The objective of the program is to create as much of an immersion-like atmosphere as possible so that participants are exposed to the French language at all times. Participants will be encouraged by teachers and monitors to speak their second language in their classrooms and during all activities.
The program is for all levels – beginners to advanced. Prior to the start of the program, participants will be given a placement test that will determine their level and place them in a class accordingly. Classes are taught by instructors who are not only sensitive to their language needs, but also qualified, experienced, and current in second language methodology.
All four skills will be taught; however, emphasis will be placed on listening and speaking skills. At the graduation ceremony, participants will receive their certificate of completion.
Age Requirement: Must be at least 19 years of age
Dates: May 20 to June 21, 2025
Duration: 5 weeks
Format: In-person
Age Requirement: Must be between the ages of 13 to 15
- Session 1: June 30 to July 18, 2025
- Session 2: July 21 August 9, 2025
Duration: 3 weeks
Format: In-person
In order to qualify for funding, you must meet BOTH of the following criteria:
Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident (those studying in Canada on a student visa are not eligible); and
Meet the institution’s minimum age requirement by the time Explore begins (13–15, 16–17, or 19+).
You must also meet ONE of the following criteria depending on your age:
Have been a part-time or full-time student for at least one term during the current school year; or
Have been an Odyssey participant within the last two years.
Not Eligible?
No problem! Glendon accepts participants who can cover their own expenses.
Find out more about our IMMERSION PROGRAM here.