, Policy, Planning and Nominating Committee, Faculty Council, Glendon Campus

(2022-2023) Research cluster co-leadGroupe de recherche sur le Canada francophone, francophile et en français, Robarts Centre Research Cluster

(2019-2023) Chair, Committee on Academic Standards, Teaching and Learning (CASTL), Faculty Council, Glendon Campus

(2021-2022) Member, File Preparation Committee, Département d’Études française, Glendon Campus.

(2021) Member, Principal’s Teaching Excellence Award Committee, Glendon Campus

(2021) Founder & OrganizerGlendon Digital: Showcasing Student Projects, 2nd Edition

(2020-2022) Member, Communication Advisory Board, Glendon Campus

(2020-2021) Member, Glendon Community Garden, Glendon Campus.

(2020-2022) Member, PhD Admission Committee, Graduate Program of Communication & Culture (ComCult), York University.

(2020) Member, Decanal Search Committee, Glendon Campus. [second tour]

(2020) Founder & Organizer, Glendon Digital: Showcasing Student Projects, 1st Edition

(2019-2023) Senator, York University Senate.

(2019-2020) Co-Chair, Hiring Committee, Communications Program, Glendon Campus. 

(2019-2020) eLearning Lead, Office of the Principal, Glendon Campus.

(2019) Jury Member, M.A. examination, Graduate Program of Communication & Culture (ComCult), York University.

(2018-2019) Co-eLearning Lead, Office of the Principal, Glendon Campus.

(2018-2019) Member, Decanal Search Committee, Glendon Campus.

(2018-2019) Member, MA Admission Committee, Master in Translation Studies (MATS), Glendon Campus.

(2018) Member, File Preparation Committee, School of Translation, Glendon Campus. 

(2018) Member, MA Admission Committee, Graduate Program of Communication & Culture (ComCult), York University.

(2018) Member, “Maker Space” Committee, Research Office, Glendon Campus.

(2017-2021) Founder and co-director, Glendon Digital Media Lab, Glendon Campus.

(2017-2024) Member, Executive Committee, Master in Translation Studies, Glendon Campus. 

(2017-2024) Member, Ad-Hoc Ethics Committee, Communications Program, Glendon Campus. 

(2017-2022) Mentor, Research Apprentiship Program, Research Office, Glendon Campus.

(2017-2020) Coordinator, Certificate in Technical and Professional Communication, Glendon Campus.

(2017-2019) Coordinator, Communications Program, Glendon Campus.

(2017-2019) Member ex officio, Executive Committee, School of Translation, Glendon Campus. 

(2017-2018) Chair and Principal’s Representative, CLA Hiring Committee, Language Training Centre for Studies in French, Glendon Campus. [two reports produced] 

(2017) Jury Member, M.A. examination, School of Translation, Glendon Campus.

(2016-2024) Member, Executive Committee, Communications Program, Glendon Campus. 

(2016) Member, Research Release Committee, School of Translation, Glendon Campus. 

(2016) Member, Promotion Committee, The Glendon Truth and Reconciliation Declaration on Indigenous Language Policy, Glendon Campus.

• 2021-2022: Nominated for a Faculty of Graduate Studies’ Faculty Teaching Award

2022-2029 — Theophanidis P. (partner) “cinEXmedia : Ensuring Well-Being in the Screen Age. A Partnership Supporting the Inclusive Use of Cinematic Experiences in Health, Education, and Society,” SSHRC Partnership $2,499,244.00 CAD

2023 — Theophanidis P. (principal investigator) “2023 Spiral Talks Lecture,” Scholarly Events and Outreach Activities program, Office of VPRI, York University, $1,000.00

2023 — Theophanidis P. (principal investigator) “Past and Present Imaginaries of Revolution,” Glendon Research FundYork University, $3,965.25

2022-2023 — Theophanidis P. (principal investigator) “Past and Present Imaginaries of Revolution,” Small Research Grant, York University, $4996.22

2020-2021 — Theophanidis P. (partner) “Putting Giorgio Agamben’s Corpus to a New Use,” Jackman Humanities Institute Working Group, University of Toronto, $3,000.00 CAD

2020-2021 — Theophanidis P. “A Scratches Odyssey: The Digital Persistence of Analog Artifacts”, Glendon Research Grant, Glendon Campus, York University, $2,489.00 CAD

2017-2018  —Theophanidis P. (Project Lead) “Glendon Digital Media Lab”, York University Academic Innovation Fund, $93,835.70 CAD 
