Michael Palamarek (il/lui ; he/him)

Professeur adjoint contractuel
Sessional Assistant Professor

Gender & Women’s Studies | Sexuality Studies

   Pavillon York | York Hall C128

Michael (Mike) Palamarek is a teaching-stream Sessional Assistant Professor in Gender and Women's Studies and Sexuality Studies with a wide range of interdisciplinary teaching and research interests, as well as a commitment to progressive union and other forms of activism. After a number of years of contract teaching in sociology and gender and women's studies at Glendon, York, and Brock, he joined the Glendon Gender and Women's Studies department as a full-time faculty member in July 2020. Current courses in 2022-23: GL/SXST 1601 Introduction à l'étude de la sexualité, GL/SXST 1601 Introduction to Sexuality Studies, AP/SXST 1600 Introduction to Sexuality Studies (online), GL/SOCI 4605 Sociology of Masculinities: From Iron John to Buck Angel (Fall 2022).

Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
Feminist theory
Marxist theory
Conceptions of labour and language in contemporary social and political thought

PhD (ABD) Social and Political Thought, York University
Dissertation title: Negative Dialectic, Dialogism, and Domination: Labour and Language in Theodor Adorno and Mikhail Bakhtin

M.A. Political Science, University of Ottawa, 1996
Thesis title: Women’s Domination as Reification: A Socialist Feminist Critique of Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action

B.Soc.Science Honour Political Science and Spanish (minor), University of Ottawa, 1989

Research interests

Conceptions of labour and language in Critical Theory; feminist theory; Marxism and queer theory; conceptions of sexuality in Critical Theory


Translations from French to English of essay by Joseph Gabel and of a set of lectures by Herbert Marcuse

Engagement with the work of Paul Preciado


Burke, Donald, Colin Campbell, Kathy Kiloh, Michael Palamarek, and Jonathan Short, eds. Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007.

Journal Articles

"Mondex, Gambling, and the Fear of Money," in Journal of Mundane Behavior. No. 1.3 (October 2000), 275-291.

Book Chapters

"Adorno’s Dialectics of Language," in Burke et al, eds., Adorno and the Need in Thinking: New Critical Essays (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007), 41-77.

Co-translation from German to English with Samir Gandesha of essay by Theodor Adorno, "Theses on the Language of the Philosopher," in Burke et al, op. cit., 35-40.

Other Publications

Co-translation from French to English with Patrick Desjardins and Nik Barry-Shaw of Thomas Chiasson-Lebel and Christian Pépin's article, "Spoiled Opportunities: Insights from the 2015 Strikes at York University and the University of Toronto," in Upping the Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action, no. 19 (2017).

Translation from German to English of Der Spiegel interview with Pierre Bourdieu, "The Depoliticization of Politics: Pierre Bourdieu on Geneva," in j~spot: Movement, vol. 2, no. 2 (July 2003). 4 pgs.

"Casualties of Amalgamation: Some Impacts on Rural Health in the Lakeland," in Parkland Post. Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring 2003), 5.

"Teaching Theory," in CORE: York’s Newsletter on University Teaching. Vol. 11, No. 2 (November 2001), 7-8.

"Manifesto," with Editorial Collective, in j_spot~the journal of social and political thought. Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 1999). 2 pgs.

Alberta Women in Politics: A History of Women and Politics in Alberta 1900-1988. Senate Research Report for Senator Martha Bielish, 1989. 204 pgs.

Journal Editorial Boards

Revue YOUR Review: York Online Undergraduate Research (2021- )

j_spot~the journal of social and political thought (1999-2003)

Speaking Invitations

« Table ronde sur le français inclusif », conférencier invité, Semaine de la francophonie, Collège Glendon (mars 2022).

"Strategies for Becoming a Successful Learner," workshop delivered for Jumpstart: University Preparation Program, Student Affairs Office, Glendon College (August 2021).

« Stratégies pour devenir un meilleur apprenant », atelier donné lors de Jumpstart : Programme de préparation pour l’université, Bureau des affaires étudiantes, Collège Glendon (sept. 2020).

"LGBTQ+ Students’ Reception," Invited panelist, Glendon College Students’ Union (GCSU) Frosh Week event (Sept. 10, 2020).

Glendon Sexuality Studies Program Information Session, Program representative, GCSU Sexual Health Awareness Week event (February 2020).

« Stratégies pour devenir un meilleur apprenant », atelier donné lors de Jumpstart : Programme de préparation à l’université, Bureau des affaires étudiantes, Collège Glendon, août 2019.

« Atelier sur le langage neutre et inclusif », participant invité, Dép. des études des femmes et de genre, Collège Glendon, mars 2020; mars 2019.

« Eat Your Major!/Entame ta majeure ! », Co-organizer and participant, student information and consultation session, Dept. of Gender and Women’s Studies, Glendon College, February 2019, 2018, 2017.

"The Politics of Bargaining in Higher Education: Building Cultures of Solidarity," Panel discussant and CUPE 3903 representative, organized by The List, Toronto, December 2017.

"Glendon Pride Flag Raising Ceremony," Invited speaker, Glendon College, June 2017.

This is Gay Propaganda: LGBT Rights and the War in Ukraine, (Maruysa Bociurkiw, dir., 2015) film screening, organizer and panel moderator, in conjunction with Lunik Café Student Co-operative and Glendon LGBT Student Club, Glendon College, March 2016.

