2007. with Anne St-Amand. “A real-time window on 19th-century vernacular French: The Récits du français québécois d’autrefois”.
2007. with Elisabete Malvar. “Elucidating the transition period in linguistic change: The expression of the future in Brazilian Portuguese”.
2006. with Rebecca Malcolmson & James A. Walker. “An English ‘like no other’?
2006. with Martin Elsig. “Transplanted dialects and language change: question formation in Quebec”.
2005. with Sali Tagliamonte. Back to the present: Verbal–s in the (African American) English Diaspora
2003. with Gerard Van Herk. Rewriting the past: Bare verbs in the Ottawa Repository of Early African American Correspondence
2001. “Variability, frequency, and productivity in the irrealis domain of French”.
2001. Code-switching (linguistic)
2000. The English History of African American English. Language and Society Series; 28.
1999. with Sali Tagliamonte. The grammaticization of going to in (African American) English
1999. with Kate Beeching, Marjory Meechan, Mark Sebba, Rajendra Singh, Thomas Stolz, Sarah Thomason & Donald Winford. Peer Commentaries on « Borrowing and Shift-Induced Interference: Contrasting Patterns in French-Germanic Contact. »
1998. with Marjory Meechan. How Languages Fit Together in Codemixing
1997. with Svitlana Budzhak-Jones. Two Generations, Two Strategies: The Fate of Bare English–origin Nouns in Ukrainian
1997. with Ejke Eze & Sali Tagliamonte. “Plural marking patterns in Nigerian Pidgin English”.
1995. with Meechan, Marjory. Orphan Categories in Bilingual Discourse: Adjectivization Strategies in Wolof-French and Fongbe-French
1993. Variation theory and language contact.
1993. with Sali Tagliamonte. “The zero-marked verb: testing the Creole hypothesis”.
1990. with David Sankoff & Swathi Vanniarajan. “The case of the nonce loan in Tamil”.
1989. Distinguishing Language Contact Phenomena: Evidence from Finnish-English Bilingualism.
1988. with David Sankoff and Christopher Miller. “The social correlates and linguistic processes of lexical borrowing and assimilation”.
1988. « Statut de langue et accommodation langagière le long d’une frontière linguistique ».
1988. with Sali Tagliamonte. How Black English « Past » Got to the Present: Evidence from Samana.
1987. with David Sankoff. “The Philadephia Story in the Spanish Caribbean”.
1984. Contrasting Patterns of Code-Switching in Two Communities.
1981. with David Sankoff. A Formal Grammar for Code-Switching.
1981. “Syntactic Structure and Social Function of Codeswitching”.
1980. Variable Concord in Sentential Plural Marking. Centro Working Papers 6.
1980. A Formal Grammar for Code-Switching. CENTRO Working Papers 8.
1980. “The notion of the plural in Puerto Rican Spanish: Competing constraints on (s) deletion”.
1979. « Sometimes I’ll Start a Sentence in Spanish Y TERMINO EN ESPANOL »: Toward a Typology of Code-Switching. CENTRO Working Papers, No. 4.
1978. Dialect Acquisition among Puerto Rican Bilinguals