If you are using one the Generative AI tools (Chat GPT, Llama, Gemini, etc.) to help create your letter, remember:

1. You should NOT submit what is produced without editing it;

2. You need to ADD the details specific to your case.  The committee needs to know dates and circumstances, and it needs to hear YOUR voice;

3. Petition letters lacking the necessary details will lead to unsucessful petitions – while you can use LLMs to help create a draft, they should onlybe used as a tool to get you started. 

A petition is a formal written request submitted by the student to waive a Faculty’s academic regulation, degree requirement or academic deadline. Before initiating a petition, you are advised to review the University and Faculty rules and regulations in the Undergraduate Calendar.

Considering a petition or appeal? We encourage you to speak to an academic advisor.


The information on this page only applies to Glendon College undergraduate students.
Students in other Faculties should refer to the following websites:

Please read the information below regarding types of petition you can submit.

  • Waive debarment/waive required withdrawal
    Regulation 32 from Undergraduate Calendar
  • Add course(s) after the published deadline(s)
  • Drop course(s) from the transcript
  • Exemption from deadline to submit a deferred standing/an extension of deferred standing
  • Exemption from deadline to submit a request for grade reappraisal
    NOTE: This petition should be submitted to the Faculty responsible for the course.
  • Exemption from deadline to submit a request for pass/fail option
  • Exemption from deadline to submit a request from pass/fail option to grade option
    Senate Pass/Fail Grades (Policy)
  • Exemption from a degree requirement (waiver)
  • Course repeat (beyond the maximum of three attempts per course)
  • Other (i.e. other Faculty regulations and/or deadlines)

For financial petitions, please consult financial services.

If you are a Glendon student, you can submit your petition, and all relevant documentation, in person to Academic Services: York Hall C102 (or, if the counter is closed, you can submit your petition through the dropbox in York Hall C106).
If you are unable to come in person, you can also submit your petition by email to acadservices@glendon.yorku.ca.
Remember that it is strongly recommended that you meet with an advisor, who can review your petition with you, prior to submitting it.


Glendon Petitions Committee Procedures

The Glendon Petitions Committee is responsible for reviewing the following types of petitions:

i. Petitions submitted by a Glendon student for a waiver of a published regulation,
requirement, or deadline;

ii. Petitions submitted by any student enrolled in a Glendon course for a grade reappraisal that has been refused at the departmental level.

The petitions process is always confidential. Every reasonable attempt is also made to consider petitions anonymously.

If a member of the Committee is directly involved in a case, or has a conflict of interest for other reasons, that member shall not participate in the consideration of that case.

Voting members:

  • Three faculty members elected by Glendon Faculty Council
  • Three students elected by Glendon Student Caucus

Non-voting members and attendees:

  • Principal, Glendon College
  • Chair, Glendon Faculty Council
  • Secretary, Glendon Faculty Council
  • Governance and Records Officer, Glendon

  1. The petition must be written by the student and submitted in person or by e-mail to Academic Services, YH C106 or acadservices@glendon.yorku.ca.
  2. A submitted petition that includes all mandatory documentation will be seen at the next possible Petitions Committee meeting, unless the student submits a written request to Academic Services that the petition be removed from consideration at least three business days before the Committee meeting date.
  3. If a student has submitted a petition that does not include all mandatory documentation, the student will be advised that the petition will be not be forwarded to the Committee for review.
  4. The Secretary of the Petitions Committee and/or Governance and Records Officer, who review petitions before presenting them to the Committee, reserve the right to request background information from teaching units or departments involved in a petition and to request additional documentation from the student.
  5. Whenever it is deemed relevant, the Secretary of the Petitions Committee or Governance and Records Officer may disclose the following information to the members of the Petitions Committee:a) The student’s academic record, including year level, academic status, and grades in course(s) taken in the relevant term(s),b) Any previous warnings or advice given by the Petitions Committee as a result of any previous petition submitted by the student.
  6. The Committee may vote to grant or refuse a petition, to table the petition for additional information or documentation, or may, in some cases, vote to grant an alternative solution.
  7. The student will be informed in writing of the Committee’s decision. The decision letter will be sent, as an attachment, to the e-mail address on file in the Student Information System (SIS). A petition letter may also include warnings or advice from the Committee, which may be considered in reviewing any future petition submitted by the student.
  8. Students are permitted access to all documentation in their petition. Requests to obtain a copy of the contents of a petition file can be submitted by email to acadservices@glendon.yorku.ca.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding your petition, please contact Academic Services.