Hilliard Residence D110
416-736-2100 x 88118
Sabine Dreher has been working as an Assistant
Professor at Near East University in Northern Cyprus before coming to
Canada. Her research has dealt with migration and labour standards, the
role of migration in the neoliberal globalization project and is now
focused on the role of religious civil society organizations in the
global economy. She can be contacted at
International Relations
Regional Integration and Free-Trade
Religious Beliefs
globalisation; global civil society; labour markets; international
political economy; civil Islam; religion; transnational social spaces;
migration; just transition (Green New Deal)
• Islamic Capitalism? "The Turkish Hizmet Business Community Network in a Global Economy". Journal of Business Ethics, (2014).
• "What is the Hizmet Movement? Contending Approaches to the Analysis of Religious Activists in World Politics.” Sociology of Islam 1: 257-276.(2013) Publisher's Site
• 'Postnationale Politik? Über den politischen Umgang mit den Denationalisierungs-herausforderungen Internet, Klima und Migration', Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, (2000, 7: 2, 297-330); Co-authored with: Michael Zürn, Gregor Walter and Marianne Beisheim. (Post national politics? On political responses to the challenges of denationalization regarding internet, climate change and migration). PDF
• 'Globalization' in the G-7, Global Society, (1999, 13: 3, 229-255), co-authored with Gregor Walter and Marianne Beisheim. PDF
• 'Globalisierung ist nicht nur Schicksal. Zur Erweiterung eines Koordinatensystems'. Berliner Debatte INITIAL (1996, 5, 55-67). (Globalization is not just fate. Enlarging our reference points).
• work in progress: Religion dans les Études internationales – Émergence d’un nouveau champ d’études, in review process. PDF
• The globalization project of the Gülen movement, in: Dreher, Sabine and Peter Jay Smith (2016) Religious activism in the global economy: promoting, reforming or resisting neoliberal globalization? Rowman and Littlefield International, 2016 Publisher's Site
• Religion and global political economy – a case of mutual neglect, in Dreher, Sabine and Peter Jay Smith (2016) Religious activism in the global economy: promoting, reforming or resisting neoliberal globalization? Rowman and Littlefield International. Publisher's Site
• Historical perspectives on religion and capitalism (together with Ed Webb and Peter Jay Smith) in: Dreher, Sabine and Peter Jay Smith (2016) Religious activism in the global economy: promoting, reforming or resisting neoliberal globalization? Rowman and Littlefield International Publisher's Site
• Citizenship and Migration in Germany and the United States, in: Zürn, Michael (ed. with Gregor Walter): Globalizing Interests. Pressure Groups and Denationalization, Albany: State University of New York Press (2005), 125-186 Publisher's Site
• Conceptual Considerations: Analytical Framework, Design and Methology, in: Zürn, Michael (ed. with Gregor Walter): Globalizing Interests. Pressure Groups and Denationalization, Albany: State University of New York Press (2005), 39-65 (co-authored with Gregor Walter, and Marianne Beisheim). Publisher's Site
• 'Neoliberalismus und Migration', in: Santel, Bernhard and Uwe Hunger (eds.): Migration im Wettbewerbsstaat. Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Ausländerbeschäftigungspolitik? Leske und Budrich (2003), 13-32. (Neoliberalism and Migration). Publisher's Site
Globalization Processes in the OECD World. InIIS-Arbeitspapier Nr. 4-5/97. Together with Gregor Walter and Marianne Beisheim
• Currently I am putting together an edited volume on the role of religious social movements in the global economy. The preliminary title is: "Resistance versus promotion of globalization: contrasting roles of religious activism in the global economy”.
• The global economy is characterized by growing inequality which has led to increasing political extremism. My current research interest is to find out how religious transnational movements are responding to this situation. I am specifically interested whether they have developed proposals to reform the global economy or wether they are active participants in promoting a neoliberal global economy.
Principal's Research Prize, Glendon College 2020.
The book "Religious Activism in the Global Economy" edited together with Peter Jay Smith has received an honorable mention from the book award committee of the section "Religion and International Relations" within the International Studies Association.
The Glendon Faculty Council has financed my research project with regard to the Turkish Hizmet movement. |
York University provided several research grants (roughly $100,000) to support my research project on religion in International Political Economy .
My new research project on decolonization in International Relations with a specific focus on the religious resurgence has been awarded a research grant of $18,000 by York University in 2020.
My new bilingual experiential education course on sustainability in the
Glendon campus in the context of the climate emergency was supported by
the Department of International Studies and with a grant from the
Academic Innovation Fund at York University. (ILST 4275).