Students who left Glendon in good standing (eligible to continue) and have not taken any courses at another institution in their absence may reactivate their file.
If you have taken courses at another post-secondary institution, you must meet with an advisor to discuss your options.
Students who fail a year and wish to return to Glendon College may reactivate their file, but should meet with an advisor to discuss their academic standing.
Students who have been debarred and who wish to resume their studies at Glendon must apply for re-admission through the Office of Admissions. They must provide persuasive evidence that they are ready and able to complete a degree program. Students who are readmitted will be placed on Academic Probation with a limit on the number of credits which they are allowed to enrol in.
Deadlines and Submission
Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible for reactivation of their records. As a result of space limitations, some programs may close prior to the session and enrolment restrictions may be enforced. Applicants will be reactivated for the next available session. You will be advised once your records have been activated.