Students in degree and/or certificate programs at York University may take courses at other universities for transfer credits provided the Faculty, department and/or program in which they are currently registered approves such courses in advance. The approval is subject to individual Faculty, department, and/or program regulations and is granted in the form of a Letter of Permission (LOP), issued by the Office of the University Registrar.

Please review the conditions below as there have been changes to the Letter of Permission policy.

Conditions for a Letter of Permission for Non-York University Courses


  1. Students must be enrolled in a York degree and/or certificate program, have completed 18 credits at York, and be in good academic standing at the University at the time they apply for an LOP.
  2. Courses meeting the following requirements are not eligible for letter of permission:
    • Courses at the 3000 or 4000 levels
    • Courses that meet major requirements
    • Courses that meet General Education requirements
  3.  Students may not take a course credit exclusion (CCE) on an LOP for a course already completed at York.
  4. Students may take no more than 18 credits on LOP over the course of a degree program.
  5. Students must be registered at York while they are on an LOP at another institution.
  6. An LOP will not be processed if there are outstanding debts on a student’s University account. Please contact Glendon Student Financial Services.

Important Notes

  1. Results of “Pass” or “Credit Achieved” at the host will not be accepted for transfer credit to a York degree. A minimum of 60 per cent or equivalent is required for credit.
  2. Courses and grades achieved at the host are not listed on the York transcript or included in the York grade point average (GPA).
  3. Students wishing to receive government aid (ex. OSAP) for these courses should consult Glendon Student Financial Services.

Student’s Responsibilities

  1. Apply for, and be granted, a Letter of Permission from the Glendon Office of Academic Services before enrolling at the other university
  2. Apply as a visiting student to the university indicated in this Letter of Permission by their specified deadline. Applications should be accompanied by one copy of this form.
  3. Should enrolment/registration circumstances change, that is, the course(s) the student is requesting on an LOP is/are not available, they immediately contact their Faculty, program or department in order to request approval for any replacement course(s).
  4. An official transcript is forwarded to the Office of the University Registrar at York University as soon as final grades are available from the host institution.

How to complete this form

Students must return the form along with course descriptions and a non-refundable fee of $50 payable with cash or credit card. The package can be returned to Academic Services, York Hall C102, scanned and emailed to, or submitted online using the online submission form below. Processing of requests for a Letter of Permission normally takes 3 to 5 business days once the application is received by the office of Academic Services.

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