Maria Constanza Guzman


Spanish (Hispanic Studies)

   York Hall 209
   416-736-2100 x 88325

María Constanza Guzmán is full professor in the of Global Communication and Culture, where she teaches in the Spanish and Latin American Cultures and Societies program. She is a member of the graduate program in translation studies (MATS) and the Graduate Program in Humanities. Currently, she is Co-Director of CERLAC (2024-2029) and coordinator of the Research Group on Translation and Transcultural Contact, part of the CRLCC. She currently holds a SSHRC Insight grant for the project "Translators' Archives: Voicing Cultural Agency in Print Culture in the Americas" (2022-2027).

She holds a Ph.D in Comparative Literature from the State University of New York at Binghamton, an MA in Translation from Kent State University (USA) and an undergraduate degree from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She is a translator and a scholar; Her main scholarly interests are translation studies and Latin American literature.

Comparative literature; Latin American Literature; Translation, English / Spanish; Translation Studies; Print culture; Languages, writing practices and translation in the Americas.

PhD: Comparative Literature (State University of New York at Binghamton). MA: English-Spanish Translation (Kent State University). Licenciatura (BA): Filología e idiomas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

RESEARCH AREAS:; contemporary theories of translation; twentieth century Latin America literature; translation pedagogy; translation in the Americas.

Current project:

"Translators' Archives: Voicing Cultural Agency in Print Culture in the Americas" (SSHRC Insight Grant, 2022-2027).


Negotiating Linguistic Plurality: Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond. Co-edited with Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press (2022)Description.

Mapping Spaces of Translation in Twentieth-Century Latin American Print Culture. New York: Routledge, 2020. Publisher's description

Translation into English of the novel La sombra de Heidegger by José Pablo Feinmann. Co-translated into English with Joshua M. Price. Texas Tech University Press. June 2016. Publisher's description.

The View from the Agent: Daniel Simeoni's “traductologies". Co-edited with L. Hébert. Toronto: GREF, June 2015.

Deterritorializing Practices in Literary Studies: Contours of Transdisciplinarity. Co-edited with Alejandro Zamora. Contornos Pub. Toronto, Cuernavaca: York University, Universidad Autónoma de Morelos, December, 2014.

Translation and Literary Studies: Homage to Marilyn Gaddis Rose.Co-edited with Marella Feltrin-Morris and Deborah Folaron. New York: Routledge [originally published in Manchester, U.K., by St. Jerome publishing]January 2012. Publisher's description.

Gregory Rabassa's Latin American Literature: A Translator's Visible Legacy. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press. 2010. Publisher's description.

Journal Articles

"Voces que viajan, narrativas en flujo. Las traductoras y los traductores como agentes de circulación de la literatura latinoamericana". Special issue: Gatekeepers o cómo se produce la literatura latinoamericana mundial. Ed. Ana Gallego Cuiñas and Jorge J. Locane. Revista Chilena de Literatura 105, 2022.

"Translating French Thought for Latin America and the Caribbean: The Case of Cuban Journal Casa de las Américas.La pensée française contemporaine dans le monde : Réception et traduction. Section: Enjeux éthiques et politiques. Ed. Marion Naugrette-Fournier et Bruno Poncharal. Palimpsestes, 35, 2021. pp. 129-142.

“(re)Visiting the Translator's Archive: Toward a Genealogy of Translation in the Americas.”  Dans l’archive des traducteurs. Special issue edited by Patrick Hersant. Palimpsestes. Revue de traduction. No. 34. 2020. pp. 45-58. Full text.

“Introduction” (as guest editor). Translation and/in Periodical Publications. Special issue, Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS) vol. 14, no. 2, 2019, pp. 169-173.

