Séminaires et Ateliers

NSERC Live Q&A Webinars 

How to complete a RTI application

Due to COVID-19, NSERC is replacing live webinars with pre-recorded videos followed by live Q&A sessions. This series is meant to assist the research community on how to complete an application using the Research Portal and the NSERC Canadian Common CV (CCV). You will find below the pre-recorded videos as well as the dates for these upcoming live Q&A sessions. New Q&A session dates will be added as they become available on NSERC’s website. 

NSERC has asked that you please view the pre-recorded videos prior to attending a live Q&A session, as the material presented in the videos will not be repeated. 

In order to prepare, NSERC invite you to familiarize yourself with the following documents: 

Pre-registration is not required to attend the live Q&A sessions 

   How to complete an RTI application (English session)  Comment remplir une demande OIR (French session) 
Dates  Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Thursday, October 1, 2020  Thursday, September 10, 2020 Tuesday, September 29, 2020 
Time  1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (ET)  1:00 to 2:00 p.m. (ET) 
Open to  Members of the research community across Canada  Members of the research community across Canada 
Links  Live Q&A for September 8, 2020 Live Q&A for October 1, 2020 


Live Q&A for September 10, 2020 Live Q&A for September 29, 2020 




To foster and enhance the discovery, innovation and training capability of university researchers in the natural sciences and engineering by supporting the purchase of research equipment 

NSERC will only accept requests: 

  • For tools and instruments that form a comprehensive system intended to support NSERC funded research in the natural sciences and engineering.  A comprehensive system is one in which each tool or instrument forms part of an integrated system of operation to support the research program(s).  Requests that bundle unrelated tools and instruments together will not be accepted. 
  • For the purchase of new, used or refurbished equipment, for the repair, upgrade or rental of equipment, or for the fabrication of equipment that is not readily available off the shelf. 
  • For equipment that is purchased or rented after the application deadline. 

Note: Researchers can submit one RTI application per competition, either as an applicant or a co-applicant, but not as both.  This requirement does not apply to Subatomic Physics applicants as their grant applications are reviewed and supported through a different multi-program envelope. 

Up to $150K 

1 year 

Submission of application to ORS for full review: Friday, October 9, 2020 

 Submission of application to ORS for required review: If you prefer NOT to have a full review, please submit the FINAL application and the fully signed ORS Checklist to researchapps@yorku.caand submit the application electronically on the Research Portal by no later than 12noon on Monday, October 26, 2020 for ORS to submit to NSERC.  

Submission of application to agency: October 26, 2020 

Please contact your Faculty Research Officer for information on their internal deadlines. 

For further details on the RTI program, please visit the following link: 


For other resources relating to this program, please see below. 

Instructions: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/ResearchPortal-PortailDeRecherche/Instructions-Instructions/RTIInstruct-SOIInstruct_eng.asp 

Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/_doc/Reviewers-Examinateurs/RTIFAQ-OIRFAQ_eng.pdf 

Peer Review Manual: http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/_doc/Reviewers-Examinateurs/RTI-OIR_eng.pdf 

ORS is accepting electronic applications – the process is outlined here: 


York University researchers are reminded that all applications for external research funding must be reviewed and approved by the Office of Research Services before they are submitted to the granting agency. For internal approval, the application must be accompanied by a completed ORS Checklist, which requires the Chair’s and the Dean’s signatures.