"Hegemonic Masculinity," Guest lecture delivered for Writing Women’s History undergraduate course, Dept. of Gender and Women’s Studies, Glendon College, November 2015.

"The Family and Family Violence," Guest lecture delivered for Introduction to Sociology undergraduate course, Dept. of Sociology, Brock University, January 2010.

"Marxism in the Interwar Period," Guest lecture delivered for Contemporary Social Theory undergraduate course, Dept. of Sociology, Brock University, January 2009.

"Working with Adorno," Read at Historical Materialism first North American conference, York University, April 2008.

"Critical Theory, Materialism and Commodity Aesthetics," Panel organizer, Historical Materialism, York University, April 2008.

"Alienation or Utopia? Adorno’s Critique of Foreign Words," Read at Re-Thinking the Frankfurt School, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University, Toronto, September 2007.

"The Dirempted Human Condition: Labour, Work, and Action in Hannah Arendt," Read at 5th International Social Theory Consortium, York University, Toronto, June 2004.

"Adorno’s Dialectics of Language," Read at Reconciliation, Dialectics, Critique: A Symposium on the Work of T.W. Adorno, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University, May 2002.

"September 11: The Aftermath - An Open Discussion," Panel discussant for open student forum, Glendon College, York University, October 2001.

"Critical Theory and Globalization," Guest lecture delivered for Sociological Theory undergraduate course, Dept. of Sociology, Atkinson College, York University, Toronto, August 2001.

"Language and the Nation: Humboldt and Adorno on the Question of German Identity," Read at Germany in the European Context: New Perspectives in Graduate Studies, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies Graduate Student Symposium, York University, Toronto, March 2001.

"The Chaos of Endless Transition: Party Politics in Post-Soviet Ukraine," Read at Society for Socialist Studies 2000 Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, June 2000.

"The Betrayal of Utopia: Politics and Opacity," Read at Strategies of Critique 14: What is Political? Social and Political Thought Annual Graduate Student Conference, York University, Toronto, March 2000.

"Dialogism and Negative Dialectics: Bakhtin and Adorno on the Politics of Language," Read at the Ninth International Conference on Mikhail Bakhtin, Berlin, Germany, July 1999.

"Speculating (in) Economies: A Revaluation of Irigaray," Read at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sherbrooke, Québec, June 1999.

"From Adorno to Deleuze," Panel Discussant at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sherbrooke, Québec, June 1999.

"La communauté et les contradictions du libéralisme postmoderne de William Connolly," Présenté lors du colloque annuel de la Société québécoise de science politique, Congrès de l’Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences (ACFAS), Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa, mai 1999.

"Labour and Language in Bakhtin and Adorno," Read at the Graduate Research Workshop, Social and Political Thought, York University, Toronto, April 1999.

"Mondex, Gambling, and the Price of Money," Read at Strategies of Critique 13: Superstition, Social and Political Thought Annual Graduate Student Conference, York University, Toronto, March 1999.

"Critical Theory, Habermas, and the Sociological Tradition," Guest lecture delivered in Theories of Society undergraduate course, Dept of Sociology, Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Feb. 1999.

"Marx and Voloshinov on Labour and Language," Read at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, June 1998.

"Contemporary Feminism and the Body," Panel Discussant at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ottawa, June 1998.

"Identity, The Subject, and Justice," Panelist at Strategies of Critique 12: In/Justiced Subjects, Social and Political Thought Annual Graduate Student conference, York University, Toronto, April 1998.

"Habermas and the Gender Division of Labour," Read at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Congress of Learned Societies, St. John’s, Newfoundland, June 1997.

"The End of Knowledge, or the Knowledge of Ends?," Panel Discussant at Strategies of Critique 11, Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought, York University, Toronto, April 1997.

"Sissies and Tomboys: The Role of Sports in Community Building," Organizer and discussant for panel held in conjunction with Pass It On! An Exhibit of Gay and Lesbian Histories, Toronto, October 1995.SPEAKING INVITATIONS (continued)

"Where’s the Patriarchy? Discourse versus Dialogue in Foucault and Habermas," Read at (Re:)Presenting the Political conference, Department of Political Science, York University, April 1992.

"Une critique féministe des conceptions de la domination chez Foucault et chez Habermas," Présenté lors du Colloque pour jeunes chercheurs, Société québécoise de science politique, Montréal, April 1991.

"Alberta Women in Politics: A History," Guest lecture delivered for Women and Politics undergraduate course, Dept. of Political Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, November 1991.

"Women and Political Theory," Guest lecture delivered in Introduction to Political and Social Thought undergraduate course, Dept. of Political Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, February 1990, 1991.

2002    York University-Wide Teaching Award - Teaching Assistant

2022    “From Protest to EDI: Remediating the Student Advocacy Archive,” Collaborator with Dr. Marusya Bociurkiw (Toronto Metropolitan University), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Connections Grant
2016    Teaching Development Grant (Minor), York University/CUPE 3903
2006    Aid to Scholarly Publishing Grant, SSHRC
2003    Achievement Grant, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, York University
2001    Research Group Grant, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies


Spanish (advanced)
German (intermediate)
Ukrainian (basic)