“Translation and Territorial Imaginaries: Vectors of Exchange in the Cuban Casa de las Américas and the Uruguayan Cuadernos de Marcha”. In issue “Territories, Histories, Memories” (eds. Álvaro Echeverri and Georges Bastin), of TTR XXVIII, 1 and 2 (issues dated 2015, published in Fall 2017). 91-108. PDF

"El Caribe se traduce: La traducción como praxis descolonial en las revistas TropiquesBim y Revista Casa de las Américas Mutatis mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de traductología 10.1  2017. PDF

“Translation North and South: Composing the Translator’s Archive.” Special issue: Traduction et conscience sociale/Translation and Social Conscience: Around the Work of Daniel Simeoni. Eds. Hélène Buzelin and Alexis Nouss. TTR : traduction, terminology, rédaction. Vol. 26, No. 2, 2013 (printed in 2016). 171-191. PDF

[Invited contributing editor]. “Introduction” and reviews of translations from the Spanish of works of fiction. Co-authored with Sarah Pollack. Handbook of Latin American Studies: Humanities. Vol 70. Library of Congress. Print edition: Austin: University of Texas Press, 2015. 477-485; 491-511. Also Vol. 72, 2017 (forthcoming)

[Article reprinted by invitation]. “Who do We Teach for? Thinking Translation for Social Awareness in Toronto.” Co-authored with Rosalind Gill. Special Issue: Ethics and the Curriculum. Ed. Mona Baker and Carol Maier. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 5(1): 93-108. 2011.

“Toward a Conceptualization of the Translator’s Legacy." Forma y función. Journal of Linguistics. Universidad Nacional de Colombia 22.1 (2009). 181-201. Published with its Spanish translation: "Para una conceptualización del legado del traductor” Trans. by Ana Marcela Guzmán. Forma y función. 22.1 (2009). 202-223.

“Rabassa and the ‘Narrow Act’: Between Possibility and an Ethics of Doubt.” TTR : traduction, terminology, rédaction Vol. 21, No. 2 (2008). 211-239.

"Introduction." Translation and/in Periodical Publications, special issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 4, 2, 2019. Online info

“Gregory Rabassa: el rastro del traductor.” Traducción/Género/Poscolonialismo. Ed. P. Calefato and P. Godayol. Journal of the Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica. DeSignis 12 (2008).

“Thinking Translation as Cultural Contact: The Conceptual Potential of “Transculturación.” Mutatis mutandis. Revista latinoamericana de traductología 1.2 (2008): 246-257.

“The Spectrum of Translation in Cortázar’s ‘Letter to a Young Lady in Paris’.” Ikala: revista de lenguaje y cultura. Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). 11.17 (2006): 75-86.

"The Craft of a Profession" in collaborative article "Professional Translation Training: A Student Perspective." ATA Chronicle. Nov./Dec., 2000 issue, 31-33.

Book Chapters

"Translation and Print Culture in Latin America." Routledge Handbook of Latin American Translation Studies. Eds. Denise Kripper and Delfina Cabrera (forthcoming).

"Translating (in) Caribbean Periodicals: Negotiating Multilingualism in Print Culture." Negotiating Linguistic Plurality: Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond. Eds. M.C. Guzmán and Ş. Tahir Gürçağlar. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 2022. 107-128.

“La traducción en Casa: el espacio de traducción de la revista Casa de las Américas.” Revistas y redes en la conformación del campo intelectual latinoamericano. Ed. César Zamorano e Ivette Lozoya. Santiago de Chile: Ariadna ediciones2021. 195-210.

“Thinking the Space of Translation in/from the Americas: A Decolonial Approach.” Langues et rapports de force. Les enjeux politiques de la traduction, edited by Céline Letawe, Christine Pagnoulle y Patricia Willson. Collection "Truchements". n. 3. Liège: Presses universitaires de Liège, 2021. pp. 153-165.

“Cartografías intelectuales plurales: la traducción en las revistas latinoamericanas Mito, Casa de las Américas y Crisis” Book chapter for Constelación latinoamericana: intelectuales y escritores entre traducción, crítica y ficción. Ed. Marco Paone. Colección “Pliegos Hispánicos”. Italy: Universitas Studiorum, 2021. pp. 241-260.

