Make an Appointment with an Advisor The Academic Advising team is available daily on Zoom or in person. Please submit the form below to connect with the Academic Advising team. Please be as detailed as possible. Tell us more about you: I'm a new Glendon student I'm a current Glendon student I'm a student at another faculty at York Are you planning to switch into a program at Glendon? Yes No Have you attended your mandatory Enrolment Appointment?* No, I have not yet attended my enrolment appointment. Yes, I attended my appointment and I have more questions. What is your year level?* Year 1 (Earned 0 to 23 credits) Year 2 (Earned 24 to 53 credits) Year 3 (Earned 54 to 83 credits) Year 4 (Earned 84 credits or more) Are you currently in or about to enter your final year of study?* Yes, this will be my final year No Student Number*Name* First Last From which degree program are you expecting to graduate? Please specify: - Honours (120) or Bachelor (90) - Bilingual Degree or Flexible Language BA - Single Major, Specialized Major, Double Major, Major/Minor - Any optional Certificates In which language would you like to receive service?* English French Appointment preference* In person appointment Online appointment on Zoom What would you like to discuss with an advisor?* Remaining credits in my graduating year Grades, petitions, academic standing Course enrolment Degree planning / degree requirements Program change Questions about my Concurrent B.Ed requirements Other - I have a general question Additional Information*Please provide as much detail as possible regarding your inquiry.