416-736-2100 x88358
Hello! My name is Buddhika.
My interests are centered around human memory and its neural bases. To learn more about my lab's research, please click the tabs below or visit my website.
**Note** Are you interested in studying human memory? I am accepting applications for graduate students to begin in September 2024!
Episodic memory
Spontaneous thought
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Naturalistic experimental design
Postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University, USA
PhD in Psychology from the University of Toronto, CAN
BA in Psychology from York University, Glendon Campus, CAN
I'm interested in what makes an experience sticky?
In other words, why do some experiences give rise to lasting impressions -- e.g., durable memories or recurrence in our spontaneous thoughts?
Do we have an affinity for some kinds of information (or ways of thinking) over others?
What might such an affinity tell us about the architecture of our memory system (and minds, overall) ?
For an up-to-date list of publications, please visit my Google Scholar profile.
Selected publications
Bellana, B., Mahabal, A., Honey, C. J. (2022). Narrative thinking lingers in spontaneous thought. Nature Communications. 13, 4585. [link]
Bellana, B., Mansour, R., Ladyka-Wojic, N., Grady, C.L. & Moscovitch, M. (2021). The influence of prior knowledge on the formation of detailed and durable memories. Journal of Memory and Language. 121, 104264. [link]
Lee, H.,
Bellana, B., & Chen, J. (2020). What can narratives tell us about the neural
bases of human memory? Current Opinion in Behavioral
Sciences. 32,
111-119. [link]
Ramanan, S. & Bellana,
B. (2019, commentary). A domain general role for the angular gyrus in retrieving internal representations of the external world. The Journal of
Neuroscience, 39(16), 2978-2980. [link]
Brunec, I.K.*, Bellana, B.*,
Ozubko, J.D., Man, V., Robin, J., Liu, Z-X., Grady, C.L., Rosenbaum, R.S., Winocur, G., Barense, M.D. &
Moscovitch, M. (2018). Multiple
scales of representation along the hippocampal anteroposterior axis in humans. Current
Biology, 28(13), 2129-2135.e6 *Equal
contributions [link]
B.*, Liu, Z-X.*, Diamond, N.,
Grady, C.L. & Moscovitch, M. (2017). Similarities and differences
in the default mode network across rest, retrieval
and future imagining. Human Brain Mapping, 38(3): 1155-1171. *Equal contributions [link]