Julio Cortázar et Gregory Rabassa: le dialogue des archivesTraduire avec l’auteur : études et documents. Ed. Patrick Hersant. Paris: Sorbonne Université Presses, 2020. pp. 219-235.

“Introduction” and reviews of translation from Spanish to English. (Invited contributing editor to the section on Spanish Translation of Latin American Fiction). Handbook of Latin American Studies: Humanities. Vol. 74. Ed. Katherine McCann. Library of Congress. Print edition: Austin: University of Texas Press2019.

"Translation and North America: A Reframing." Co-authored with L. Hébert. A World Atlas of Translation. Eds. Yves Gambier and Ubaldo Stecconi. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (forthcoming 2019).

Invited book chapter. “Traducción y memoria”. Co-authored with Marta Marín-Domine. In: Palmero González, Elena & Stelamaris Coser (ed). Em torno da memoria: conceitos e relações. Porto Alegre (Brazil): Ed. LETRA 1, 2017. 347-355.

Invited contributing editor. “Introduction” and reviews of translations from the Spanish of works of fiction. Co-authored with Sarah Pollack. Handbook of Latin American Studies: Humanities. Vol 70. Library of Congress. Print edition: Austin: University of Texas Press, 2015. 477-485; 491-511. Also Vol. 72, 2017 (forthcoming)

“Ángel Rama y la traducción como praxis y experiencia americana.” La tradición teórico-crítica en América Latina: mapas y perspectivas. Eds. Irene Fenoglio, Rodrigo Díaz de la Sienra, and Mónica Quijano. México: Bonilla Artigas Editores, 2013. 57-71.

“Jill Levine and the Spider Woman: Translation as Biography.” Historical Textures of Translation: Traditions, Traumas, Transgressions. Ed. Susan Ingram and Markus Reisenleitner. Vienna: Mille Tre Verlag, 2012. 151-162.  

“Translating Latin America: Reading Translators’ Archives.” Translation and Literary Studies. Eds. M. Feltrin-Morris, D. Folaron, and M. C. Guzmán. New York: Routledge [originally published in Manchester, U.K., by St. Jerome publishing]January 2012. 90-100.

“Who do We Teach for? Thinking Translation for Social Awareness in Toronto.” Co-authored with R. Gill. Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism- Traducción/Interpretación y Compromiso Social. Eds. Julie Boéri and Carol Maier. ECOS, Universidad de Granada. Published with Spanish translation by Jesús de Manuel Jerez. (2010).

Other Publications

Edited publications: 

Guest editor. Traducción, special issue of the journal Estudios del discurso (UAEM, México). In preparation. Journal website

Guest editor. Translation and/in Periodical Publications, special issue of Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS). Amsterdam: John Benjamins 4, 2, 2019. Online info

Editor-in-chief of the journal Tusaaji: A Translation Review (first published in 2012). Journal website 


Translation of the play Our Lady of Delicias by David Fancy. From English into Spanish. To be published in volume 3 of Teatro de las tres Américas: escena, política y ficción. México: Ediciones TeatroSinParedes (forthcoming).

Translation of short story. “El baile francés”. From the original “Learning to Tango” by R. Gill. Revista La Palabra. No. 16, February 2012.

Peer-reviewed translation of article. “Language, Experience and Identity: Joan W. Scott and the Theoretical Reorientation of Historical Studies.” By M. A. Cabrera. Co-translated into English with J. M. Price. In: The Question of Gender: Engagements with Joan W. Scott's Critical Feminism. Ed. Judith Butler and Elizabeth Weed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (2011) 38-56.      

Peer-reviewed translation of chapter. “From Ethics to Politics: Toward a New Generation of Citizen Interpreters.” By Jesús de Manuel Jerez. Trans. from the Spanish with R. Gill. Translation/Interpreting and Social Activism- Traducción/Interpretación y Compromiso Social. Eds. Julie Boéri and Carol Maier. ECOS, Universidad de Granada. (2010).

