1. French for academic purposes
The Glendon FSL program focuses on French for Academic purposes. This means that by the end of the Program students will be able to use the language appropriately in their area of study.
2. Action-oriented/Task based approach
In the FSL Program students learn French through an action-oriented approach. That is, across all levels, rather than simply writing vocabulary lists and completing repetitive grammar exercises, students practice the language orally and in writing by accomplishing a variety of goal–oriented tasks. Students participate in weekly discussion groups on a variety of topics where it is expected that they will interact with their peers in French.
3. Oral and written genres
Our instructional approach is based on exploiting different oral and written genres found in a university setting through the analysis of linguistic and discursive aspects. (Genres include portraits, debates, editorials, scientific articles, etc.)
4. Learning strategies
We integrate into all our courses the development of learning strategies to allow students to become autonomous learners and to identify the strategies and skills that work best for them so that they are better able to monitor their own progress.
5. Experiential education
Living the French language is at the heart of our Centre: we believe that in-class instruction must necessarily be accompanied by out-of-class experiences in the language. Students are encouraged to take advantage of numerous experiential education opportunities, including the Salon francophone de Glendon, Explore, Ontario Rhône-Alpes (ORA), York International and FSL2200, the opportunity to complete an internship with a Francophone governmental or non governmental organization operating in Toronto or an internship in Chambery, France.