Peer reviewed translation of article. “Miradas de contrapunto sobre Colombia: notas desde el norte sobre una exposición de fotografía colombiana contemporánea”. By Joshua Price. Translated with the author. Pensamiento y Acción. (2008)

Peer reviewed translation of article. Translation. “Lenguas híbridas, traducción y desafíos poscoloniales.” Original article by J. M. Price published in Translation Perspectives XI. (SUNY-CRIT: 2000). Trans. into Spanish with M. Pulido. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura. 12.18 (2007): 61-93. 

Peer reviewed translation of article. "Europe: Both Needed and in Need" by Fernando Savater. In Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe: Transatlantic Relations After the Iraq War. Ed. Max Pensky et al. London: Verso Press, 2005.

Translation of book: Art of Drawing: The Complete Course. (Trans. with O. Martin). New York: Sterling Publishing, 2004.

Interviews and shorter pieces:

Invited contribution. "Adiós a Gregory Rabassa: Translator Extraordinaire." META. 61, 2, Oct 2016, p. 251

Invited contribution. "Remembering Professor Marilyn Gaddis Rose." Source: A Quarterly of the ATA’s Literary Division. No. 66. Winter 2015-16, page 30-34.

Interview. "Aprender a traducir entre culturas". Conducted and published in Impronta 11: Traducción, aprendizaje y oficio. Boletín de la Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). April, 2014 (2-3). Full text

"Fluency, Recollections: a Testimonial" Co-authored with Peter Chin. Tusaaji: A Translation Review. Vol. 2, No. 2. 2013. pp. 78-83. Full text.   

"El traductor de Alexander Pushkin, 'el habitante del otoño'." (an interview with translator Rubén Darío Flórez). Mutatis Mutandis. Vol. 4, No. 2. 2011. pp. 253-267. 

An interview with Suzanne Jill Levine. Words Without Borders. October 2009. Full Text.    

Book reviews:

Review of the translation of Spiral of Silence, a novel by Elvira Sánchez-Blake, translated from Spanish into English by Lorena Terando. Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature (forthcoming).

Review of Haroldo de Campos: In Conversation. Eds. Bernard McGuirk and Else R. P. Vieira. London: Zoilus Press, 2009. In Revista Iberoamericana. Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. University of Pittsburgh. 78 (241). 1079-1081. 2012.

Review of Translation and the Rise of Inter-American Literature. By Elizabeth Lowe and Earl Fitz. University Press of Florida, 2007. In Revista Iberoamericana. Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. University of Pittsburgh. 75(229). 2009. 1302-1305.

Review of Granada: A Novel. By: Radwa ‘Ashour. Translated by William Granara, Foreword by María Rosa Menocal. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2003. In Arab Studies Journal. Georgetown University, Washington (DC), USA, Fall 2005/Spring. 129-132. 2006.

Conference proceedings: 

Reflections of a Translated World: Selected Papers from the Fourth Glendon Graduate Student Conference. Co-edited with Alexia Papadopoulos and Maya Worth. Toronto: York University, 2016.

Article in conference proceedings.“The Translator as Participant-Creator.” Presented at Sexto Simposio de Traducción, Interpretación y Terminología – Cuba y Canadá. With Rosalind Gill (2006).

Other creative and artistic work:

Performance in the interdisciplinary piece Fluency, by choreographer Peter Chin, artistic director of Tribal Crackling Wind (Toronto, 2011).

Translation and Intellectual history in the Americas: A study of the translation praxis of selected Latin American and Caribbean cultural journals during the XXth century. (2012-present)

Research Group on Translation and Transcultural Contact - RGTTC (CFI grant and project).

Voces de traductores/Translator’s Voices: A Critical Account of Latin American Literature in Translation. (2006-2010)

Participant and international advisor. Research project: La construcción del saber del traductor, leading to the development of an MA in translation pedagogy. Project initiator and coordinator: M. Pulido. Sponsored by: Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia) 2006-2009.

Participant. Project: MA en traductologie appliquée anglais-français-espagnol offert par l'Internet. Project leader: Marie-Christine Aubin. Funding agency: FODEFAD (Ministère de l'Éducation de l'Ontario, Toronto Canada)
